African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0786
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEST
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 1135

AJEST Articles

Characterization of healthcare waste in Tanzanian zonal referral hospitals as a key factor for energy recovery

September 2021

In this study, healthcare waste (HCW) generated in four referral hospitals in Tanzania namely: Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC), Bugando Medical Center (BMC) and Tumbi Regional Referral Hospital (TRRH) was characterized to establish its feasibility for energy recovery. The HCW collected and loaded into the incinerators was weighed and its composition determined (as highly...

Author(s): P. R. Mwaria, M. E. Kaseva and S. V. Manyele

Physicochemical and metal quality evaluation of the ground water of the chief town of Sinthiou Maléme Commune in Tambacounda (Senegal)

September 2021

In underdeveloped countries, particularly, medium rural areas, the subsoil waters constitute an invaluable resource. However, they remain fragile and vulnerable because of demographic pressure, uncontrolled exploitation of discharges, and absence of adequate cleansing system and husbandries. This present work aims to evaluate the physicochemical and metal quality waters of 10 wells collecting the ground water of...

Author(s): Maoudo Hane, Ibrahima Diagne, Momar Ndiaye, Cheikh Tidiane Dione, Dame Cissé, Birame Ndiaye and Abdoulaye Diop

Evaluating the rate of total electron content (TEC) production in ionosphere F2-layer to highlight winter anomaly by running thermosphere-Ionosphere-electrodynamics general circulation model

September 2021

The study deals with determining ionosphere parameter at low latitudes during the maximum of solar cycle 22 on quiet days. It uses Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM) to carry out Total Electron Content (TEC) parameter in the ionosphere region. TEC time variability on summer and winter highlights a seasonal anomaly, a phenomenon observed since 1965 and which appears while...

Author(s): Emmanuel Nanéma, Moustapha Konaté, Christian Zoundi, Amadou Ousseini Kotia, Jean Louis Zerbo and Frédéric Ouattara

Assessment of open defecation in Kwahu Afram Plains South District, Ghana

August 2021

This study examined the barriers to open defecation (OD) free in Kwahu Afram Plains South District, Ghana. A combination of diverse tools was used to collect the data (in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and observation), different means was adopted in selecting the participants. Much of the time in the early stages of the field work was spent having interactions with various groups within the community....

Author(s): Daniel Kwarteng Amponsah

Remote sensing applications in buildings’ information system (BIS) for the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus

August 2021

The creation of an information system for various facilities is crucial as it is a vital instrument for effective urban management, especially in the areas of monitoring the state of such facilities to ensure adequate maintenance, ease of access, etc. This paper focuses on how remote sensing and other modern techniques can aid in developing a buildings’ information system (BIS) for the University of Nigeria Enugu...

Author(s): Okwuchukwu Christopher Nwaka, Somtoochukwu Chukwunonso Okafor, Amarachukwu Odumodu, Ndukwe Emmanuel Chiemelu and Chisom Okwuchi Emeghiebo

Briquette production from sugar cane bagasse and its potential as clean source of energy

August 2021

Large quantities of bagasse are regularly accumulated on open spaces around sugar factory thereby endangering fragile ecosystem. The sugar cane bagasse carbonization process can be put into effect as an environmentally friendly, energy self-providing continuous flow technology. Therefore, the objective of this study was to use bagasse for the production of high caloric value briquette to safeguard the environment from...

Author(s): Messay Emana Getu, Birhanu Ayalew Abebe, Mulissa Jida Midekssa, Genet Tsegaye Araya, Endale Wondu Amare and Gutema Bati Fedi

Behavior of major ions and heavy metals risk assessment in spring and surface water on the southwest slope of Mount Cameroon (Western Africa)

August 2021

The coastal flanks of Mt Etinde is wedged between the sea and the southwestern slope of Mt Cameroon. The only fresh water resources available for multipurpose uses in this area are mountain springs and streams that drain volcanic materials. To access the sources, processes and assess the ecological risk associated with hydrochemicals and heavy metals in these mountain water resources, 18 water samples were collected in...

