Article in Press
In Malawi, tobacco production has been increasing at a decreasing rate coupled with many agroecological and monetary challenges. This trend has negatively affected the country and the farmers who depend on tobacco for the welfare of their citizenry and among themselves, respectively. Specifically, the welfare of the tobacco farmers has been decreasing and the income distribution among and between them has been increasing....
Article in Press
Despite the government interventions to reduce fluctuations of agricultural food prices to improve consumer household welfare in Kenya, price variability of the selected agricultural cereal commodities has continued to have more substantial impact on household food expenditure especially among the poor households. This study sought to determine consumer responsiveness to price fluctuations of selected agricultural cereal...
Impact of covid-19 lockdown on prices of rice in Andhra Pradesh, India
Article in Press
The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly impacted the rice market in the Godavari and Krishna zones of Andhra Pradesh, India, with disruptions arising from the nationwide lockdown coinciding with the harvest season. This study examines the price dynamics of rice in wholesale and retail markets during pre- and post-lockdown periods, using secondary daily price data collected from 762 observations each for wholesale and retail...
Article in Press
Coffee certification is a new approach aimed at enhancing productivity for both smallholder and large coffee farmers in Kenya. It holds significant potential in ensuring access to global markets and competitive prices. However, smallholder farmers face challenges due to a productivity gap stemming from traditional farming practices. Given the coffee sector’s importance to rural livelihoods and export earnings, it is...
Article in Press
Coffee is an extensively consumed crop grown everywhere in the world. It has become a vital agricultural crop in more than 80 tropical international locations with an anticipated 125 million human beings depending on coffee production. The purpose of this study was modeling clustered longitudinal factors on Arabica coffee bean yield at Oromia region using a linear mixed model. Data were obtained from Central Statistical...
Article in Press
Entrepreneurial behaviours of rural households in Ohaozara Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria seem not to have been empirically documented. In order to address the gap, the study described the socio-economic characteristics of the rural households; characterized the entrepreneurial activities of the rural households; and explored the entrepreneurial behaviour of the rural households. A multistage sampling...
Article in Press
This study investigates the determinants of the adoption of irrigated wheat production technology in the North Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. A descriptive research design was used for the study. Both a qualitative and quantitative research approach was used. The study also employed multi-stage sampling techniques and data was gathered from 384 respondents. In this case, both primary and secondary data were...
Cassava farmer's income, technical efficiency and food security in Cameroons
Article in Press
The aim of this paper is to shed light on the role of income in the causal relationship between agricultural technical efficiency and food security. To achieve this, we used data collected from 1233 cassava-producing households in Cameroon about the 2017/2018 agricultural season. We mobilized the DEA method to estimate the household efficiency score. We also mobilized the household dietary diversity score (HDDS) to report...
Article in Press
Agriculture has been historically the most important sector to Mozambique’s economy. It is the main income source for nearly 67% of the active labor. Nevertheless, the reality is that nearly five decades since the country’s independence, agriculture is yet dominated by subsistence-oriented smallholder farmers (SHFs). Over the years the sector has undergone through several government agendas focusing on reducing poverty by...
Article in Press
This study investigates the technical, allocative, and economic efficiency of maize farmers in Assosa Woreda, Ethiopia. Hence, the analysis utilizes a stochastic frontier Cobb-Douglas production function alongside a two-limit Tobit regression model. We conducted structured interviews with 203 household heads during the 2021/2022 production year. The findings indicate that the mean technical, allocative, and economic...
Article in Press
Cassava is a multifunctional crop. It grows in marginalized arid and semi-arid regions characterized by long periods of drought and consistent crop failure. In Kenya, cassava is a staple crop and ranks second most important root crop after the Irish potato. Nevertheless, there is a low cassava value addition in Kenya. This study therefore establishes factors influencing smallholder farmers’ decision to participate in...
Article in Press
This study examined how second-level land certification (SLLC) affects farmers' sense of security over their land in East Dembia, Ethiopia. SLLC is a policy intended to improve landholder livelihoods. Researchers compared kebeles with SLLC to similar kebeleswithout it. They used a mix of surveys and discussions with farmers to gather data. The analysis suggests SLLC has a positive impact on farmers' perceived tenure...
Article in Press
This study analysed the extent to which differences in household factor endowments, socio-economic characteristics and agricultural practices explain average land productivity in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The study was based on primary data (cross sectional), collected through structured questionnaire administered on 150 randomly selected smallholder farmers. Secondary data were also obtained by reviewing...
