Journal of
Plant Breeding and Crop Science

  • Abbreviation: J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9758
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPBCS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 453

JPBCS Articles

Evaluation of tropical maize inbred lines for resistance to two stem borer species, Busseola fusca and Chilo partellus

February 2016

Stem borers, Busseola fusca (Fuller) Noctuidae, Lepidoptera and Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) Pyralidae, Lepidoptera, are serious insect pests of maize. However, genotypes showing exclusive resistance to each of these borers and with resistance to both species have not been identified in Kenya. The objective of this study was to evaluate tropical maize inbred lines for resistance to the two species. 112 maize inbred lines...

Author(s): Mwimali Murenga, John Derera, Stephen Mugo, Pangirayi Tongoona and Gichuru Lilian,

Population genetic structure and diversity analysis of South Indian banana cultivars

January 2016

Banana and plantain (Genus: Musa; Family: Musaceae) are giant perennial rhizomatous herbs native to South East Asia and Western Pacific. Present study analyzed the genetic population structure and diversity of South Indian Musa cultivars belonging to different genome groups using random amplified polymorphic (RAPD) markers. The total genetic diversity for all groups (Ht) was 0.22 and within groups (Hs) was 0.07...

Author(s): L. Resmi, A. R. Nair and A. S. Nair

Genetic diversity of Dacryodes edulis provenances used in controlled breeding trials

December 2015

Genetic diversity characterization among Dacryodes edulis accessions is important in developing genetically diverse and superior cultivars. This study assessed the genetic diversity of three D. edulis provenances used in controlled breeding trials at ICRAF-Cameroon based on SSR marker technique. Genomic DNA isolated from individual D. edulis samples were primed with six SSR primers (CB09, LD06, CG11, LB12 CE09 and...

Author(s): Josephine Therese Makueti, Gordon Otieno, Zac Tchoundjeu, Alice Muchugi, Alain Tsobeng, Ebenezer Asaah and Robert Kariba

Combining ability for stem borer resistance and heterotic orientation of maize inbred lines using CIMMYT single cross testers under Chilo partellus infestation

November 2015

The spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus, Swinhoe (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) is one of the most destructive insect pests of maize in tropical environments. However, the combining ability and heterotic orientation of the germplasm for grain yield and borer resistance is limited. The objective of this study was to determine combining ability and heterotic orientation of new maize inbred lines under C. partellus infestation....

Author(s): Murenga Mwimali, J. Derera, P. Tongoona, S. Mugo and L. Gichuru,

A study on banana miRNA and its application in resistance to Fusarium wilt

October 2015

MicroRNAs refer to a class of short noncoding RNAs (containing about 22 to 24 nucleotides) widely found in eukaryotes, which function in post-transcriptional regulation of target gene expression via base pairing with specified sequences within target mRNAs to cleave target mRNAs or to repress their translation. This paper mainly introduces the research progress of banana miRNA in biological study of resistance to...

Author(s): Song Shun,, Huang Dongmei, Xu Yi,, Guo Gang, Li Yujia, and Jin Zhiqiang,

Appraisal of soybean RIL population derived from a cross between ‘Spencer’ by ‘LS97-1610’

September 2015

The selection of genotypes based on phenotypic data requires evaluation through different environments in order to accurately measure the genotype x environment (GxE) interaction effect. The purpose of this study was to assess 94 F5:8 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) in terms of their yield performance and other agronomic traits (that is, height, maturity, and lodging); and compare the results to the parental lines (that...

Author(s): R. L. Hamawaki, Y. Lee, J. A. Anderson, M. H. Reyes-Valdes and S. K. Kantartzi

Genetic diversity of determinate French beans grown in Kenya based on morpho-agronomic and simple sequence repeat variation

August 2015

French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Kenya is cultivated predominantly in the Central, Eastern and Rift Valley provinces. Despite its importance as an export commodity, there has been little breeding effort devoted to its improvement and no much focus on gaining an understanding of the genetic diversity of the germplasm used in cultivation. The present objective was to evaluate the genetic diversity of a set of 36...