Author(s): Gustave Raoul Nkoue Ndondo, Gloria Eneke Takem Eyong,  Josephine Ndjama, David Eric Komba, Suzanne Ngo Boum, Bertil Nlend, Pascale Mouto Makongo, Zachari Mfonka, Marie-Joseph Ntamak Nida and Jacques Etame

Physicochemical Assessment of a Hand-dug Well and the Kamakubuna Stream in the Sella Limba Chiefdom, Kamakwie, Northern, Sierra Leone

August 2021

This research accesses the physical and chemical parameters of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) hand dug well and the Kamakubuna Stream in the Sella Limba Chiefdom, Kamakwie Town. The physical parameters such as total dissolved solid (TDS), turbidity, pH, temperature, conductivity; and the chemical parameters such as residual chlorine, ammonium, ammonia, bromine, copper, fluoride, iron,...

Author(s): Augustine Cole, Mohamed Pujeh Junior, Yahaya Kudush Kawa and Jonathan Kpaka

The study of land use and land cover (LULC) dynamics and the perception of local people in Aykoleba, Northern Ethiopia

July 2021

It is believed that since the advent of agriculture, changes in land use and land cover (LULC) have happened. However, rates, extents and intensities of LULC changes have become more aggravated at all levels. The current study aims to examine the dynamics and perceptions of LULC change in the last four decades (1973-2013) in Aykoleba, Ethiopia using a combination of remote sensing data and the ground truth data. Focus...

Author(s): Mehari Mariye, Melesse Maryo and Jianhua Li

Effect of spilled engine oil on soil quality indicators and physiological performance of maize, cowpea and sorghum

July 2021

Soil contamination through oil spillage accumulates in the soil and affect plant growth. The study was conducted to examine the effect of spilled engine oil on soil nutrients and germination of seed in the in the Central region of Ghana. Ten samples were collected randomly from selected mechanic and fitting sites in the Elmina municipality. A randomized complete block design using three test crops was used to evaluate...

Author(s): Joshua Yeboah Asiamah, Emmanuel Plas Otwe, Andrews Danquah, Samuel Obeng Apori and Emmanuel Hanyabui

Groundwater resources for domestic and irrigation purposes in Melong (Littoral Region, Cameroon): Hydrogeochemical constraints

July 2021

Groundwater is a valuable natural resource whose quality is threatened by natural and man-made pollutants. This study aims to perform a hydrochemical characterization of groundwater resources used for domestic and irrigational activities in Melong (Littoral Cameroon). Thus, 26 subsurface water samples were collected in the dry season (six sampling points) and rainy season (seven sampling points) of the years 2019 and...

Author(s): Alice Magha Mufur, Margaret Tita Awah, Primus Azinwi Tamfuh, Magdaline Asaba Agendia, Aloysius Afanwie Ngambu and Veronique Kamgang Kabeyene

Determination of the optimum tilt angle for photovoltaic modules in Senegal

June 2021

This paper deals with finding the optimum tilt angle of solar panels for solar energy applications. The objective is to maximize the output electrical energy of the photovoltaic (PV) modules. A mathematical model was used to determine the optimum tilt angle of solar collectors in Senegal on a daily and monthly basis, as well as for a specific period. Then, the configuration of the optimum tilt angle was analyzed by...

Author(s): Adama Sarr, Cheikh M. F. Kebe and Ababacar Ndiaye

CREST/EF5 capacity building to enhance resilience to hydrodynamic disasters in emerging regions

June 2021

Water and water-related disasters, e.g. flooding, landslide and droughts, are affecting the world and it is important for decision makers and experts to build the capacity of forecasting hydrodynamic disasters and safeguarding people’s life and property. This study focuses on building capacity of decision makers and analysts with an aim to create and support a robust framework for decision makers in integrated...

Author(s): Teshome L. Yami, Shang Gao, Mengye Chen, Zhi Li, Laura Labriola, Calvince Wara, Feleke Z. Beshah and Yang Hong

Occupational health impacts of climate change across different climate zones and elevations in sub-Saharan East Africa

June 2021

Climate change will cause Sub-Saharan tropical countries to experience a disproportionate increase in the number of extremely hot days when compared to Western countries with more temperate climates. We use the High Occupational Temperature Health and Productivity Suppression (HOTHAPS) model to estimate the potential impact of rising temperatures on worker productivity in different climate regions within Ethiopia,...

