Dermatophytoses in rural school children associated with livestock keeping in Plateau state, Nigeria
January 2011
This article describes a study undertaken to evaluate the prevalence of dermatophytoses among one hundred and ten children between the ages of 3 to 14 years in rural primary school children of Barkin-Ladi Local Government Area, in association with the family livestock keeping, family hygiene level, environmental conditions of the schools and identify interventions to improve environmental health. Out of the number...
Studies on the mycoflora associated with sugarcane factory waste and pollution of River Nile in upper Egypt
December 2010
Sixty-nine species and four varieties which belong to twenty eight genera of terrestrial fungi were recovered from polluted and nonpolluted water and mud samples on glucose and cellulose-Czapek's agar at 28ËšC. The most common species from the two substrates on the two types of media were Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium oxysporum, Mycosphaerella...
Antifungal activity of extracts obtained from actinomycetes
December 2010
In the present investigation an attempt has been done on isolation of actinomycetes from the soil, extracting the antifungal compounds from these isolated actinomycetes and then testing the extract against the growth of Alternaria sps, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium sps, and Rhizopus stolonifer. During the investigation it was found that nearly all the extracts were effective against the test fungi and...
Improved antimicrobial activity of the Tanzanian edible mushroom Coprinus cinereus (Schaeff) Gray by chicken manure supplemented solid sisal wastes substrates
December 2010
The Tanzanian edible mushroom species Coprinus cinereus was grown on sisal waste substrates supplemented with chicken manure with the aim to evaluate the effects of the chicken manure supplement on the antimicrobial activity of the mushroom’s extracts. Crude ethyl acetate extracts were prepared from the mushroom’s fruiting bodies harvested at pre-capping, capping and post capping stages, and the...
FLAG tag module for PCR based gene targeting
November 2010
Epitope tagging of yeast proteins has become an efficient tool for biochemical analysis of protein of interest. The epitope-tagged proteins can be used for western blotting, immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence experiments without the need to raise specific antibodies, thus saving considerable time and expense. We have constructed plasmid containing FLAG tag with kanMX6 module, which allows selection of...
Identification of Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis strains by polymerase chain reaction assay using RPS0 gene fragment
November 2010
Two Candida species were identified by the amplification of the RPS0 gene intron fragment. For this, two pairs of primers were used in PCR analysis performed with genomic DNA of clinical isolates of Candida. The primers designed are highly specific for their respective species and produce amplicons of the expected sizes and fail to amplify any DNA fragment from the other species tested. For Candida glabrata, the size of...
A specific protein A specific inhibitory protein to a restriction enzyme from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
November 2010
Bottled raphia palm wine was cultured in a laboratory medium amended with 0.5% acetic acid (pH 4.8). Two cultures of identified heat resistant yeast (HRY) and one unidentified yeast species were isolated. Cultures of the isolates grown on potato dextrose agar for 10 days at 26°C, survived pasteurization temperature at 80°C for 20 min and 85°C for 15 min. Of these HRY identified...
Determination of effective dose of garlic for controlling seedborne fungal disease of tomato.
November 2010
Tomato seeds collected from farmer’s were treated with garlic tablet at concentration 1:3 w/v, 1:4 w/v, 1:5 w/v and 1:6 w/v for controlling seedborne fungal diseases. Seed health status of treated seeds was evaluated following blotter incubation method. Three different fungal pathogens viz., Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp. and Penicillium spp. were identified from seed samples by blotter incubation method. Garlic...
Heat resistance of genus Byssochlamys isolated from bottled raphia palm wine
October 2010
Bottled raphia palm wine was cultured in a laboratory medium amended with 0.5% acetic acid (pH 4.8). Two cultures of identified heat resistant yeast (HRY) and one unidentified yeast species were isolated. Cultures of the isolates grown on potato dextrose agar for 10 days at 26°C, survived pasteurization temperature at 80°C for 20 min and 85°C for 15 min. Of these HRY identified...
Isolation and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of wild yeast species from 17 different fruits
October 2010
The purpose of this study was to isolate the wild yeast strains present on different fruits and performing random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to know the genetic inter relationship between different isolated species. Seventeen different fruit namely mango, apple, banana, black grapes, sapotae, orange, plum, jamun, pear, cherry, dates, pomegranate, figs, papaya, pineapple, green grapes and raisins were used...
Influence of bacteria and protozoa from the rumen of buffalo on in-vitro activities of anaerobic fungus Caecomyces sp. isolated from the feces of elephant
October 2010
Anaerobic fungal isolates Caecomyces sp. from the feces of elephant andOrpinomyces sp. from buffalo rumen were co-cultured in-vitro with rumen bacterial and protozoal fractions collected from buffalo to observe the possible fate of these fungi in the rumen, if inoculated as microbial-feed supplements. When co-cultured together or separately with rumen bacteria and protozoa, Caecomycessp....