Author(s): Edith Esther Arunga, Miriam Kinyua, Julius Ochuodho, James Owuoche and Emy Chepkoech

Genetic analysis of single cross Quality Protein Maize (QPM) hybrids

August 2015

Correlation coefficients and stability of grain yield were determined using 6 extra-early quality protein maize (QPM) parental inbred lines and their F1 (15) single crosses evaluated in selected ecological zones of Ghana. The objectives were; to estimate the genetic correlation between grain yield and other agronomic traits and to determine the stability of the single cross hybrids across four locations. Randomized...

Author(s): Ofori A. P., Ofori K., Obeng-Antwi K., Tengan K. M. L., Agyeman A. and Badu-Apraku B.

Heterosis and combining ability effect of protein content on rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes

August 2015

The study comprised of a set of 56 F1s and F2s which were developed at the Teaching and Research farm of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria, during the early season of 2007. The parental lines consisting of eight genotypes of rice were grouped into low, medium and high protein parents and crosses were made in all possible combinations. The laboratory analysis for the protein content determination was...

Author(s): Chinyere Prisca Anyanwu and Ignatius Ugwudike Obi

Yield potential and ratooning ability of some sugar cane genotypes

August 2015

An experiment was conducted at El- Mattana Agricultural Research Station, Luxor Governorate, to evaluate the yield and ratooning ability of 30 sugar cane genotypes (clones) along with the check cultivar GT 54/9 during three different crop cycles; plant cane (PC), first ratoon (FR), and second ratoon (SR) crops during 2011/2013 harvesting seasons. A randomized complete block design with three replicates was used. Results...

Author(s): M. I. Masri and M. M. M. Amein

Ethiopian barley landraces show higher yield stability and comparable yield to improved varieties in multi-environment field trials

August 2015

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a major food crop in Ethiopia. A high inter-annual rainfall variability, concomitant variable planting dates and unpredictable drought stress at any time during the rainy season are severe constraints to barley production in Ethiopia. To study genotype by environment (G x E) interactions and grain yield stability, 18 barley genotypes (three landraces and 15 improved cultivars) were...

Author(s): Wosene G. Abtew, Berhane Lakew, Bettina I. G. Haussmann, Karl J. Schmid

Introgression of a gene for high grain protein content (Gpc-B1) into two leading cultivars of wheat in Eastern Gangetic Plains of India through marker assisted backcross breeding

August 2015

A wheat genotype named ‘PBW343+Gpc-B1+LR24’ containing Gpc-B1 gene linked with the DNA-based marker Xucw108,  developed at Choudhary Charan Singh University (CCSU), Meerut, through marker-assisted selection, was used as the donor parent to transfer the gene (Gpc-B1) for high grain protein content (GPC) into two popular cultivars (HUW234 and HUW468) of Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) of India. In both the...

Author(s): Vinod Kumar Mishra, Pushpendra Kumar Gupta, Balasubramaniam Arun, Ramesh Chand, Neeraj Kumar Vasistha, Manish Kumar Vishwakarma, Punam SinghYadav and Arun Kumar Joshi,

High efficiency macropropagation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Kufri Jyoti in Kumaun Hills

July 2015

The present study demonstrated the use of various PGR combinations for efficient in vitro regeneration of cv. kufri jyoti in kumaun hills. Best callus induction and proliferation was observed in MS medium supplemented with 13.59 µM 2,4-D alone and 2,4-D + kinetin (9.06 + 1.16 µM) out of different concentrations of 2,4-D (4.53 to 18.12 µM) alone and 2,4-D (0 to 18.12 µM) with kinetin (1.16...

Author(s): Manisha Dhaka and Tapan Kumar Nailwal

Identification of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) landraces tolerant to post flowering drought stress using drought tolerance indices

July 2015

Drought stress occurring during the post-flowering growth stage of sorghum can cause considerable reduction in yield. In order to identify drought tolerant Eritrean sorghum landraces and assess efficiency of drought tolerance indices, twenty five sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) accessions were evaluated in split plot design with three replications. Fully irrigated and drought stress treatments were assigned in main...