Author(s): Samuel Kruse, Odilichi Ezenwanne, Matthias Otto, Tord Kjellstrom, Patrick Remington, Bruno Lemke, Belay Simane and Jonathan A Patz

Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated to Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) in soils of Sikasso region (Mali)

June 2021

In Mali, studies on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) characterization and diversity are still few, despite the important roles played by these microorganisms in plant growth and in degraded soils restoration. Sorghum is one of the staple food grains in Mali and as such plays a key role in food security in Mali. This study aims to determine diversity of AMF strains associated to sorghum in Sikasso region soils in Mali....

Author(s): Souleymane KONÉ and Fallaye KANTÉ

Optimization of oxygen consumption and reduction of organic matter from waste during the fermentation phase: Case of the composting platform in Lomé, Togo

June 2021

In the context of carbon financing it is required that the rate oxygen inside the windrows exceeds 8% to avoid anaerobic decomposition. Thus, the objective of this study is to optimize oxygen consumption and  reduce organic matter in the waste during the fermentation phase. Windrow turning is monitored, which includes monitoring of temperature, pH, organic matter, humidity and certain metals.Temperature monitoring...

Author(s): Edem Komi Koledzi, Kwamivi Nyonuwosro Segbeaya, and Nitale M’Balikine Krou

Assessment of leachate contamination potential of landfills in Ibadan, Nigeria

May 2021

Environmental pollution leads to poor health and has been a worrisome experience to humanity for the past few decades. This research was conducted to determine the pollution potential of landfill leachates (LFL) in Sub-Saharan Africa, using Ibadan as case study. Survey of landfills in the metropolis was undertaken; the two major active unlined landfills (Ajakanga and Awotan), were considered for this study. During...

Author(s): Sunday O Adesogan and Baldwin O Omonigho

Determinants of climate change adaptation and perceptions among small-scale farmers of Embu County, Eastern Kenya

May 2021

Climate change threatens the livelihoods of millions of small-scale farmers in East Africa. How farmers perceive climate change and its impacts has a strong bearing on how they adapt to the adverse impacts. This paper focused on factors that determine climate change adaptation and perceptions among small-scale farmers of Embu County. A survey was carried out across five sub-counties of Embu County where a multi-stage...

Author(s): Ruth Kangai, Everlyn Wemali Chitechi, James Koske, Boaz Waswa and Innocent Ngare  

Ecological status of a tropical river in Niger delta area of Nigeria, using aquatic insects

May 2021

Freshwater ecosystems are the major source of water, being used for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes. Water bodies are subjected to anthropogenic activities leading to degradation of the water quality. The aim of this study is to assess the health status of Isiokpo River. Aquatic insects were sampled from March to August 2017. Physico-chemical parameters were examined using standard laboratory procedures....

Author(s): Manuel Enajerho and Gbarakoro Tambeke N.

Impact of mining on environment: A case study of Taita Taveta County, Kenya

May 2021

Research on the impacts of mining on the environment was conducted on nine purposive selected mining sites in Kamtonga and Mkuki, Taita Taveta County, Kenya. The FOLCHI method was adopted to quantify the environmental impact of mining activities in gemstone mining sites. The affected environment surrounding the pits was broken down into three components such as Topography, Vegetation and Air. The effect of the three...

Author(s): Irene Wakio Mwakesi, Raphael Githiga Wahome and Daniel Weru Ichang’i

A community perspective of flood occurrence and weather forecasting over Kampala City

May 2021

Weather and climate issues have become increasingly recognized among the global challenges especially in the era of climate change. Kampala city has faced a number of flooding events in the past that have led to serious damages in many low lying areas of the city. A study was conducted in one of the flood prone areas in Kampala city to understand the community perspectives on flood occurrence and weather forecasting in...