Influence of culture media on growth, colony character and sporulation of fungi isolated from decaying vegetable wastes
October 2010
The mycelial growth rate, colony character and sporulation pattern of ten fungal isolates, grown on three different culture media viz., Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), Czapek’s Dox + Yeast Extract Agar (CYA) and Lignocellulose Agar (LCA) were observed after seven days of incubation at 25±1οC. The colony diameter, culture characteristics (texture, surface and reverse colouration, zonation) and...
Evidence of antagonistic interactions between rhizosphere and mycorrhizal fungi associated with Dendrocalamus strictus (Bamboo)
September 2010
The paper deals with interactions of some microfungal strains isolated from rhizosphere soils from three different sites with ectomycorrhizal fungusCantharellus tropicalis mycelium grown in vitro on agar plates. The rhizospheric fungi were isolated from 3 different sites of bamboo forest and grown againstCantharellus. The cross inoculation method showed that C. tropicalis was highly...
Interactions between multiple fungi isolated from two bark beetles, Dendroctonus brevicomis and Dendroctonus frontalis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
September 2010
Antagonism between the fungal symbionts of bark beetles may represent a biologically significant interaction when multiple beetle species co-occur in a host tree. Since high density bark beetle populations rapidly and dramatically shift forest characteristics, patterns of competition between the obligate fungal associates of sympatric bark beetle species may have broad ecological effects. Primary and competitive...
Identification of a restriction endonuclease (SacC1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
September 2010
SacC1 is a novel restriction endonuclease from Saccharomyces cerevisiae that recognizes the palindromic sequence 5’CTCGAC3’ cleaving both DNA strands upstream and downstream of its recognition sequence and makes a staggered cut at the distance of five bases from the recognition sequence on the upper strand and at the seventh base on the complementary strand. It shares similar characteristics with...
Mycotic contamination of stockfish sold in Jos, Nigeria
September 2010
This study was aimed at isolating and identifying the fungi associated with stockfish contamination in Jos Metropolis. A total of 100 stockfish samples were randomly purchased from four markets namely, Terminus, Kwararafa, Katako and Gada biu in Jos town, Plateau State, Nigeria. The stockfish samples were assayed for fungal contamination and moisture content using standard procedures. All the stockfish samples were...
Effects of storage conditions and tillage operation on some fungal diseases and yield of maize
August 2010
Maize (Zea mays L) belongs to the family Poaceae and it is mostly grown as food for man and feed for animal. A two-season experiment was conducted in 2006 and 2007, respectively, to determine the effect of storage condition and tillage operation on some fungal diseases and yield of maize. Analysis of variance indicated that storage condition significantly affected plant height (cm) 5.69; 6.26 at 9 weeks after...
Effects of some alternative medicine and biological factors on Candida albicans in Saudi Arabia
August 2010
Yeast of the genus Candida has been recognized as important microorganisms responsible for Nosocomial fungemia. Six isolates of clinical Candida albicansisolated from patients and studied by electrophoretic karyotyping of chromosomal DNA by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Six chromosal DNA profiles were more or less identical. Natural fungicide nystatin is more effective on C....
Production cellulase by different co-culture of Aspergillus niger and Tricoderma viride from waste paper
August 2010
In Iraq, there is attempts to transfer the various industrial carbon waste to veterinary proteins depend on microorganisms by using of chemical process. Five different co-culture combinations (1:1 ratio, 1 × 106 conidia) of Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma viride, mixing of A. niger and T. viride, in 24 and 48 h old monocultures of Aspergillussimilar mixing of A. in 24 and...
Some sugar fungi in coastal sand dunes of Orissa, India
July 2010
Occurrence and distribution of sugar fungi was studied from soil and leaf litter in coastal sand dunes of Orissa for a period of two years covering three distinct seasons. Fungal succession of litter was also studied. Microbial isolation and soil analysis was performed using standard procedures. Maximum population density was observed in the rainy season followed by winter and lastly summer. Higher microbial populations...
Intergeneric protoplast fusion of yeast for high ethanol production from cheese industry waste – Whey
July 2010
In this study, Intergeneric protoplast fusion of the yeast cultures Viz.,Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus was carried out for enhancing production to ethanol temperature tolerance and lactose utilizing characters in a single stain. S. cerevisiae (Parent 1) has ethanol tolerance, whereas, K. marxianus (Parent 2) is temperature tolerant and also has lactose...