Author(s): Tesfamichael Abraha, Aggrey Bernard Nyende, Stephen Githiri Mwangi, Remmy Kasili and Woldeamlak Araia

Assessment of genetic variability and yield stability in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars in River Nile State, Sudan

July 2015

Eight chickpea cultivars (Shendi, Jabel Marra, Wad Hamid, Atmor, Hwata, Burgeig, Salwa and Matama) were evaluated for genetic variability, yield stability and contribution of yield attributes to seed yield. Field experiments were carried out for four seasons (2007/2008, 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012) at Hudeiba Research Farm in River Nile State, Sudan. Randomized complete block design with six replications was...

Author(s): Amel A. Mohamed, Izzat S. A. Tahir and Ashraf M. A. Elhashimi

Differential morphological, physiological, and molecular responses to water deficit stress in sugarcane

July 2015

This study was designed to characterize morphological, physiological and molecular responses of sugarcane genotypes to a simulated water deficit stress. Two genotypes (TSP05-4: Drought-tolerant; TCP02-4589: Drought-sensitive) were subjected to a 20-day water deficit treatment and an 8-day recovery period. Leaf photosynthesis (Pn), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (Gs), leaf greenness index (SPAD) and...

Author(s): Cássia Ângela Pedrozo, John Jifon, Márcio Henrique Pereira Barbosa, Jorge Alberto Da Silva, Jong-Won Park And Nora Solis Gracia

Variability of root and physiological traits of different maturity groups of maize (Zea mays L.)

July 2015

Maize (Zea mays L.) is a major commercial crop, with high potential for production due to high solar radiation and low night temperature in sub-Saharan Africa. It is also the second most susceptible to drought among cereals, although phenotypic traits can be altered to improve drought resistance. Pot and field experiments were conducted to study the variability in root and physiological traits in different maturity...

Author(s): Shaibu A. S., Rabiu I. U. and Adnan A. A.

Generation mean analysis to estimate genetic parameters of some traits for rice–weed competitiveness

June 2015

Weeds are the most widespread biotic production constraint of rice in Africa and one of the major factors limiting grain yield. An efficient breeding strategy could be particularly important for improving weed management in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) because most smallholder rice farmers use few external inputs. To understand rice weed competitiveness, experiments on reciprocal interspecific crosses derived from FKR19...

Author(s): Moukoumbi Yonnelle Dea, Sie Moussa, Dieng Ibnou, Yao Kouadio Nasser and Ahanchede Adam

Climatic conditions requirements of maize germplasm for flowering in the rainforest Agro-ecology of Nigeria

June 2015

The number of days from planting to flowering in maize (Zea mays L.) is of interest to maize breeders because of its importance in the selection of appropriate hybrid parents. Highly significant interaction of planting dates with varieties for flowering traits have been observed during the early and late cropping seasons in the rainforest agro-ecology of South West Nigeria. This makes the use of flowering dates as...

Author(s): Abimbola Oluwaranti, Morakinyo Abiodun Bamidele Fakorede, Abebe Menkir and Baffour Badu-Apraku

Genetic diversity and association of physio-morphological traits for drought resistance in wheat (Triticum aesitivum)

June 2015

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) occupied 17 percentage of the total cultivated land in the world whereas it has contributed major role to maintain the Nepalese agricultural gross domestic products (MOAC, 2012) but area of cultivation has been decreasing. Moreover, potential yield of popular varieties have reduced by the effect of drought. To combat from drought loss, tolerant variety is one of the major solutions to...

Author(s): Rudra Bhattarai, Surya Kant Ghimire, Dhruba Bahadur Thapa and Madhav Prasad Pandey

Analysis of phenotypic responses influencing leaf growth rate and harvest parameters in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) under hydrothermal stress

June 2015

Plants under hydrothermal stress show a variety of responses aimed at reducing leaf growth and total leaf area, thereby reducing physiological processes such as transpiration and photosynthesis. The effects of hydrothermal stress on cassava plant growth parameters were thus investigated. Twenty cassava varieties representing a broad range of genetic diversity were used. Plants were grown in the field, physical...