Author(s): Nimusiima Alex, Faridah Nalwanga, Isaac Mugume, Bob Alex Ogwang and Peter Waswa

Speciation of trace metal elements in sediments of Alibori River, North-West of Benin

March 2021

Alibori River located in northwestern Benin is subject to contamination by trace metal elements (TME: Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) due to the use of agricultural inputs in its vicinity. This study focuses on the speciation of TME elements in the sediments of this river. The sediments were sampled during the rainy and dry seasons, dried, crushed and then sieved. The sediments were then mineralized and subjected to sequential...

Author(s): Nafiou E. Chitou, Waris K. Chouti, Jacques Kouazounde, Daouda Mama and Arthur R. Cakpo

Characterization of cyanobacteria microcystins (cyanotoxins) blooming in the Dams of Northern Morocco

March 2021

Cyanobacteria thrive in eutrophic freshwaters and impose a serious problem for the management of water bodies. Some Cyanobacteria species impose even a risk for public health due to the production of intracellular toxins. This study is a qualitative approach to determine the degree of toxicity and the toxicological aspect of cyanotoxins in order to setup a monitoring program for cyanobacteria blooms and the management...

Author(s): Mustapha Ouhsassi, El Ouardy Khay, Anass El Laghdach, Farid Ben Abdelouahab, Abdeltif El Ouahrani, Mohamed Idaomar and Jamal Abrini  

Variability of physiochemical properties of livestock manure with added wood shavings during Windrow Composting

February 2021

Composting livestock manure still remains one of the best waste-to-resource technologies practiced in the world. There is however, limited information on composting of livestock manure and wood shavings in Cameroon.  This research, carried out in South West Region of Cameroon assesses the variability of physiochemical properties: pH, pile temperature, mass, volatile solids contents (VS), total solids (TS) and total...

Author(s): Fabrice L. Yengong, Veronica E. Manga, Ngwa M. Ngwabie, David T. Tiku and Esongami N. Eric

Projected climate risks for rice crops in Casamance, Southern Senegal

February 2021

The climate risk concept is crucial for agricultural production in vulnerable regions. In this work the climate conditions that influence the climate risk for rice crop in Casamance are presented. The future occurrence of drought and extreme precipitation conditions in the most critical phases of the rice plant evolution has been evaluated. Regional climate models (RCMs) outputs projections from CORDEX under two...

Author(s): Samo DIATTA, Adama THIANDOUM, Mamadou Lamine MBAYE, , Alioune Badara SARR and Moctar CAMARA,

Soil nematodes status of crude oil polluted sites in Bodo community, Gokana Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria

February 2021

Crude oil spill destroys biodiversity and adversely impacts the physicochemical characteristics of the terrestrial and aquatic environments. The population characteristics of soil nematodes can serve as indicators of alterations in the terrestrial environment. To determine the effects of crude oil spillage on the soil nematode fauna status; a study was carried out at an impacted area in Gokana Local Government Area of...

Author(s): Osarokaka A. J., Nzeako S. O., Imafidor H. O. and Living-Jamala U.

Kinetics of phosphate adsorption by Ca/Cr layered double hydroxide

February 2021

Kinetics of phosphate adsorption by Ca/Cr layered double hydroxide (LDH) in a batch reactor was investigated in this study. The kinetic experiments indicated that the sorption of phosphate from the synthetic feed solution by the synthesised LDH was very fast, with over 98% removal being achieved within 5 min of contact. Kinetic modeling of the sorption process to different kinetic models (pseudo first order, pseudo...

Author(s): Adelagun R. O. A., Ushie O. A., Kamba A. E., Aikhoje E. F. and Egah O. G.

Cost minimization and operation optimization model for strategic waste management decision plans: A case study

February 2021

The design of a sustainable waste management system is pivoted on the ability to generate and compute real-time operational data for a strategic developmental decision plan. The real-time waste data generated at the University of Lagos Campus waste management system was used to develop a mathematical model with three operational indicators, namely, Total Cost Indicator (TCI), to show the overall daily cost for managing...

Author(s): Faith U. Babalola, AbdulGaniyu O. Adelopo, Boluwatito M. Aiyepola and Afolasade T. Nubi

Impact of oil installations on groundwater resources in Bongor Basin, Republic of Chad

January 2021

This study examines concentration of pollutants that can contaminate soil, surface water and groundwater in the Bongor Basin. The analysis of thirty soil samples from six oil sites: Koudalwa, Ronier, Ndoubadana, Narenang, Croisement Baobab and Croisement Ridina was carried out using standard laboratory testing methods of chemical elements and pollutants. Results reveal that Nickel has a maximum concentration above the...

