International Journal of
Fisheries and Aquaculture

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Fish. Aquac.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9839
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJFA
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 235

IJFA Articles

Morphometric and developmental characteristics of fish landed by artisanal bait fishers at the Mida Creek, Kenya

February 2015

Although artisanal commercial and net fishers landings has received attention, the morphometrics of bait fisher landings is poorly documented. This is in spite of the importance of such data to infer fished stock growth and developmental status in order to reduce excessive removal of immature and highly fecund fish. This study compares fish species, size and weight, and derived fish condition, Gonadosomatic and Fishing...

Author(s): Kihia Charles Maina, Hendrick Yvone, Muthumbi Agnes, Okondo Julius, Nthiga Aniel and Njuguna Vincent

Parasitic prevalence of fresh water shrimp (Atya gabonensis) in lower Benue River, Makurdi

January 2015

The study investigated the parasitic prevalence of freshwater shrimps (Atya gabonensis) in the lower Benue River for a period of six months (March – August, 2012) during which a total of 1000 shrimps were sampled randomly from the landing sites of the River Benue and were analyzed at the parasitology laboratory of the verterinary teaching hospital, University of Agriculture, Makurdi. The gills of shrimps had the...

Author(s): Okayi R. G., Ayuba. V. O. and Akisani C.

Bacterial population in intensive tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture pond sediment in Hai Duong province, Vietnam

December 2014

Three intensive tilapia ponds were studied to determine the bacterial population during the culture period in Hai Duong province, Vietnam. Bacteria were identified to genus or species level. Total bacteria count in sediment ranged from 6.49 × 105 to 1.29 × 106 cfu g-1. In total, 11 bacterial genera and 13 species were identified from pond sediments, in which both gram-negative and gram-positive rod-shaped...

Author(s): Huong N. T. Thanh, Hien L. Thuy, Wenresti G. Gallardo and Hai N. Thanh,

Morphometric relations, diet composition and ontogenetic dietary shift of Labeobarbus intermedius (Rüppell, 1836) in Lake Tana gulf of Gorgora, Ethiopia

November 2014

Morphometric relations, feeding habits and dietary shifts of Labeobarbus intermedius in Lake Tana at gulf of Gorgora were studied during the dry season. A total of 250 fish ranging from 13.2 to 43.8 cm total length (TL) and 73.4 to 742.8 g total weight (TW) were randomly sampled from the lake. The data generated from both morphometric parameters were analyzed using SPSS (Version 20) and expressed using least square...

Author(s): Flipos Engdaw

Genetic relationships between captive and wild subpopulations of Arapaima gigas (Schinz, in Cuvier, 1822)

October 2014

Arapaima gigas, also known as pirarucu, is endemic to the Amazon basin. There is currently considerable effort being made to cultivate this species to reduce pressure on natural populations. We characterized the diversity and genetic structure of subpopulations of wild and captive A. gigas based on 19 microsatellite loci. Captive subpopulations of A. gigas exhibited less diversity than wild individuals. We also verified...

Author(s): Carlos Henrique dos Anjos dos Santos, Carolina Sousa de Sá Leitão, Maria de Nazaré Paula e Silva and Vera Maria Fonseca de Almeida e Val,

Parasites of some fishes (Labeo rohita and Schizothorax niger) of Jammu and Kashmir in India

September 2014

The present study has been carried out to find out the parasites of Schizothorax niger and Labeo rohita during different months of the year 2013 to 2014. Parasites belonging to two groups viz. ciliophoran (Chilodonella) and crustacean (Argulus) were recorded from 200 fishes of Rohu (L. rohita) and S. niger collected from different parts of Jammu and Kashmir. These two parasites belong to Ectoparasitic group and no other...

Author(s): Irfan-ur-Rauf Tak, Shoaib Ali Dar, M. Z. Chishti, Harpreet Kaur and Gowhar Hamid Dar

Implementing a unified methodology for fisheries management (UMFM) in fresh water in Morocco

August 2014

The ecosystem approach for fisheries management in fresh water is based on the application of appropriate methodologies and tools to promote sustainable production of goods and services with least possible environmental impact and the highest possible economic and social yield.  In this paper, we develop a unified methodology for fisheries management (UMFM) in fresh water in Morocco in order to better plan,...