Overview on Echinophora platyloba, a synergistic anti-fungal agent candidate
July 2010
Echinophora Platyloba DC. is one of the four native species of this plant in Iran. The aim of this five-step study was to investigate the antimicrobial properties of this plant. Dried aerial parts of the plant were extracted by ethanol 70% in percolator. The antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract was evaluated against dermatophytes, Candida albicans and gram positive bacteria by agar dilution method...
Media studies on Myrothecium roridum Tode: A potential biocontrol agent for water hyacinth
June 2010
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is a noxious aquatic weed in Nigeria and many parts of the world. A potential mycoherbicidal agent for the control has been identified recently as Myrothecium roridum Tode. The best media for in-vitropropagation was investigated using seven culture media; potato dextrose agar (PDA), malt extract agar (MEA), potato sucrose agar (PSA), sabouraud agar (SA), potato carrot...
Molecular cloning and characterization of STL1 gene of Debaryomyces hansenii
June 2010
Debaryomyces hansenii is often found in salty environments. This yeast species is not only halotolerant, but also halophilic. Its genome sequence is known completely, but the mechanisms behind its halotolerance are poorly understood. It was compared to the STL1 protein sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeagainst the translated sequence from the D. hansenii genome sequence database released by...
Solid state fermentation of Jatropha curcas kernel cake: Proximate composition and antinutritional components
May 2010
Five fungi (Aspergillus niger, Penicillium chrysogenum, Rhizopus oligosporus, Rhizopus nigricans and Trichoderma longibrachitum) were used in the fermentation of Jatropha curcas kernel cake for a 7 days period in a completely randomized design model. The results revealed significant increase in the crude protein content of all the fungi treated samples with Aspergillus niger and T....
Antagonism of Trichoderma farzianum isolates on soil borne plant pathogenic fungi from Embu District, Kenya
May 2010
Species in the genus Trichoderma are important as commercial source of several enzymes and as biofungicides/growth promoters. The most common biological control agents of the genus are strains of T. harzianum, T. viride and T. viriens. In this study, sixteen selected isolates of T. harzianum from different land use types in Embu, Kenya were tested for anatognism against...
Benzo[a]pyrene degradation by soil filamentous fungi
March 2010
The fungal ability to biotransform xenobiotics had received attention due to their dominance, ubiquity and different pathways that detoxificate aromatic hydrocarbons. The filamentous fungi Aspergillus flavus and Paecilomyces farinosus showed a significant degradation activity on benzo[a]pyrene with and without C16 as cosubstrate. 14CO2, 14C-volatile...
Utilization of experimental design and surface response methodology to study the influence of glucose and ammonium sulphate in the chlamydosporulation of Candida albicans FMT123-05
March 2010
The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of glucose and ammonium sulphate in the chlamydosporulation of Candida albicans FMT123-05. Different media were produced and inoculated with C. albicans FMT123-05. The glucose and ammonium sulphate content were defined using an experimental design (22 + star). Glucose content inhibits C. albicans chlamydosporulation two times more than...
Suppression of Fusarium spp. in a maize and beans intercrop by soil fertility management
March 2010
Fusarium root rot of maize and beans is a common problem in Taita District, Kenya causing reduction in yields to the small scale farmers. The pathogen attacks maize and beans at all growth stages and causing rot at the seedling stage, yellowing of the leaves, stunted growth and death if severe. Potentially effective crop rotations to maintain the pathogen at low levels are not currently acceptable in this region...
Antifungal properties of essential oils and some constituents to reduce foodborne pathogen
February 2010
Investigations were conducted to evaluate the antifungal activities of the essential oils of Lippia rugosa, Plectranthus glandulosus, Clausena anisata and Vepris heterophylla and some essential oils compounds as citral, geraniol, nerol, citronellol, fenchone, linalool, 1,8 cineol, nerolidol, terpen 4-ol and -terpinolene on mycelia growth of different strains of Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium...
Isolation and characterization of a fungal isolate for phosphate solubilization and plant growth promoting activity
February 2010
A fungal species namely F1 was isolated from the rhizosphere on the basis of its ability to form halos (zone of solubilization) on Pikovskaya’s agar. F1 was assessed for phosphate solubilization, titratable acidity (TA), gluconate concentration and change in pH over incubation period of 21 days and other plant growth promoting traits. F1 solubilized maximum inorganic phosphorus (662 μg P ml-1) from tricalcium...
Study on combined antimicrobial activity of some biologically active constituents from wild Moringa peregrina Forssk.
February 2010
Three plants were used in this study: Moringa pregrina, Achillea fragrantissimaand Coleome droserifolia. Six active constituents were separated from n-hexane and ethyl acetate fractions of Moringa pregrina. These active constituents were lupeol acetate, α-amyrin, β-amyrin, β-sitosterol, β-sitosterol-3-O- β-D-glucoside and apignin were assayed individually and in combination...
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