Additions to ectomycorrhizae associated with Populus ciliata Wall. Ex Royle from Pakistan
October 2013
Ectomycorrhizal roots sampled from the mycorhizosphere of Populus ciliata from Himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan were characterized based on standard methodology for morphological and anatomical characters which include: morphology of ectomycorrhizal system, structure of mantle layers in plain view, structure of rhizomorphs, shape of cystidia and features of emanating elements. Two...
Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms on Coffea arabica and Ficus sycomorus leaves in Dilla University, Ethiopia
October 2013
Coffea arabica and Ficus sycomorus leaves were assessed for supporting growth of Pleurotus ostreatus. Comparatively, sholla leaves were highly supportive and their fruiting bodies appeared late, while coffee leaves were also supportive and their fruiting bodies appeared early. Results of the cultivation of Pleurotus on coffee and sholla leaves showed that they have promising effect for...
Role of some micromycetes in biosorption of heavy metals in different polluted water samples
September 2013
In this study, heavy metal biosorption potential of indigenous micromycetes was determined. Water samples were collected from different waste water points, chemical industry and tanneries effluents. Indigenous mycoflora was isolated on 2% MEA medium and purified for biomass production. Selected water samples were exposed to UV radiation to kill microbial life in them. Isolated biomass was added to respective water...
Comparative profile of paddy straw pretreated with standard and isolated lignocellulolytic fungal cultures
September 2013
The ligno-cellulosic biomass is the most abundant and also the most renewable biomaterial on earth. The development of alternative energy technology such as bioconversion of biomass is critically important because of the rising prices of crude oil, security issues regarding the oil supply and air pollution. Many microorganisms in nature are able to attack and degrade lignin, thus making access to cellulose easy. Such...
An approach to etiology, diagnosis and management of different types of candidiasis
August 2013
Candida species are the most common cause of opportunistic fungal infection worldwide.Candida is the major fungal pathogen of humans, causing diseases ranging from superficial mucosal infections to disseminated, systemic infections that are often life threatening. A striking feature of its pathogenicity is ability to grow in yeast, pseudohyphal and hyphal forms. The hyphal form has an important role in causing...
Isolation and physiological characterization of indigenous yeasts from some Algerian agricultural and dairy products
August 2013
The purpose of this study was to isolate yeasts that may express original characteristics notably in terms of flavour from traditional Algerian agricultural and dairy products. A total of eighteen yeast isolates were recovered from dates, melons and gherkins, and from milk of camel, goat, sheep and cow. Molecular taxonomy based on the sequences of the D1/D2 domain of the 26S ribosomal RNA gene, grouped these isolates...
Comparative study on solubilization of tri-calcium phosphate (TCP) by phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF) isolated from Nsukka pepper plant rhizosphere and root free soil
July 2013
Phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF) possessing the ability to solubilize insoluble phosphate was isolated from the rhizospheric soil of Nsukka pepper plant. Twelve (12) fungal strains were isolated from both root-free soil (non-rhizosphere) and rhizosphere of Nsukka pepper plant. Of the 12 fungi isolated, 6 strains were from Nsukka pepper plant rhizosphere whereas the other six were from root- free soil. PF...
Aspergillus niger-specific ribonucleic acid extraction method
July 2013
Extraction of high quality RNA from Aspergillus niger mycelia, a tissue very rich in ribonucleases was achieved using a protocol involving the use of TRIZOL reagent and the ribonuclease inhibitor (RNaseOUT). RNA was successfully isolated using this protocol that involved addition of RNaseOUT at the initial homogenizing step and the final dilution/ solubilisation steps of the RNA extraction. A sharply...
Isolation and characterization of yeast strains from local food crops
June 2013
Isolation and identification of yeast from Manihot esculenta, Zea mays, Cola acuminata andSorghum bicolor was done using the spread plate technique. Morphological, cultural, physiological and molecular characterizations were carried out resulting in determination of the species. Four isolates belonging to different genera which include Pichia, Kluyveromyces,...
The effects of culture parameters on the conidial germination and yields of Ophiocordyceps sinensis
June 2013
Ophiocordyceps sinensis is an insect-born fungus with various biological and pharmacological activities. Artificial cultivation of the fungus-insect complex with fruiting body is not successful for the market mainly due to the lack of optimal conditions for fungus-insect interaction. Mass production of the pathogenic conidia as fungal inocula for effective insect infection is one of the critical steps. In...