Author(s): Ephraim Nuwamanya, Patrick R. Rubaihayo, Joseph F. Hawumba, Robert Kawuki and Yona Baguma

Variability for yield, yield related traits and association among traits of sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) varieties in Wollo, Ethiopia

May 2015

Sixteen sorghum varieties were tested in a randomized complete block design with three replications at Sirinka Agricultural Research Center and Kobo sub-center in 2010 with the objectives of estimating the genetic variability, associations among the traits and determining the direct and indirect effect of the traits on grain yield of varieties across the two locations. Analysis of variance revealed that there were...

Author(s): Kassahun Amare, Habtamu Zeleke and Geremew Bultosa

Genetic effects on panicle traits of crossbred rainfed rice cultivars using generation mean analysis

May 2015

The nature and magnitude of gene effects involved in expression of panicle traits in rainfed rice cultivars were estimated among a wide range of crosses using generation mean analysis. The parental lines comprised of two low-land and six upland rain-fed rice. The lowland parents were used as pollen parents and the upland genotypes were maintained as the seed parents. Crosses were made between them to obtain the F1...

Author(s): Chinyere Prisca Anyanwu and Ignatius Ugwudike Obi

Genetic diversity and trait association between growth, yield and seed component of Jatropha curcas (L.) source collection from Indian sub-continent

May 2015

Seventy-two Jatropha curcas clonal accessions, collected from different parts of India, were grown in randomized block design and evaluated for 13 characters. These showed significant differences in growth, yield and seed characteristics, except for number of primary branches per plant. The accessions AFRI-35, AFRI-52 and AFRI-56 showed above mean value for 12 growth, fruit and seed yield characters except for number of...

Author(s): Atul Tripathi, D. K. Mishra and J .K. Shukla

Some medicinal plant resources and traditional uses in Pakistan

May 2015

Present communication describes lesser known plant resources which have been used over the centuries by local communities and indigenous populations for their medicinal and nutritional properties. Many of these plants are now being discovered by modern science and medicine and their value recognized. The idea is to call attention of research institutions and policy makers to these “forgotten gems” which have...

Author(s): Mariam Ahmed

Combining ability and heterosis estimate of extra-early quality protein maize (QPM) single cross hybrids

April 2015

Six extra-early quality protein maize (QPM) inbred lines from IITA were investigated using a partial diallel cross design. The objectives were to assess the hybrids and their parents for their agronomic performance. The six parents along with their hybrids (15) were evaluated using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications per site in four locations. General combining ability (GCA) and specific...

Author(s): Ofori, A. P., Ofori K., Obeng-Antwi, K., Tengan, K. M. L. and Badu-Apraku B.

Breeding for dual purpose attributes in sorghum: Identification of materials and associations among fodder and grain yield and related traits

April 2015

In view of the pressing need for both grain and fodder of sorghum as source for food and feed, a study was conducted during 2010 and 2011 to investigate the possibility of developing high yielding dual (grain/fodder) sorghum cultivars. A replicated breeding nursery comprising 122 genotypes was screened for dual grain/fodder attributes. 21 sorghum genotypes were selected and tested against 3 checks in Alpha lattice...

Author(s): Suad A. Hassan and Maarouf I. Mohammed

Breeding for dual purpose attributes in sorghum: Effect of harvest option and genotype on fodder and grain yields

April 2015

A study was conducted across different seasons during 2012 to 2013 to investigate the effect of harvest options and genotype on the dual fodder and grain yield in sorghum. The treatments were arranged in split–split plot design with the harvest options assigned to the main plot and the genotypes to the sub plot. The study revealed that performance of dual sorghum genotypes differed across harvest options and...