Author(s): Laamiri Mohamed Badr, Oufrid Salwa and Yahyaoui Ahmed

Analysis of resource use efficiency among small-scale fish farms in Cross River State, Nigeria

July 2014

The study used the stochastic production frontier model to analyze the resource use efficiency among small scale fish farms in Cross River State, Nigeria. The mean efficiency of 0.89 was obtained indicating room for farm efficiency improvement by 11%. Quantity of feed, farm size (pond size), labour and capital had significant influence on fish production in the study area, with positive coefficients of feed quantity and...

Author(s): Kingsley Okoi Itam, Ekanem Abasiekong Etuk and Inibehe George Ukpong

Dietary added bamboo charcoal can evoke Pangasianodon growth and can reduce ammonia from culture medium

July 2014

Ninety-days feeding trial was conducted to determine the growth performances and reduction of ammonia by adding of dietary bamboo charcoal (BC) of pangasiid catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Four levels of BC (0, 0.5, 1, and 2% treated as T0, T1, T2 and T3, respectively) were supplemented to the test diet composition. The growth performance and ammonia elimination were influenced by feed type. The mean value of...

Author(s): Rawnak Jahan, M. Abdul Quaiyum, Nusrat Jahan, T. Akhter and M. Sadiqul Islam

Multiple infections of Helminths in the alimentary system of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) in a tropical reservoir

June 2014

The study was carried out in Erinle Reservoir accessed through Oore (Latitude 7° 58' 12" North; Longitude 4º 33' 36" East), in Osun State, Nigeria, between August 2011 and November 2013. A total of 103 live fishes purchased from local fishermen were examined. In the laboratory, morphometric parameters  were measured, the sexes determined and the fish species Clarias gariepinus were...

Author(s): Ajala, O. Olumuyiwa and Fawole, O. Olatunde

Developmental changes in intestinal brush border enzyme activity in wild, juvenile Nile perch Lates niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)

June 2014

The Nile perch, Lates niloticus is a carnivorous fish and a potential candidate for aquaculture. The relationship between fish size (total length) and the activity of three brush border enzymes: leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), γ-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) and maltase was evaluated in six size groups (1 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 15, 16 to 20, 21 to 25 and 26 to 30 cm) of wild juvenile Nile perch. Enzymatic activity...

Author(s): Kato C. D., Nyatia E., Matovu E., Uni Z., Kedar O., Hakim Y., Levavi-Sivan B. and Rutaisire J.

Effects of carbohydrate sources on the growth and body compositions of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

May 2014

Feeding trial was conducted to examine the protein sparing effects of carbohydrate in Clarias gariepinus, an attempt to reduce the feed cost. C. gariepinus fingerlings mean weights of 8.32 ±0.04 g were randomly allotted into a group of 15 fishes per tank in triplicate of 10 treatments. They were fed on nine experimental diets and a commercial catfish reference diet (CRD). The formulated diets have three levels of...

Author(s): Orire A. M. and Sadiku S. O. E.

Developing production technique of bloodworm (Chironomidae larvae) in floodplain waters for fish feed

April 2014

Chironomid larvae or bloodworm is a natural food that has the nutrients suitable for freshwater fish needs. Bloodworm utilization as fish feed in aquaculture is still limited, due to limited production. Huge floodplain waters are potential to be used as a place of bloodworm production. This study aimed to develop a technique producing bloodworm in floodplain waters which included searching suitable characteristics of...

Author(s): Bambang Sulistiyarto, Ivone Christiana  and Yulintine

Diet composition, ontogenetic dietary shifts and morphometric relationships of the Nile barb Barbus bynni (Forsskål, 1775) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Lake Abaya, Ethiopia

April 2014

Food and feeding habits of Barbus bynni (Forsskål, 1775) were studied in Lake Abaya, Ethiopia, from January to February, 2010 (dry season) and May to June, 2010 (wet season). From a total of 292 fish samples, 251 (86.0%) contained food in their guts. Macrophytes, insects and detritus were the dominant food items both during the dry and wet seasons. Macrophytes and detritus occurred in 78.1 and 73.3% of the guts,...