Mycotoxicological studies of an Aspergillus oryzae strain
May 2013
The safety of Aspergillus oryzae used in industrial fermentations of food-grade products has long been recognized. However, production of fungal toxic secondary metabolites is strain-specific and environment-dependent. For these reasons, the present study aimed to conduct a mycotoxicological study of the strain H/6.28.1 of A. oryzae (from the collection of the Cuban Institute of Sugar Cane...
Brewer’s yeast (Saccharamyces cervisiae) has hypolipidemic effect in hyperlipidemic model
May 2013
The yeast has been used for food since ancient time, brewing beer, wine and other alcoholic drinks and in baking industry to expand or to raise dough. It is relatively inexpensive food stuff that contains many kinds of beneficial nutrients [vitamins, minerals, nucleic acid, glutathione, amino acids etc]. In addition brewer's yeast is commonly known as food supplement and traditional bowel movement...
Effect of environmental conditions on the growth of Cryptosporiopsis spp. causing leaf and nut blight on cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.)
March 2013
A new disease (cashew leaf and nut blight) in Tanzania caused by a fungus related to the genus Cryptosporiopsis was identified in 2006. The present work investigated the effects of environmental factors on the growth of Cryptosporiopsis spp. causing blight on cashew. The mycelial growth, colony character and sporulation pattern of 10 fungal isolates, grown on seven different culture media...
In vitro antifungal effects of Fumaria vaillantii Loisel. essential oil on Aspergillus flavus
March 2013
In order to identify the chemical composition of essential oil of Fumaria vaillantii, the leaves with young branches of this plant which grows in a village in Kerman Province at full flowering stage in May 2012 were collected. The sample was cleaned and then dried in the shade, and essential oil hydrodistillation method was performed. The main oil content from the plant of F. vaillantii was 0.25%...
Isolation of Aspergillus niger from three varieties of Bambara nuts for simultaneous production of phytase and tannase
February 2013
The aim of this work was to isolate strain of Aspergillus niger for simultaneous production of phytase and tannase enzymes. In this study, A. niger strains were isolated from Bambara nuts (Vigna subterranea) of three different color seed coats. Growth of colonies in plates with tannic acid and phytic acid sodium salt-containing media indicate their ability to synthesize both enzymes. The strain...
Antagonistic confrontation of Trichoderma spp against fruit rot pathogens on Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota L.)
February 2013
Antagonistic potentials of five Trichoderma species that is Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma koningii, Trichoderma pseudokoningii and Trichoderma virens were tested against fruit rots pathogens of sapodilla (Manilkara zapota L.) under laboratoryconditions. Dual culture experiment of tested pathogens and Trichoderma spp revealed...
Yeasts in marine and estuarine environments
December 2012
Yeasts and other fungi are prevalent in marine and estuarine ecosystems where they play an important role in the food web. Marine yeasts are unique in performing fermentations under high salt concentrations. The mechanism underlying the high salt tolerance involves the ability to accumulate high concentrations of sodium without becoming intoxicated, and the exclusion of excessive sodium from the cytoplasm. Overall, the...
Antifungal effects of the essential oil from Thymus vulgaris L. and comparison with synthetic thymol on Aspergillus niger
December 2012
The antifungal effects of the essential oil from Thymus vulgaris L. and comparison with synthetic thymol on Aspergillus niger growth was studied. The chemical composition of the essential oil of T. vulgaris, the aerial parts of this plant which is grown in a village in Kerman Province at full flowering stage in June 2012 were collected. The sample was...
The surface display of phytase on yeast cell and activity assay of the displayed protein
November 2012
Phytase is a new-style enzyme used in animal feed additive. It can increase phosphorus availability, decrease environmental phosphorus pollution and improve the performance of animals. Phytase gene was cloned by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using first strand cDNA as template after reverse transcripting Aspergillus niger total RNA. The phyA gene was cloned...
Some new rust fungi (Uredinales) from Fairy Meadows, Northern Areas, Pakistan
November 2012
Puccinia opizii on Carex curta is reported here as a new record for Pakistan. Furthermore,Coleosporium lycopi, Cronartium ribicola, Melampsora epitea, Peridermium thomsonii, Phragmidium rosae-moschatae, Puccinia carthami, Puccinia chrysanthemi, Puccinia circaeae, Puccinia graminis, Puccinia komarovii and Uromyces trifolii are additions to the rust flora of Fairy...