Author(s): Suad A. Hassan, Maarouf I. Mohammed and Samia O. Yagoub

Performance of farmers’ and improved varieties of barley for yield components and seed quality

April 2015

The objective of this study was to assess the performance of farmers’ and improved varieties of barley for yield and yield related traits and seed quality attribute in North Shewa Zone of Oromiya Region, Ethiopian. Seven farmer’s varieties (FVs) and three improved varieties (MVs) of barley were tested at three locations in Degem Wereda in randomized complete block design (RCBD) design with three replications...

Author(s): Girma Megersa, Firew Mekbib and Berhane Lakew

Crossability and germinability potentials of some cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) progenitors for selection

March 2015

Controlled crosses and selection of promising cassava genotypes were carried out at Cassava Breeding Programme of National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Nigeria, in 2010. A 3 x 3 North Carolina mating design was used to generate nine F1 population. Out of 7,044 seeds expected from all the pollinated flowers, only 1,102 seeds (15.6%) were harvested. Majority of the pollinated flowers did not develop...

Author(s): Njoku, Damian Ndubuisi, Ikeogu, Ugochukwu Nathaniel, Ewa, Favour and Egesi, Chiedozie

Stability of resistance to cassava brown streak disease in major agro-ecologies of Uganda

March 2015

Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) is the most devastating disease of cassava in southern,   eastern and cntral Africa, and can cause up to 100% yield loss. Limited progress has been made in breeding for host plant resistance due to limited knowledge on the resistance variability to the disease. Reaction of promising cassava genotypes to CBSD in multi-environments are also unknown. Therefore, this study...

Author(s): Anthony Pariyo, Yona Baguma, Titus Alicai, Robert Kawuki, Edward Kanju, Anton Bua, Christopher A. Omongo, Paul Gibson, David S. Osiru, Dennis Mpairwe and Phinehas Tukamuhabwa

Genotype by environment interaction of some faba bean genotypes under diverse broomrape environments of Tigray, Ethiopia

March 2015

Advanced breeding lines with acceptable resistance and tolerance levels to broomrape is an important way of decreasing yield loss. The objective of this research was to assess the yield stability of faba bean genotypes under diverse broomrape (Orobanche crenata) prone production environments. Six faba bean genotypes were tested across six environments. The AMMI analysis showed significant (P<0.01) genotype,...

Author(s): Teklay Abebe, Yemane Nega, Muez Mehari, Adhiena Mesele, Assefa Workineh and Hadas Beyene

Agro-morphological variability of shea populations (Vitellaria paradoxa CF Gaertn) in the Township of Bassila, Benin Republic

February 2015

Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa CF Gaertn) is a multipurpose forest tree species. This is one of the most integrated species in the cropping systems in the central and northern regions of Benin. It is also an important source of income for the population. Observations were made on some shea trees randomly selected in three vegetation types namely forests, fallows and farms. Data collection on quantitative and qualitative...

Author(s): SOUBEROU T. Kafilatou, AHOTON  E. Léonard, EZIN Vincent and SEKO H. Eliassou

Optimization of micropropagation protocol for three cotton varieties regenerated from apical shoot

February 2015

The need for alternative strategies to obtain transgenic cotton via apical shoot was necessitated due to the recalcitrance of cotton regeneration from somatic embryogenesis, this has greatly slowed down the development of transgenic cottons. To this effect, an optimized regeneration system from apical shoot was developed for three varieties of cotton. Ninety-five percent seed surface sterility was observed in seed...

Author(s): Afolabi-Balogun N. B., Inuwa H. M., Ume O., Bakare-Odunola M. T., Nok A. J. and Adebola P. A.

Morphological diversity and association of traits in ethiopian food barley (Hordeum vulgare l.) landraces in relation to regions of origin and altitudes

February 2015

One hundred and two barley accessions and five checks were evaluated using augmented design consisting of four complete blocks in 2012 main cropping season at holetta agricultural research center. Ten quantitative and six qualitative characters were recorded. Analysis of variance showed significant difference (p<0.01) among accessions for plant height, awn length, peduncle extrusion, thousand seed weight, number of...