Article in Press
The study examined the resource productivity and allocative efficiency in improved cassava-based mixed cropping system in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to select 120 respondents (comprising 60 adopters and 60 non-adopters of improved cassava-based mixed cropping system) to whom structured questionnaires were administered. Inferential statistics involving the Cobb-Douglas production...
Pig value chain in selected rural communities in sierra leone
Article in Press
This qualitative study was conducted to evaluate the current status of the pig value chain, identify key challenges, and recommend interventions that would lead to a sustainable increase in incomes, food and nutrition security of pig farmers and other chain actors. The study was conducted in five (5) districts consisting of Bo, Port Loko, Bombali, Tonkolili and Western Rural. A total of twenty-five communities were...
Article in Press
This research delves into the intricate dynamics of the economic feasibility of the various dietary treatments by calculating the Income Over Feed Costs (IOFC) in smallholder dairy farms in; Bomet, Nyandarua, and Nyeri, focusing on the optimization of milk production through strategic dietary supplementation. The study, conducted across diverse regions scrutinizes the economic implications of varying levels of experimental...
Article in Press
The study was conducted in the towns of Ambo and Waliso with the main objective of assessing the types, technology use practices, and challenges faced by urban agriculture producers. It focused on all types of urban agricultural practices and related activities carried out in cities. The study used descriptive methods with qualitative survey data. Producers in urban agriculture have adopted and used various agricultural...
Article in Press
Banana cultivation is economically significant in most tropical countries of Africa including Nigeria. However, inherent gender disparities, rooted in socio-cultural norms affect opportunities along the value chain, with implications for mitigating Banana Bunchy Top Disease (BBTD). A mixed-method research approach including problem tree analysis and focus group discussions (FGD) was employed to gather data from 124 farmers...
Article in Press
Stages in human development such as childhood, adolescence, and adulthood as well as state of health, work, or activities, and sickness require specific daily food nutrients. This study assessed farm household’s level of awareness and practice of healthy daily nutrition in Afikpo North Local Government Area (LGA) of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was used to collect primary data. Analytical tools...
Article in Press
The study aims to address the question of impact of aid supply on sustainable development. The paper selectively reviews existing body of literature on governance and leadership problems affecting aggregate aid availability. The findings retain the basic idea that donors allocate aid to increasing number of countries with weak governance and leadership structures. As a result, only a fraction of the aid money reaches the...
Article in Press
Cocoa is Cameroon’s top non-oil export commodity and many farmers especially in the Southwest Region depend on it for their survival. However, the region experiences low production and poverty principally because of financial exclusion. Thus, this study mainly examines the implication of financial inclusion for agricultural production among cocoa producers in the Southwest region of Cameroon. Using semi-structured...
Nexus between financial instability variables and Economic Growth in East African countries
Article in Press
The study analyzed the interactions between, credit to GDP ratio, Money supply to GDP ratio, Debt to GDP ratio, Inflation rate, and Economic Growth in optimal stabilization outcome for financial variables while the interaction of these financial variables affects the normal stability of the economy as a whole. We employed PVAR modeling to show the interaction between financial instability in 12 East African countries from...
Article in Press
This article assesses the contribution of 6 main agricultural cooperatives as an institutional organization that can contribute to reducing the overuse of agrochemical pesticides (APs). Using a multistage sampling technique, 560 producers of 6 main cooperatives were selected, based on a survey conducted from May 2020 to July 2021 in seven subdivisions of the Western Region of Cameroon. Various approaches, including the...
Article in Press
Passion fruit is one of the high value horticultural crops cultivated by smallholder farmers because of high returns. The enterprise is gaining inroads in the predominantly cereal growing areas of North Rift. Its production has not been intensified since farmers grow few vines, but they are now forming passion fruit producer and marketing groups. However, the contribution of collective action is not clear. This informed...
Article in Press
Achieving national food security and diversifying export earnings from agricultural products is one of the major challenges currently facing developing countries like Ethiopia. Rice is considered as the “Millennium crop” expected to contribute to ensuring food security in the country. Despite the high production potential and the economic importance of the crop, adoption and dissemination of an improved rice variety is...
Article in Press
This study analysed the levels of technical efficiency using a cross-sectional data collected from 288 irrigated and non-irrigated potato producers in east Gojjam zone of Ethiopia. The results revealed that there were potato production technical inefficiencies among sample farm households. The tobit model results indicated that access to irrigation, loan size, extension contact, livestock holding, agro-ecology,...
