Heritage management in the Sokoto Rima Basin: A Case Study of Alkalawa in Sabon Birni Local Government Area of Sokoto State
2020 - Vol 9 Num. 1
Alkalawa is an abandoned settlement site, located ten kilometers away from SabonBirni Local Government Area Sokoto State Nigeria. It has got some archaeological features like; grave yard, dye pits, ruins of defensive wall, historical manuscript which speak a lot about the heritage of Gobir people who settled in this...
The travails of insurgency on heritage sites and relics in Sub-Saharan Africa
Effects of various plant extracts on the abundance of Euproctis spp. on white maize crop in Dalwa village, commercial farm
The travails of insurgency on heritage sites and relics in Sub-Saharan Africa
Effects of various plant extracts on the abundance of Euproctis spp. on white maize crop in Dalwa village, commercial farm