Full Length Research Paper
A field experiment was conducted in 2013 cropping season at Bedloale and Werer sites in Amibara district, Afar Regional State, to determine optimum seeding rate for row method of sowing for productivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under irrigated ecosystem. The experiment was conducted with five levels of seed rate treatments (50, 60, 70, and 80 kg ha-1 and local practice) laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The results of agronomic analysis showed that there was no statistical difference for all parameters at Bedolale site. However, at Werer site total number of tillers per plant, number of productive tillers per plant, total biomass and grain yield were significantly affected by seed rate. Compared to the control, 50 and 60 kgha-1 seed rates have shown a grain yield and superior performance in total biomass yield advantage. Moreover, the partial budgeting analysis results showed that sowing of 60 kg ha-1 NERICA-4 seed yielded positive gross margin at Werer site. While at Bedolale site, the two least cost treatments, that is, 50 and 60 kg ha-1 could be economically viable. In general, from the results of this study, it can be concluded that 60 kg ha-1 drilling is optimum seed rate for row method of sowing.
Key words: Seed rate, rice productivity, NERICA-4, sowing method, row planting.
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