Author(s): SAMBA Koukouare Prosper, EWODO Mboudou Guillaume, DORIM Ngarbaroum, HAROUN Ali Adannou, HOULOULOU Nathan Koukouare and DANWE Raïdandi

Current situation of solid waste management in East African countries and the proposal for sustainable management

January 2021

Effects of unsustainable solid waste management are found all around the world but it is worse in developing and under developed countries like East African Community (EAC) countries. A big proportion of their solid waste is not properly managed. This paper highlighted the situation of solid wastes management in EAC countries and compared with other countries. More than 62.5% of generated solid waste in EAC is organic,...

Author(s): Gilbert Ntagisanimana, Ziqiang Yu and Hongzhi Ma

Knowledge and attitude of Khat growing farmers on the safe use and handling of pesticides in Haromaya Wereda, Oromia Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia

January 2021

The awareness level of the farmers growing Khat regarding the safe use of pesticide was investigated in this study at Haromaya Wereda, Eastern Ethiopia. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, structured questionnaires, oral discussions, and field observations were organized with the farmers growing Khat on the safe use of pesticide. After the study sites were selected purposively, systematic random sampling of the...

Author(s): Girma Regassa and Challa Regassa

Short-term response of flat tree oyster, Isognomon alatus to CO2 acidified seawater in laboratory and field experiments

January 2021

Seawater changing chemistry has consequences on coastal ecosystems and their living resources. Future projections suggest the pH could drop ~0.2-0.3 pH units by the year 2100 under a business-as-usual (BAU) CO2 emission scenario. Marine calcifying organisms such as corals, calcifying algae, crustaceans, mussels, oysters and clams are most likely to be impacted by ocean acidification. The Isognomon alatus (flat tree...

Author(s): Lailah Gifty Akita, Andreas Andersson, Houssem Smeti and Tiago Queiroz  

Influence of particle size and total organic carbon on heavy metal concentrations in sediments of Lake Baringo, Kenya

December 2020

Heavy metals impair water and sediment quality and thus, can cause adverse impacts on aquatic organisms especially when they exceed the recommended threshold levels. Heavy metal concentrations in water and sediments are a reflection of the anthropogenic activities on the watershed as well as the geology of the area. Metal concentrations and subsequently their bioavailability are influenced by the sediment...

Author(s): Koskey J. C., Ogendi G. M., M&#; Erimba C. M. and Tamba C. L.

Residents’ perception of the effects of soot pollution in Rivers State, Nigeria

December 2020

Air pollution is a growing cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Nigeria is confronted with rising air pollution concerns due to activities of extractives, industrialisation and high population growth rate. Many areas of Rivers State, which provide 60% of Nigeria’s crude oil output, have recently been experiencing visible fallout of soot. To assess the perception of residents of Rivers State on the current...

Author(s): Mina Whyte, Tamuno-Wari Numbere and Kabari Sam,

Spatio-temporal characterization of the physico-chemical quality of groundwater: Case of the Lobo watershed (Centre-west of Côte d'Ivoire)

December 2020

Drinking water supply to rural communities is increasingly relying on finding groundwater. However, groundwater resources, although believed to be safe and free of pollution, are subjects to local and diffusive pollution. This work aims at assessing the groundwater quality in the Lobo catchment area in Nibéhibé and addressing the mineralization phenomena. To achieve such an objective, a statistical...

Author(s): Kamenan Yiwa Monique, Dibi Brou, Eblin Sampah Georges, Konan Kouakou Seraphin, Kouassi Kouakou Lazare and Plagnes Valerie

Mining the past for a better future of African waters: Historical changes in the fish and fishery of Lake Bam (Burkina Faso) before rehabilitation

December 2020

Terrestrial waters provide multiple goods and services to human kind, but they have been severely diminished by increasing human exploitation of water and the landscapes surrounding aquatic communities. This research illuminates such dynamics in the recent history of exploitation of the Lake Bam fishery in Burkina Faso. To do so, from 2009 to 2015 we collected data on the ecology, exploitation and governance of the Lake...