Studies on biodiversity of some mushrooms collected in Lagos State, Nigeria using biotechnological methods
October 2012
The biodiversity of mushrooms in Lagos State, Nigeria was studied using modern biotechnological method of DNA sequence analyses. Sixteen mushrooms were collected in Lagos State for 12 months. The mushrooms collected include: Agaricus campestris, Coprinus comatus, Daldinia concetrica, Ganoderma adspersum, Ganoderma applanatum, Ganoderma lucidum, Mycena haematopus, Mycena sp., Pleurotus...
Fungi associated with the spoilage of berry and their reaction to electromagnetic field
October 2012
Fungi responsible for the spoilage of some berry, namely pawpaw (Carica papaya), sweet orange (Citrus sinensis), banana (Musa acuminata), garden egg (Solanum melongena), lemon (Citrus limoni), and tangelo (Citrus tangelo) with respect to their control using electromagnetic field were investigated. Fungi isolated include the genera of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Articulospora, Gonatobotryum, Varicosporium,...
Halophilic fungi in a polyhaline estuarine habitat
May 2012
Halophilic mycobiota was isolated from Mandovi estuary and it was dominated by Aspergillusand Penicillium species. Cladosporium and Eurotium were found in lesser numbers while obligate halophiles were found only amongst the aspergilla and they were all identified asAspergillus penicillioides. Some aspergilli and all the isolates...
A comparative study of ethanol production from various agro residues by using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans
March 2012
In this study, ethanol produced from fruits of pineapple, orange and sweet lime was investigated. Effect of different constant times [24 and 72 h, and 8 days (in submerged fermentation)]; pH (3.5 to 8.5), temperature (78°C) and autoclave pre-treatment (121°C, 20min) were also studied to improve the yield of ethanol in fruits. Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiaeand Candida alb cans) are used for...
Generation of a cDNA library reveals the presence of a Ty-1/copia transposon in Phellinus rimosus (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota)
March 2012
Lignocellulolytic fungi have significant potential as bio-convertors with a particular capacity to degrade recalcitrant natural composts, such as lignin. We generated a cDNA library of a lignocellulolytic fungus, the Phellinus rimosus (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota), and a typical species of polypore mushroom from the Brazilian semi-arid region. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first...
Antimicrobial activity and physicochemical properties of oils from tropical macrofungi
January 2012
Nutriceutics potential and physicochemical properties of the oil extract from five species of macrofungi which include Ganoderma lucidium, Pleurotus tuberregium, Termytomyces robustus, Schizophyllum commune and Trametes versicolor were investigated using standard chemical and microbiological methods. The oil was extracted using Soxhlet method of extraction. Disc diffusion and agar dilution...
First qualitative survey of filamentous fungi in Dal Lake, Kashmir
January 2012
Filamentous fungi comprehend a heterogeneous group of heterotrophic microorganisms that act as saprobes or parasites or, less frequently as symbionts living in association with other organisms. Water samples obtained seasonally from April 2010 to March 2011 at sixteen different sites of Dal Lake, Kashmir were serially diluted five folds followed by spread plate technique for the isolation of filamentous fungi, spreading...
Effect of some chemicals on growth, melanogenesis, pathogenicity and metabolic activities of Rhizoctonia solani.
October 2011
Morphogenesis, cell differentiation, sclerotial formation and melanogenesis of a fungus depend on growth conditions. The present work aims to study the effect of some chemicals on the growth parameters of Rhizoctonia solani, which is the main causal organism of many diseases as damping off disease of many crops such as Phaseolus vulgaris. Different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 and...
Biochemical characterisation of two novel laccases from Magnaporthe grisea
October 2011
Laccases are widely distributed oxido-reductases that catalyse the biological oxidation-reduction of polyphenols with a concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water. Genome analysis ofMagnaporthe grisea using bioinformatic approach showed the presence of multiple laccases, which encode proteins with three domains of multicopper oxidase. The transcript levels of all M. grisea laccases were...
Effect of carbon, nitrogen and trace elements on growth and sporulation of the Termitomyces striatus (Beeli) Heim
September 2011
Nutritional studies namely carbon, nitrogen and trace element requirements of Termitomyces striatus have been carried out. Amongst all the carbon compounds used, the most favourable in order of effectiveness are D (+) glucose, D (+) sucrose, maltose and D (+) raffinose. The fungus showed poor growth with lactose. Sodium nitrite served as the best inorganic nitrogen source for the growth of this fungus. Ammonium acetate,...