Author(s): Elias Dadebo, Seble Bancha, Abinet Wolde-Senbet and Yosef Teklegiorgis

Proximate composition and quality aspects of iced wild and pond-raised African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

March 2014

Proximate composition and shelf-life studies of wild and pond-raised catfish (Clarias gariepinus) were determined using chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses. Proximate composition of both wild and pond-raised catfish showed differences in the lipid and protein levels. The pond-raised fish had higher lipid (6.30%) and protein (20.00%) than the wild fish lipid (4.48%) and protein (18.05%). Whole ungutted wild...

Author(s): O. Adeosun, O. Olukunle and G. R. Akande

Distribution, diversity and taxonomy of marine angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) of Tamilnadu, Southeast coast of India

February 2014

In the present investigation, a total of 5 species belonging to three genera such as Pomacanthus, Centropyge and Apolemichthys were reported from the 10 selected stations of Tamilnadu, south east coast of India. The diversity studies revealed that the species diversity, richness and evenness were comparatively higher at Rameshwaram and Kanniyakumari due to the rocky shore and coral reef ecosystem. Species composition...

Author(s): Mayavan Veeramuthu Rajeswari and Thangavel Balasubramanian

The comparison of total cholesterol and cholesterol types of cultured rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1972) and brook trouts (Salvelinus fontinalis, Mitchill, 1815) cultivated under the same water conditions

February 2014

The aim of this study was to compare serum total cholesterol and cholesterol types of cultured rainbow trout (CRT) (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and cultured brook trout (CBT) (Salvelinus fontinalis) cultivated under the same water conditions. Fishes used in the research were randomly captured from pools and five pieces (five replication) were used for each group. The average weight of fish is 80 g for CRT and is 120 g for CBT....

Author(s): Tayfun KarataÅŸ, E. Mahmut Kocaman and Muhammed Atamanalp  

Effect of different dosages of zinc on the growth and biomass in five marine microalgae

January 2014

Marine environment often restrain toxic heavy metals that may enter into the food web via uptake by microalgae and eventually cause severe poisoning problems at higher tropic levels. The effects of Zinc cations upon growth of five native microalgal species, Chlorella marina, Isochrysis galbana, Tetraselmis sp., Nannochloropsis sp., and Dunaliella salina were evaluated. Growth inhibition of the microalgal cells were...

Author(s): Dinesh Kumar S., P. Santhanam, S. Ananth, A. Shenbaga Devi, R. Nandakumar, B. Balaji Prasath,  S. Jeyanthi, T. Jayalakshmi and P. Ananthi

Sperm Quality and reproductive performance of male Clarias Gariepinus induced with synthetic hormones (Ovatide and Ovaprim)

January 2014

Food, especially food protein source is highly essential for healthy living, therefore, this study was aimed at boosting fish seed production and it compared the effectiveness of two different synthetic hormones: Ovaprim and Ovatide on sperm quality and reproductive performance of male Clarias gariepinus and the resulting effects on percentage fertilization, hatchability, and survival. The study was made up of three...

Author(s): Oguntuase Bukola Gbemisola and Adebayo O. T.

Wealth based fisheries management of chambo (Oreochromis spp.) fish stock of Lake Malombe in Malawi

November 2013

A study to establish bioeconomic options for economic exploitation of Chambo (Oreochromis spp.) fisheries of Lake Malombe was conducted between 2010 to 2012. Three models, logistic regression, Univariate Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and Gordon Schaefer bioeconomic models were used in the analysis. Primary qualitative and quantitative data from fishers and consumers were collected using a pretested semi...

Author(s): W. Singini, E. Kaunda, V. Kasulo and W. Jere

Effect of varying stocking density of bottom feeder fish Cirrhinus mrigala and Cyprinus carpio on growth performance and fish yield in polyculture system

November 2013

The present project was planned to study gradual replacement of Cirrhinus mrigala with Cyprinus carpio and its impact on pond ecosystem. A total of 900 fishes belonging to six species viz. Catla catla, Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Hypophythylmichthys molitrix and Cyprinus carpio were stocked in four earthen ponds. The dimensions of each pond were 220 × 198 × 7 feet length,...