Author(s): Raymond OUEDRAOGO, Komandan MANO, and Adama OUEDA

Local perceptions and adaptation to climate variability and change: In the Bilate watershed

November 2020

In this study, farmers’ perceptions and adaptation options to climate variability and change were assessed in the Bilate watershed of south central Ethiopia. The determinant factors that influence the choice of farmers to climate change and variability adaptation were also investigated. Above 92% of the surveyed farm households perceived variability and change in climatic variables. Based on the data from 270...

Author(s): Getahun Garedew Wodaje, Zewdu Eshetu and Mekuria Argaw  

Carbon sequestration potential of disturbed and non-disturbed forest ecosystem: A tool for mitigating climate change

November 2020

Climate change is the severest environmental threat of the 21st century. The main factor responsible for the current pace of climate change is attributed to anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), mainly carbon-dioxide (CO2). So, the aim of reducing carbon sources and increasing the carbon sink can be achieved by protecting the carbon pools. Forests are the largest carbon pool on earth as they hold more than...

Author(s): Rajeev Joshi, and Hukum Singh

Assessment of the heavy metal - levels in the incinerators bottom-ash from different hospitals in Dares Salaam

November 2020

Understanding content of bottom ashes from incinerator especially toxic heavy metals is an important step towards ash utilization. The aim of this paper was to evaluate heavy metals levels of in bottom-ash from hospital waste incinerators in four different hospitals in Dar es Salaam city (Muhimbili National Hospital and three regional referral hospitals Mwananyamala Ilala and Temeke) in Dar es Salaam city, Tanzania. It...

Author(s): A. Honest, S. V. Manyele, J. A. Saria and J. Mbuna

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the pollutant load of effluents discharged Northwestern of Lake Tanganyika, in the Democratic Republic of Congo

November 2020

The qualitative and quantitative analysis of pollutant loads from effluents discharged into Lake Tanganyika has been studied, with a view to evaluate remediation strategies. The discharge of effluents into Lake Tanganyika calls for concern as it poses serious threats to the biological wealth of the lake. Physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were evaluated for pollution from the effluent source to Lake...

Author(s): Lumami Kapepula, Théophile Ndikumana, Musibono Dieu-Donné, Patricia Luis Alconero, Njoyim Estella Buleng Tamungang, Irene Tarimo and Bart Van der Bruggen  

Bamboo diversity and carbon stocks of dominant species in different agro-ecological zones in Cameroon

October 2020

Bamboo is of ecological and socio-economic importance in the world. However, knowledge on its potential in climate change mitigation remains superficial in Cameroon. The present study identified bamboo diversity and estimated carbon stocks of the dominant species in Cameroon. Ground truth method and local informants were used for a bamboo species survey in five Agro-ecological zones (AEZs). Twenty-two circular plots of...

Author(s): Barnabas Neba Nfornkah, Kaam Rene, Zapfack Louis, Tchamba Martin and Chimi Djomo Cedric

Assessment of air pollutant emissions from healthcare waste incinerators of different design features

October 2020

The aim of this paper was to e valuate the levels of gaseous emissions from four different healthcare wastes incinerators in three regional hospitals and one national hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The incinerators studied differ in terms of capacity (kg/h) and design features. Five gaseous air pollutants (CO, CO2, NOx, and SO2) were analyzed in the sampled flue gases using a portable desktop combustion gas...

Author(s): Anicetus Honest, Samwel Manyele, Josephat Saria and Julius Mbuna  

Occurrence dynamics of nitrogen compounds in faecal sludge stabilisation ponds in the Tamale Metropolis, Ghana

October 2020

Faecal sludge, with richness in soil nutrients represents an important resource for enhancing soil productivity. In this study, the occurrence dynamics of nitrogen compounds NH3, NO2- and NO3- in engineered waste stabilisation ponds in the Tamale metropolis was monitored for 5 months in the dry season. Four treatment ponds were divided into three units: Influent point, midpoint and effluent point for sampling purposes....