Article in Press
Soil degradation is increasingly becoming a problem for agricultural production due to poor production practices. The search for solutions to this phenomenon has led producers to adopt sustainable land management (SLM) strategies proposed by projects and programs. This study aims to evaluate the effect of SLM measures on the economic efficiency of maize producers who are beneficiaries of the Projet de Résiliences aux...
Article in Press
This study analyzed the levels of allocative efficiency using a cross-sectional data collected from randomly selected 288 irrigated and non-irrigated potato producers in east Gojjam zone of Ethiopia..The stochastic frontier analysis results revealed the existence of potato production allocative inefficiencies among sample farm households. Tobit model was used to identify factors affecting allocative efficiency. The tobit...
Article in Press
Tef is the most common crop produced in Ethiopia. It is the main stable food as well as income generation source. Though tef production is interesting, its productivity is low due to different tef production and market factors. The objective of this paper was to identify factors affecting tef market participation decision and level of market participation of tef producers. For this study, a multi-stage sampling technique...
Adoption of Improved Chickpea Technologies in the Northern Western Ethiopian Highlands
Article in Press
Efforts have been made on promoting improved chickpea technologies. However, the result is not that much impressive. This study aimed to analyze drivers of technology adoption. 224 respondents were used for this study. Multivariate Probit (MVP) and Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) models were employed. The results from MVP model, marginal success probability of adoption decision were 60%, 19%, and 17% for a variety,...
Article in Press
This study aimed at determining the current level of group membership and the determinants of farmers’ decision to join farmers’ groups in Uganda. Using multistage and simple random sampling techniques, we collected data from 374 maize farmers in Kiryandongo district, western Uganda. Data collection involved interviews between the trained enumerators and the farmers. Data were then entered into SPSS template and then...
Article in Press
The study was conducted to identify the major wheat market channels and analyze determinants of wheat producers’ market outlet choice decision in Debre Elias Woreda of rural Ethiopia. The study used a cross sectional research design to address the intended problem. The data was obtained from primary sources which were collected from a total of 210 respondents selected by using random sampling technique for both producers...
Article in Press
After the droughts of the 1970s, the so called zaï technique (small water harvesting pits), which is a water harvesting technique, has been promoted to farmers in several Sahelian countries to allow rainfed crops to adapt to dry spells. Its temporal diffusion remains a subject of little research. This study highlights the determinants of zaï diffusion in the Sahelian and Sudano-Sahelian zones in Burkina Faso. It is based...
Article in Press
The aim of this paper is to analyze the contribution of Public foreign Debt for Ethiopian economic growth from 1991/92 to 2018/19 using ARDL model. The result indicates that debt service payment and debt service export earnings ratio has adverse effect though it’s trivial in Ethiopian economic growth while the total public foreign debt stock to real GDP has a negative and substantial consequence on real GDP. ADF test...
Technical and economic repository for the collection and transport of raw milk in Niger.
Article in Press
The aim is to provide actors (Raw milk collectors and processors) in the collection and processing link of the milk value chain with a tool to support activity in a simple and precise manner. The process described here is based on taking (collecting) raw milk from the production area to the processing and /or marketing area. The source of raw milk supply is the agro-pastoralist farms in rural areas. The considered...
Article in Press
Currently, a total of 287,184 COVID-19 cases and 4482 deaths have been recorded in Ethiopia, still with a distressing incremental distribution rate. Despite the current fast spread and the inadequate responses of government, organizations, and peoples, the pandemic COVID-19 impacts further trigger the social, political, and economic complexity, which induce the slowdown of economic growth plus the current economic crises...
Effect of agricultural credit rationing on repayment Performance: a two stage tobit regression
Article in Press
The risk in extending agricultural credit is the probability that future payment by the beneficiary will not be made. Moreover, past studies on agricultural credit repayment among farmers stressed that high default rate is a growing concern, and hence, lending to farmers by financial institutions is beginning to prove very difficult. However, past studies showed increasing focus of attention on socio-economic...
Milk Market Participation Decision of Households in Asayita District of Afar Region, Ethiopia
Article in Press
A total of 123 sample respondents was selected using two stage random sampling procedure to collect primary data via interview-based questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical tools and econometrics models (Probit mode). Results revealed that, 58.54% of the respondents did not participate in cow milk market supply, while 41.46% participated in the milk market by supplying different quantities of cow...