Author(s): Muhammad Ahmad, Sumaira Abbas, Arshad Javid, Muhammad Ashraf, Khalid Javed Iqbal, Hamda Azmat, Tariq Khan, Sajid Mahmood and Rizwan Haider

Food and fish feeding habits in Anwai stream ichthyofauna, Niger-Delta

November 2013

The food and feeding habits of some fish fauna in Anwai stream were investigated. Fish samples (160 individual fish in 19 species) were collected using combination of traps, gill nets of various mesh sizes and baited hooks and lines in the three zones (upper, middle and lower reaches) of the stream. Stomach content analysis was carried out using frequency of occurrence, numerical analysis and volumetric analysis. It was...

Author(s): Onyeche V. E. O., Onyeche L. E., Akankali J. A., Enodiana I. O. and Ebenuwa P.

Contribution of small water bodies and small-holder aquaculture towards poverty alleviation and enhancing household food security in Zambia

November 2013

A study was conducted between January and May 2011, through administration of questionnaires and personal interviews in 6 of the 10 provinces of Zambia (namely: Lusaka, Eastern, Central, North Western, Copperbelt, and Southern) in order to assess the contribution of small water bodies (SWBs) and small-holder aquaculture towards poverty alleviation and enhancing household food security. Using simple random sampling...

Author(s): Confred G. Musuka and Felix F. Musonda

Effect of short-term cyclic feed deprivation on growth and economic limit of commercial feed-based in-door grow-out of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)

November 2013

Growth, feed utilization, and economic limit of commercial pelleted feed use were compared between daily-fed and feed deprived groups of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) raised under low density culture. Groups of C. gariepinus were fed daily (Treatment 1) or on alternate days (Treatment 2) for 5½ months, with 45% crude protein commercial pellets. Feeding was at a rate of 6% body weight per day which was...

Author(s): Ofor, Chukwuma Okereke and Ukpabi, Chikwendu

Ichthyofauna diversity of Lake Asejire: Ecological implications

October 2013

The natural diversity of most aquatic systems has witnessed various changes in stock diversity and abundance resulting from structural changes in habitat, food composition and uncontrolled exploitation. These have altered the ecology of the fish resources with the disappearance of some species and dominance of others. This study seeks to identify the ecological implication of the stock diversity and abundance in Lake...

Author(s): Ipinmoroti, Mabel Omowumi

Population dynamics of the edible clam Meretrix casta (Chemnitz) (International Union for Conservation of Nature status: Vulnerable) from two estuaries of North Kerala, south west coast of India

October 2013

The population parameters of the edible clam Meretrix casta (Chemnitz) from two estuaries along the coast of north Kerala, Southern India were estimated. M. castahas been cited as vulnerable as per al. (2006a). Growth of M. casta from the east coast has been reported by Abraham (1963), Durve (1970: 73) and Sreenivasan (1983).  Jayawickrema and Wijeyratne (2009) have described the population...

Author(s): P. Laxmilatha

Mixed culture (shrimps, oysters and macroalgae) to improve the productivity, and reduce the environmental impact to coastal ecosystem caused by shrimp hatcheries in Mexico

October 2013

In Mexico, shrimp hatcheries have been developed as intensive monocultures, resulting in hatcheries management troubles, economic losses and environmental impact. Therefore, the aim of this work was compare to a traditional culture vs. a mixed culture. Shrimp juveniles were distributed in aquariums and ponds at the same density (51 shrimps/m2) but ponds, also had oysters and macroalgae. Shrimps in aquaria and ponds were...

Author(s): Guillermo Galindo Reyes

Enzyme activity in the Nile perch gut: Implications to Nile perch culture

September 2013

Nile perch (Lates niloticus) is a high-value freshwater fish of great social economic importance in Africa’s great lakes region. High demand for this fish has caused its extensive harvest, resulting into a decline in the species stocks and consequently financial loss to the Nile perch industry. Several strategies have been suggested to reinstate the fish population, including the domestication of Nile perch,...

Author(s): Namulawa V. T., Kato C. D., Rutaisire J., Britz P. J.,  Beukes N., Pletschke BI and Whiteley C.