Author(s): Bedasa Mekonnon, Berhane Lakew and Tadesse Dessalegn

Correlation, path coefficient analysis and heritability of grain yield components in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) parental lines

February 2015

Twenty four parental lines of pearl millet A/B pairs developed jointly by Lake Chad Research Institute (LCRI), Maiduguri and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Kano during 1997 to 1999 were evaluated along with a seed parent (ZATIB) across five locations to determine yield and yield component relationships, heritability estimates as well as genetic advance. Correlation...

Author(s): Ezeaku I. E. Angarawai I. I., Aladele S. E. and Mohammed S. G.

Introgression of root protein and yield traits from backcross hybrids between cassava and its wild progenitor (Manihot esculenta ssp flabellifolia)

January 2015

Manihot esculenta spp flabellifolia is a potential progenitor for cassava root protein content and yield improvement. Storage roots of cassava landraces are low in protein content due to the fact that past breeding objectives concentrated mainly on yield and resistance to diseases. The improvement of cassava through its wild progenitor is of importance for the full utilization of the potential of the wild progenitor. An...

Author(s): Olalekan Akinbo, Maryke Tine Labuschagne and Martin Fregene

Correlation analysis for maize grain yield, other agronomic parameters and Striga affected traits under Striga infested/free environment

January 2015

Evaluation of 15 F1 hybrids and six parents obtained from partial diallel crosses was carried out during 2011 rainy season at Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR) Samaru, Zaria Striga infested field and Striga free field (2 environments). Interrelationships of grain yield and its components under Striga infestation revealed that character ear height had positive and highly significant phenotypic correlation with...

Author(s): J. Halidu, L. Abubakar, U. A. Izge, S. G. Ado, H. Yakubu and B. S. Haliru

Genetics of drought tolerance in common bean genotypes adapted to Ugandan conditions

January 2015

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important source of food and income for majority of households in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, bean production in Uganda is being affected by drought which has resulted from recent changes in climate. Developing high-yielding and drought-tolerant bean cultivars would significantly contribute to increased and stable yields in drought-prone environments. However, prior research...

Author(s): Winnyfred Amongi, Stanley Tamusange Nkalubo, Paul Gibson, Richard Edema and Mildred Ochwo-Ssemakula

Combining ability for yield and yield components in six parents and their 15 F1 hybrids of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in half diallel mating design

December 2014

Combining ability estimates were studied for seed yield, yield components and other morphological traits in six sesame parental lines and their 15 F1  hybrids crossed in half diallel for two consecutive seasons 2012/2013 - 2013/2014 at Gadaref University Farm, Gadaref, Sudan. Combining ability analysis revealed that both additive and non additive types of gene actions were important in the studied traits. For days...

Author(s): Salah Balla M. Ahmed and Shahira I. Adam

Genetic diversity and adaptation to different tillage and farming systems of cocoyam genotypes (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott) in the Eastern Region of Ghana

December 2014

Experiments conducted in Ghana show that cocoyam exists as mixtures of clones in farmers farms. This work aimed to use RAPD markers to determine the extent of diversity in cocoyam genotypes collected from farms at different locations in the Eastern region of Ghana. The study also investigated whether the genotypes have different adaptation to different farming systems (intercropping with plantain and sole cropping) and...

Author(s): Linda Arhin, Lemuel Ohemeng Mintah and Robert Impraim

Genetic diversity in Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) landraces grown in Botswana

December 2014

A field experiment was conducted at Department of Agricultural Research in Sebele in the 2012 to 2013 season using nine accessions that were sourced from the National Plant Genetic Resource Centre (NPGRC), Gaborone, Botswana. Multivariate statistical procedures such as clusters and principal component analysis were used on 15 selected characters to assess agro-morphological variability among tepary bean landraces...

Author(s): Molosiwa O. O., Kgokong S. B., Makwala B., Gwafila C. and Ramokapane M. G.

Genetic variation and heritability of yield and related traits in promising rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.)

November 2014

A study was conducted during 2008 to 2009 in 12 environments in Nigeria, Benin Republic and Togo to evaluate genetic variation and heritability of yield and related traits in 48 rice genotypes. The experiments were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Genotypes differed significantly at p > 0.001 for all the traits studied, which implies that the genotypes contain adequate...

