Full Length Research Paper
qqqQ1`Recently, Bangladesh Government has incorporated flowers in its export policy. Flowers can be a source of earning huge foreign currency if established as a traditional export item. Using cross-sectional data obtained from a survey conducted during 2016/2017, gross margin analysis was used to calculate cost and returns for double (HYV) and single varieties tuberose farmers and multiple regressions for conducting input output relationship of different varieties of tuberose farming. Also, a probit model was performed to determine the probability of double variety tuberose by flower growers, particularly in Jessore district. Stratified random sampling technique was used to obtain data from 200 tuberose farmers. The results revealed that education, extension services training and credit access play significant roles in adoption decisions. The results also revealed that production of double variety tuberose is highly profitable than single variety. The tuberose farmers lack improved technology and are deprived of fair prices for their produces due to numerous reasons that need to be explored. Besides, the flower scientists, research managers, and policy makers in the country also lack socio-economic data and information regarding tuberose cultivation which are very much important for further development of the crop.
Key words: Economics, tuberose, variety adoption, Probit model, Bangladesh.
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