Partial replacement of fish meal by earthworm meal (Libyodrilus violaceus) in diets for African catfish, Clarias gariepinus

September 2013

A seven-week feeding trial was conducted to examine the possibility of replacing fish meal with earthworm meal in the diets of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus fry. Fish meal protein was replaced by earthworm meal at 0% (D0); 15% (D15); 25% (D25); 35% (D35); and 50% (D50). The diets were isonitrogenous (54%) and fed thrice daily to triplicate groups of African catfish fry at 5% body weight. Diet...

Author(s): Dedeke G. A., Owa S. O., Olurin K. B., Akinfe A. O. and Awotedu O. O.

Utilization of blood meal as a protein ingredient from animal waste product in the diet of Oreochromis niloticus

September 2013

Three iso-nitrogenous diet of 35% crude protein were prepared with blood meal at various inclusion level of 0, 50 and 100%. These were coded Treatment 1 (T1), Treatment 2 (T2), and Treatment 3 (T3) respectively. The diet with 0% blood meal was used as control. Oreochromis niloticus average initial weight of 6.20±0.02 g were randomly allocated to three treatment diets, 20 fingerlings per unit...

Author(s):   Aladetohun N. F. and Sogbesan O. A.

Accumulation of some potentially toxic metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in marine clam Liochoncha ornata collected from the Omani Sea

September 2013

Clam samples of Liochoncha ornata were collected for a period of one year from July 2009 to June 2010 at monthly interval. The soft tissue of clams was analyzed to detect some potentially toxic metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Accumulation of Hg, Cd and Pb in the clam tissues showed variability with a mean concentration of 0.011±0.009, 1.769±0.942 and 0.015±0.039...

Author(s): M. Al-Busaidi, P. Yesudhason, A. Al-Waili, W. Al-Rahbi, K. Al-Harthy, N. Al-Mazrooei and S. Al-Habsi

Population structure and fishing of the greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis, De Haan, 1844) by bag net in a coastal river of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

September 2013

The greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) was studied in My Thanh River in Soc Trang Province, in the coastal region of the Mekong Delta in 2010. The bag net was used in the study; it had conducted six rounds of sampling (February, April, June, August, October, and December) at six stations along 30 km of river from the estuary at 6 km intervals. Besides, survey data also involved 36 fishermen, who are...

Author(s): Tran Van Viet, and Kazumi Sakuramoto

Monthly spatial occurrence of phytoplankton and zooplankton in River Ogun, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria

August 2013

The aim of this study was to investigate the monthly spatial occurrence of phytoplankton and zooplankton in River Ogun, Abeokuta, Southwest Nigeria. This was carried out for seven months between December, 2011 and June, 2012 in 4 stations. A total of 41 species of phytoplankton and 16 zooplankton species from 5 classes respectively were recorded. Zooplankton was dominated by Cladocera throughout the study period while...

Author(s): Dimowo, Benjamin Onozeyi

Effect of different stocking densities on growth performance and profitability of Oreochromis niloticus fry reared in hapa-in-pond system

August 2013

A one month trial of sex reversal treatment of O. niloticus fry of varying stocking densities was performed in hapas-in-pond to determine the growth performance characteristics and profitability. Larvae were selected, collected, weighed  and stocked inside a 10.0 m2 hapas in a 0.2 ha pond with stocking densities of 10000 (A), 15000 (B) and 20000 (C). Each stocking were made in triplicate. Fry were...

Author(s): Emmanuel Tetteh-Doku Mensah, Felix Klenam Attipoe and Mercy Ashun-Johnson

A new species of Tylocephalum (Cestode: Lecanicephalide, Braun, 1900) from marine fish at Ratnagiri, India

August 2013

The present investigation deals with systematic observation of the cestode parasitesTylocephalum Linton, 1890, that is, T. damodarae n.sp. of marine fish Dasyatis walga Muller and Henle, 1841 from West Coast of Maharashtra which is most pathogenic. The present worm comes closer to all the known species of the genus Tylocephalum in general topography of organ but differs due to...

Author(s): D. M. Pathan and D. B. Bhure

Gill arch occupation models of parasite communities of Barbus martorelli (Teleostean: Cyprinidae)

August 2013

Changes in Barbus martorelli gill arch occupation models by its parasite component community were investigated for nine months. The work revealed three different categories of models. The first category follows the combined action of the respiratory water current and the colonized surface of each gill arch. The second category based on the mode of infestation of Monopisthocotylean larvae while the third...