Author(s): Abagale Felix K., Osei Richard A. and Kranjac-Berisavljevic G.

Advancing climate change adaptation in Uganda’s agricultural programming for sustainable development: Key milestones and constraints

October 2020

Climate change remains a crucial threat to sustainable development, particularly to the farming communities, which are more vulnerable to climate impacts. Uganda has made commendable steps in building an institutional framework for addressing climate change. However, the framework remains scattered in several documents making it difficult to track and conceptualize. This paper provides a one-stop center for...

Author(s): Fred Alinda, David Ssekamatte, Ezekiel Kisambira and Anthony Kagoro  

Assessment of the phytoremediation capabilities of bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) for the remediation of heavy metals (Pb, Ni and Cd) contaminated water

October 2020

This study was carried out to investigate the potential uptake of heavy metals (Pb, Ni, and Cd) by Pteridium aquilinum plant from aqueous solutions. The whole plant strands were cultured in 36 experimental pots containing 5, 10 and 15 (mg/L) of Pb2+, Ni2+ and Cd2+ aqueous solutions. The plants were harvested after 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours of exposure and segmented into leaves, stem and root, respectively. The heavy...

Author(s): Oshiotse Anita Emashogwe, Inengite Azibaola Kesiye, Godwin Jackson and Ugbome Isaac

Assessment of the health impacts of WASH interventions in disaster-prone communities in three regions of Northern Ghana

September 2020

This study evaluated the health impacts of WASH interventions in 9 intervention communities against 9 control communities in disaster-prone areas in northern Ghana. We extracted community-specific data on patient-reported cases of WASH-related diseases from health facilities in the study areas. Also, we used key informant interviews and household questionnaires to seek information for validation. The impact was measured...

Author(s): Eugene Appiah-Effah, Gideon Sagoe, Kobina Mensah Afful and Dwuodwo Yamoah-Antwi

Irrigation water quality analysis of Mitheu Stream in Machakos Municipality, Kenya

September 2020

Water samples for physico-chemical, heavy metals and bacteriological analyses were collected from 4 selected points along Mitheu Stream flowing through Machakos Municipality once every month from June 2019 to September 2019. The samples were analyzed in Kenya Plant and Health Inspectorate Service and Water Resources Authority laboratories then data subjected to one-way analysis of variance to test significant...

Author(s): Linge Kitulu, Julius Kioko Nzeve, Fuchaka Waswa, Esther Kitur and Douglas Shitanda  

Assessment of chitosan – coated Aspergillus–niger as biosorbent for dye removal and its impact on the heavy metal and physicochemical parameters of textile wastewater

September 2020

Efficiency of biosorbent from chitosan coated dead fungal biomass of Aspergillus niger for dye removal with its impact on metals and physicochemical parameters of textile industry wastewater were assessed. Dye and metal concentrations of wastewater were determined using UV and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers respectively, before and after column biosorption using simulation optimized parameters with biosorbent....

Author(s): Aderonke Adetutu Okoya, Adetunji Adenekan, Fatimah Adenike Ajadi and Somoye Oluwaseun Ayodele  

Effect of agitation on the process of bi methanization of sludge from low-temperature wastewater treatment plants

September 2020

Wastewater treatment is a serious environmental problem, especially in developing countries such as Morocco. Their discharge into the natural environment has negative impacts on water resources and the environment. They are therefore purified to reduce the concentration of the main pollutants. Often biological remediation is used when wastewater contains biodegradable organic pollutants. This generally leads to treated...

Author(s): Soukaina Aitlahyane, Zehor Aityacine, Brahim Lekhlif and Hafida Hanine

An appraisal of high definition survey approaches in subsidence monitoring of crude oil storage tanks

September 2020

Vertical and horizontal motion of the solid earth surface due to geological and geodynamical phenomena are generally consequences of terrain deformation. Variations as a result of the deformation affect structures, particularly large storage facilities that are steel and/or concrete in nature. The criticality of these phenomena underscores the need to carryout regular measurements and monitoring of its effect in all...

Author(s): Hart Lawrence and Udeh Kenneth

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