Author(s): S. A. Ogunbayo, M. Sié, D. K. Ojo, K. A. Sanni, M. G. Akinwale, B. Toulou, A. Shittu, E. O. Idehen, A. R. Popoola, I. O. Daniel and G. B. Gregorio

Management of major diseases and insect pests of onion and garlic: A comprehensive review

November 2014

Onion (Allium cepa L.) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) are the most important commercial crops grown all over the world and consumed in various forms. In India, onion and garlic have been under cultivation for the last 5000 years. It is generally used as vegetables, spices or as medicines. India ranks second to China in area and production in both onion and garlic, but ranks 102nd for onion and 74th for garlic in terms...

Author(s): R. K. Mishra, R. K. Jaiswal, D. Kumar, P. R. Saabale and A. Singh

Performance evaluation of indigenous Arabica coffee genotypes across different environments

November 2014

Evaluation of 30 Arabica coffee genotypes was carried out at four different locations in south-western Ethiopia to identify genotypes that exhibits stable performance across wide environments. The analyses of variances revealed that yield differences among genotypes were highly significant at all locations in both seasons except at Jimma during the second season. The interaction was also highly significant. Six...

Author(s): Yonas Belete, Bayetta Belachew and Chemeda Fininsa

Combining ability and heterosis for different agronomic traits in maize (Zea mays L.) under drought stress in the Sudan Savanna of Borno State, Nigeria

October 2014

Combining ability variances were estimated for grain yield and its related traits in maize (Zea mays L.). Nine maize varieties consisted of five IITA open pollinated varieties (OPVs) and four local varieties were crossed in line x tester mating design. During the 2007 cropping season to determine the general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) effects and heterosis. Parents and hybrids were...

Author(s): D. Aminu, M. A. Dawud and A. Modu

Evaluation of bean qualities of indigenous Arabica coffee genotypes across different environments

October 2014

Evaluation of bean qualities of 30 Arabica coffee genotypes were carried out at four different locations (South-western Ethiopia). The genotypes had high overall yield potential, during a preliminary evaluation carried out at Gera. The differences among genotypes for cherry weight (CW), bean weight, parchment length (PL), bean length (BL), floater beans and outturn percent at each location were highly significant (p...

Author(s): Yonas Belete, Bayetta Belachew and Chemeda Fininsa

Crop nutrition studies on grain filling and chalkiness in rice

October 2014

Rice grain chalkiness can reduce crop quality resulting in lower grades and returns. It is as a consequence of loose starch and protein particles packing during grain filling and maturation, and may due to nutritional, biochemical, physiological and environmental conditions particularly in varieties with high inheritable chalkiness. This study set out to evaluate the response to varying levels of nitrogen and potassium...

Author(s): Puran Bridgemohan and Ronell S. H. Bridgemohan

Genetic diversity studies for quantitative traits of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) genotypes in Western Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

September 2014

The objective of the study was to estimate genetic diversity among tomato genotypes. Thirty-six genotypes introduced from different countries were evaluated at Humera Agricultural Research Center, Northern Ethiopia, during 2010/2011 in 6 × 6 simple lattice design with two replications. Cluster analysis was made by average linkage method. Mahalanobis distance (D2) was used to estimate the genetic distance between...

Author(s): Shushay Chernet, Derbew Belew and Fetien Abay

Efficient propagation of an endangered medicinal plant Jurinea dolomiaea Boiss in the North Western Himalaya using rhizome cuttings under ex situ conditions

September 2014

Jurinea dolomiaea is an important medicinal and aromatic plant species of Kashmir Himalaya. Due to its tremendous overexploitation the species has been listed as endangered for Himalayan region. In this study we carried out the propagation of J. dolomiaea using rhizome cuttings. Propagation through rhizome cuttings is a means towards conserving the species and making available planting material of this species for...

Author(s): Asma Banday, Irshad Ahmad Nawchoo, Zahoor Ahmad Kaloo, Peerzada Arshid Shabir and Ali Abbas Rather

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