Growth and in vitro phosphate solubilising ability of Scleroderma sinnamariense: A tropical mycorrhiza fungus isolated from Gnetum africanum ectomycorrhiza root tips
September 2011
The growth and ability of Scleroderma sinnamariense isolated from Gnetum africanumectomycorrhiza root tips to solubilise calcium tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate, calcium phytate, hydroxyapatite and amorphous iron phosphate was assessed in axenic culture under a range of conditions. S. sinnamariense grew on all P sources when NH4+ was sole nitrogen source, but failed to grow on amorphous iron...
Comparative analysis of bioethanol production by different strains of immobilized marine yeast
September 2011
Yeasts are well known for bioethanol production. However, marine yeasts are less known for the activity. In the present context of increasing demand for energy and biofuel, the microbial synthesis of ethanol using cellulosic waste materials has gained recent importance. The present study deals with the identification of potential marine yeasts for ethanol production. Ten species of marine yeasts were cultured for 24,...
Screening of indigenous yeast isolates obtained from traditional fermented foods of Western Himalayas for probiotic attributes
September 2011
Twenty three indigenous isolates of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) obtained from various traditional fermented foods and traditional inocula of Western Himalayas (Himachal Pradesh) were subjected to in vitro probiotic tests. All the isolates were found to be intrinsically tolerant to upper gastrointestinal transit and this property was isolate dependent. Reduction in viability (in terms of log CFU/ml cells) was more...
Alternaria jacinthicola, a new fungal species causing blight leaf disease on water hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach]
August 2011
IWater hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) causes environmental, agricultural and health problems in Mali. This is particularly severe in the District of Bamako and the irrigation systems of the “Office du Niger” area. During two years survey for fungal pathogens of water hyacinth infested areas, isolate Mlb684 was collected from diseased plant. This fungal isolate was identified as a potential mycoherbicide for...
Imaging flow cytometric analysis of Schizosaccharomyces pombe morphology
August 2011
The morphology of Schizosaccharomyces pombe can be rapidly monitored in asynchronous, G2-rich populations using imaging flow cytometry (IFC). Cell morphology was analyzed in terms of length and aspect ratio before and after exposure to several toxins. The toxins target the DNA (hydroxyurea and phleomycin) or cytoskeletal elements (thiabendazole, carbendazim and latrunculin A) and exert well-characterized...
Fungicide toxicity against the growth of lineages of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae (Mestch.) Sorokin
July 2011
In this work, the fungicidal action of three agrochemicals (Sphere®, Nativo® and Bendazol®) used in soybean for control of fungal diseases on the lineages CG-28 and CG-30 of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae was evaluated. It was found that the fungicides inhibited the vegetative growth of the lineages at the concentrations indicated for the field, thereby showing its antifungal...
The research of infection process and biological characteristics of Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IB on soybean
July 2011
The isolate Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IB collected from the diseased leaves of soybean were identified by the method of internal transcribed spacer sequence analysis. In this study, we focus on the biological characteristics and infection process of AG-1IB. Morphological, nucleus, chromosome, and infection process were observed. Typical infectious structures as infection cushion and appressorium were observed...
Physiological variability among isolates of Phomopsis azadirachtae from Tamil Nadu
May 2011
16 isolates of Phomopsis azadirachtae, causing die-back of neem were isolated from 16 different geographical regions of Tamil Nadu. Their growth response to physical (temperature and pH) and chemical (carbon and nitrogen sources) factors were investigated. The toxicity of culture filtrate of each isolate on neem seed germination was also studied. Several isolates exhibited maximum growth at 35°C. Maximum growth...
Use of isozyme analyses and PCR based methods RAPD and RFLP for assessment of biochemical and genetic diversity of morphologically similar ectomycorrhizal Lactarius deliciosus from India
May 2011
The present study was undertaken to assess the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship among the morphologically similar and ecologically variant isolates of Lactariusdeliciosus using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based techniques random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), rDNA analysis and isozyme patterns. Two major groups were defined amongst the total isolates by cluster analyses. Four bands of...
Two new schifffnerulaceous fungi from Kerala, India
May 2011
Two new species namely, Sarcinella loranthacearum and Schiffnerula meliosmatis are collected from Peppara and Neyyar Wildlife sanctuaries and Silent Valley National park are described and illustrated in detail. Key words: Black mildews, new species, Kerala, India.