A critical analysis of factors influencing child labour in onion production, Ghana
Article in Press
The incidence of child labor in onion farming in Garu has received less attention at the local and national levels. The study examined factors influencing child labor in onion production in Garu in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Primary data were collected from the onion farmers, children involved in onion farming, staff of institutions responsible for ensuring the welfare of children and teachers in Garu-Tempane...
Article in Press
China’s presence and influence in West Africa is on the rise, given China’s colossal investment in the sub-region’s economy. It is against this background that am impact assessment is conducted by measuring the deviation between the baseline equilibrium against the policy scenarios of low and high agriculture technology transfer. The results of the study exemplify that for an effective impact on agriculture technology...
Article in Press
The study in this paper investigated the remittance receipts, income sources, total income, poverty status, and the drivers of poverty among yam farming households in Oyo State. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to select 243 rural yam farmers. A questionnaire was used to generate the data used and then analysed using descriptive statistics, Gini coefficients, the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) poverty measure,...
Effects of Regional Trade Policy on Tariff Revenue: Evidence from Latent Gains/Losses by Nigeria
Article in Press
The study identified all Nigeria’s products of trade, with a view to ascertaining and computing volumes of net trade and corresponding latent gains and or losses sustained in pursuit of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) trade policy objectives. Data were soured from United Nations Commodity Trade (UNComtrade), via Trade Analysis and Information System Window. The inherent most-favored-nations tariffs were...
Article in Press
Introduction: most developing countries rely on agriculture for employment creation and income generating activities and the output from agriculture is also high compared to other sectors of the economy. However access to microcredit service is the bottle neck problem and this study addresses the determinants of micro-credit use among small-scale farmers in Ethiopia at a specific woreda of Raya kobo. Methodology: This...
The diversification of global agribusiness trade from 2000-2019
Article in Press
Agricultural trade is closely interconnected with a range of food security and development related issues in the case of developing countries. In this regard, diversification of both trade partners and products traded can play an important role in terms of strengthening food security concerning imports, but also as a means to create a more resilient basket of exports. This article analyses the diversification of global...
Agricultural services on the Demand and Supply for improving agricultural productivity in Benin
Article in Press
The Beninese government has undertaken far-reaching reforms in the agricultural service supply in Benin since 2016. The objective of the article was to assess the level of satisfaction of the agricultural services supply and demand and to analyse the determinants of the level of satisfaction of agricultural services in Benin. The primary data used provided from entire national territory by taking into account all...
Article in Press
Kenya's dairy industry is the largest and one of the most successful in Africa. Private sector dominates the sector and milk production is majorly from small-scale farms. Despite the policies in place for the dairy subsector, smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya still exhibit poor economic status mostly attributed to inefficiencies and inadequacies in production and commercialization that differs from farmer to farmer. This...
Economic Impact of DroughtTEGO® Hybrid Maize in Kenya
Article in Press
This paper utilizes the Economic Surplus Model (ESM) to provide an ex-post evaluation of the economic impact of drought tolerant hybrid maize technology in Kenya. Results indicate that the adoption of DroughtTEGO® varieties will generate economic benefit to producers with a net present value of US$ 2.1 billion over a 20-year period. These benefits are sustainable when adoption levels remain above 32% and yield advantage at...
Article in Press
In Zambia, droughts and floods have increased both in frequency and intensity. The main objective of this study was to assess smallholder farmers adaptation to climate extremes and the determinants in Southern Zambia. A total of 270 smallholder farmers were sampled using Cochran’s single proportion method and primary data was collected using structured questionnaires. The study results showed that the majority of the...
Tackling Expected Poverty among Maize Farmers in Northern Ghana: The Role of Weedicide Adoption
Article in Press
The study investigated the effect of weedicide adoption on households’ chances of being transiently and chronically poor, using a panel data from the three rounds of the Northern Region maize farmers’ survey undertaken in 2009, 2010 and 2011 by the Innovation for Poverty Action. A sample of 1017 households was used for this study. The ex-ante mean and variance consumption were estimated by applying the three-stage Feasible...
Effect of Healthcare Accessibility on Cocoa Farmers' Food Security in Ondo State, Nigeria
Article in Press
Effect of healthcare accessibility on cocoa farmers’ food security explored latest research from the economic, medical and food security literature concerning the eminence of care, physical accessibility, cost, availability of the right type of care for those in need, and its significances on food security, with a focus on healthcare personnel availability. A multistage (five-stage) sampling procedure was employed to...
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