Author(s): TOMBI Jeannette and BILONG BILONG Charles Félix

Nutritive value of cultured white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei

July 2013

Biochemical assays play a major role in recent years. The biochemical composition is the yardstick to measure and assess the nutritional quality of food sources. In the present study, protein, carbohydrate, lipid, moisture and ash in Litopenaeus vannamei was 35.69, 3.20, 19, 76.2 and 1.2% respectively. Calcium content was maximum (154.5 mg) followed by sodium (67.7 mg) and potassium (56.7 mg). Manganese was...

Author(s): Gunalan B, Nina Tabitha S., Soundarapandian P. and T. Anand

Inclusion effect of graded levels of molases in the diet of Clarias gariepinus juvenile

July 2013

The effect of molasses as dietary energy replacement for indomie waste in the diet of African catfish  was tested on 120 juveniles for 56 days. The fish were evenly distributed over twelve experimental  tanks (52.5 ï‚´ 33.5 ï‚´ 21 cm); feeding was done by hand to satiation and the water changed every other  day to maintain good water quality. Four experimental diets were formulated; the...

Author(s): Aderolu, Ademola Zaid, Aarode, Oluwaseun Olasunkanmi and Bello, Rafiat Ajoke

Effects of rotifer, Brachionus rotundiformis in enhancing some digestive enzyme activities into glucose on somatic growth, RNA/DNA contents and some digestive enzyme activities of olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae

July 2013

We investigated the effects of enzyme enhanced rotifer (EER), Brachionus rotundiformis on growth, RNA/DNA contents and digestive enzyme activities in olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae. Digestive enzyme activities of rotifer were enhanced by putting glucose in culture medium, and then rotifers (NR, rotifer not supplied the glucose during culture, and EER) was supplied to 10 rotifers/ml in...

Author(s): O-Nam Kwon, Kie-Young Park, and Heum-Gi Park,

Effect of clove (Eugenia aromatica) powder anaesthetic on some haematological parameters in hybrid catfish (Heterobranchus bidorsalis ♀ x Clarias gariepinus ♂) juveniles

July 2013

This study was designed to investigate the efficacy of clove powder as anaesthetic and its effect on some haematological parameters of hybrid (Heterobranchus bidorsalis â™€ x Clarias gariepinus ♂) juveniles. Different concentrations of 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, and 130 mg/L were exposed to 108 healthy fish of mean weight 20.38 ± 3.30 g and total length 14.33 ± 2.50 cm for 30 min at the Fisheries...

Author(s): Okey B., Keremah R. I. and Ofem B. O.

Polyculture of seabass with tilapia for the utilization of brown fields in the coastal areas of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

June 2013

Disease outbreak in shrimp culture sector has abandoned the vast coastal areas of Bangladesh. These abandoned areas treated as ‘brown fields’ could be utilized for finfish culture using low cost inputs. This type of culture practice has the potential to be successful in the coastal waters due to having seasonally fluctuating salinity of 0 to 15 ppt. The present study was conducted to determine the growth and...

Author(s): Md. Mostafa Monwar, A. K. M.  Ruhul Amin Sarker  and Nani Gopal Das

Economic analysis of polder based freshwater prawn farming systems in Kuttanad, India

June 2013

Techno-economic analysis of different farming systems prevalent for Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Kuttanad, a wetland ecosystem of India was carried out. Results showed considerable variation in production cost and profitability among the farming systems. Cobb-Douglass production function model suggested that optimization of input cost along with adoption of appropriate management strategies as prerequisites...

Author(s): K. Ranjeet and B. Madhusoodana Kurup

Ichthyofauna characteristics of a tropical low brackish open Lagoon in South-western Nigeria

June 2013

The fish fauna of Lekki lagoon in south-western part of Nigeria was studied from March 2006 to February 2008. Sampling was carried out once a month using different fishing gears and the market was visited to confirm the fish species diversity from the lagoon. A total of 16,960 specimens made up of juveniles and adults caught were identified and classified. They comprised of eighty-one species belonging to 40 families,...

Author(s):   Emmanuel, B. E. and Osibona, A. O.