Gasteroid mycobiota of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Boletales
April 2011
Boletales is an order of the subclass Phallomycetidae, which comprises of a wide variety of morphological types of macrofungi, including the boletes and earthballs. In this paper, the gasteroid members of the Boletales from Rio Grande do Sul State, in southern Brazil, were revised. Specimens were collected during the years 2006 to 2009, analyzed macro and microscopically and the collections are preserved...
In vitro antimicrobial studies of Nodulisporium specie: An endophytic fungus
April 2011
Nodulisporium sp. an endophytic fungus identified by 28s ribosomal gene sequencing isolated from a medicinal plant, Nothapodytes foetida was studied for its in vitro antimicrobial activity. Dual culture studies were carried out for antifungal activity where maximum antagonistic activity was against Alternaria alternata and Colletotrichum gleosporoides. For antibacterial...
Occurrence and identification of yeast species isolated from Egyptian Karish cheese
April 2011
This study aims at identifying the diversity and abundance of yeast associated with Egyptian Karish cheese, employing comparison between conventional laboratory techniques and API20 kits techniques in yeast identification. A total of one hundred samples (fifty each) of Egyptian raw and pasteurized Karish cheese milk were randomly collected from farmers and markets in Cairo and Giza Districts. The occurrence of yeast in...
Amylolytic enzymes produced by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in rice semi-solid fermentation
March 2011
Amylases are enzymes that hydrolyze starch, releasing several products including dextrines and small polymers of glucose units. This work investigated the capacity of the endophytic fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides of producing the amylolytic enzymes ï¡-amylase and glucoamylase through fermentation in semi-solid medium of residues of the processing of rice, without supplementation. The ï¡-amylase...
Survey of Spilocaea oleagina, causal agent of olive leaf spot, in North of Iran
March 2011
Olive leaf spot or peacock spot, caused by the fungal pathogen Spilocaea oleagina, can cause reduced growth and yield in olive trees (Olea eurapaea). Investigations were carried out during 2007-2010 to measure the prevalence and severity of olive leaf spot in the northern olive growing regions of Iran. The susceptibility of ten cultivars (Amygdalifolia, Blaidy, Koronakei, Mary, Manzanillo, Mission, Rooghany,...
Anti-mycobacterium activity from culture filtrates obtained from the dematiaceous fungus C10
March 2011
The aim of this work was to increase the concentration of substances with anti-mycobacterium activity in culture filtrates obtained from the dematiaceous fungus C10. An experimental design was employed to study the effect of glucose, potato infusion and Senna reticulata infusion. The anti-mycobacterium activity was determined by evaluating the growth of bacteria in culture medium containing “culture...
Production of cellulase by different co-culture of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum from waste paper, cotton waste and baggase
February 2011
Cellulases are a group of hydrolytic enzymes capable of degrading cellulose to the smaller glucose units. These enzymes are produced by fungi and bacteria. The solid waste of sugar, paper and industry using baggase ans paper waste and cotton waste was fermented byAspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum in solid state fermentation. There is attempts to transfer the various industrial carbon waste to...
Optimization of cellulase production by Aspergillus niger and Tricoderma viride using sugar cane waste
February 2011
Sugar cane waste was used as substrates for the production of cellulase enzyme usingAspergillus niger and Tricoderm aviride. From the fermentation studies, sugar cane waste gave the best result with an enzyme activity value of (using A. niger and T. aviride) 2.7 and 2.6 IU/ml respectively. It gave the maximum enzyme activity at about the 10 days of cultivation, suggesting that is the optimum...
Morphology and taxonomy of Sarcoscypha ololosokwaniensis sp. nov.: A new Ascomycota species from Serengeti National Park-Tanzania
January 2011
Traditional taxonomy emphasizes the morphological features to characterize a taxon. Sarcoscypha is a genus in Sarcoscyphaceae family which display wide array of morphological variations. The genus is widespread in northern hemisphere and boreal regions, but also occurs in sub tropical areas and in the southern hemisphere. Both macro and micromorphological features including (ascocarp size, colour, shape, exterior...
Preparation and application of a novel environmentally friendly cucumber seed coating agent
January 2011
A novel cucumber seed coating agent was made from natural polysaccharide, fertilizer and microelement, etc., which achieved a good effect on increasing cucumber yield and antifeeding against pests. The foremost difference between this seed coating agent and conventional ones was that it controlled pests through the approach of repelling pests and enhancing the immunity of seeds, but not by killing pests. Results...
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