Comparison of experimentally elaborated food from regionally available products with commercial foods of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Mexican highlands

June 2013

Aquaculture increasingly contributes to human nutrition, but the expansion of semi-intensive systems is limited by the high cost of commercial food. This is the case of the semi-intensive production of carp (Cyprinus carpio) in artificial lakes and reservoirs in the state of Tlaxcala in the Mexican highlands.  24% cheaper alternative food from duckweed (Lemna sp.) (37%), soya (Glycine max) (36%), corn (Zea...

Author(s): Rosario Rivera Meneses, Juan Suárez Sánchez, Luz del Carmen Pérez González, Johannes C. Van der Wal, Hipólito Muñoz Nava and Salvador Morales Moreno

Food habits of two species of Pseudotolithus (Sciaenidae) off Benin (West Africa) nearshore waters and implications for management

June 2013

Food habits of Pseudotolithus senegalensis and Pseudotolithus typus in Benin nearshore waters were investigated for 18 months because of the importance of croakers in artisanal catches. Frequency of occurrence, numerical abundance and gravimetric composition were utilized in computing the percent index of relative importance of each food item. The major dietary components of the two species were...

Author(s): F. K. E. NUNOO, E. SOSSOUKPE, A. ADITE and E. D. FIOGBE

Length-weight relationships and condition factors of Alestes baremoze, Brycinus nurse and Schilbe intermedius from the lower reaches of white volta river (Yapei), Ghana

June 2013

A study to assess the length-weight relationships and the condition factors of 3 abundant and commercial fish species namely Alestes baremoze,  Brycinus nurse and Schilbe intermediusin the lower reaches of the White Volta River (Yapei) was conducted from October 2011 to March 2012. Using W = aLb, the length-weight relationships of the species were calculated. Condition factors of the species...

Author(s): Seth Mensah Abobi and  Werner Ekau

First ever record of a threatened onespot barb fish, Puntius terio (Hamilton) from Arunachal Pradesh, India: A biodiversity hot spot

May 2013

Arunachal Pradesh is geographically the largest state in North-East region of India with rich lentic and lotic water resources. The state has more than 7000 ha of lentic water and 2000 km of lotic water resources. Arunachal Pradesh is the 18th hot spot of the world in view of the richness of biological diversity. It constitutes high endemism and comparatively higher incidence of rare and threatened taxa. Available...

Author(s): Keshav Kr. Jha, Onong Tamuk, Tapan Kr. Ghosh and Vibhash Ch. Jha

Influence of dietary protein levels on growth, feed utilization and carcass composition of snakehead, Parachanna obscura (Günther, 1861) fingerlings

May 2013

Five isoenergetic semi-purified diets were formulated to evaluate the effects of dietary crude protein levels on growth and feed utilization of snakehead, Parachanna obscura (4.08 ± 0.07 g). Experimental diets were formulated to contain graded levels of crude protein (CP; 30, 40, 45, 50 and 60 g/100 g of diet). Fish feed on the tested diet in triplicate for 45 days. Seventy fingerlings were stocked per...

Author(s): Diane N. S. Kpogue, Grace A. Ayanou, Ibrahim I. Toko, Guy A. Mensah and Emile D. Fiogbe

An assessment on red tilapia stocks in Malaysia using microsatellite markers

May 2013

Tilapia is an important farmed freshwater fish in Malaysia. Freshwater aquaculture production statistics showed that tilapia topped the list for several years. On the choice of colour, the Malaysian aquaculture industry has always preferred the red hybrids. Statistically, red tilapia represented 86% of the total local tilapia production. One of the constraints faced by the industry is seed stock quality. There...

Author(s): K. V. Karuppannan, I. Noraida and S. Oyyan

Essentiality of calcium supplement in the diets of Heterobranchus bidorsalis fingerlings

May 2013

An 84-day feeding trial was conducted to determine the effect of calcium (Ca) supplemented diets on growth and body mineral composition of Heterobranchus bidorsalis, initial mean weight (5.05 ± 0.31 g). Glass aquaria (70 × 45 × 40 cm) each filled up to 70 L of its volume with Ca -free water were used for the experiment. Eleven practical diets were formulated to contain graded levels of...

Author(s): I. A. Adebayo and B. O. Omitoyin

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