African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6894

Full Length Research Paper

Accuracy of linear methods to estimate the leaf area of genotypes of conilon coffee

Sebastiao Vinicius Batista Brinate
  • Sebastiao Vinicius Batista Brinate
  • Departamento de Producao Vegetal, Centro de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (CCA/UFES), Post Office Box 16, 29500-000, Alegre, ES, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Lima Deleon Martins
  • Lima Deleon Martins
  • Departamento de Producao Vegetal, Centro de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (CCA/UFES), Post Office Box 16, 29500-000, Alegre, ES, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Tafarel Victor Colodetti
  • Tafarel Victor Colodetti
  • Departamento de Producao Vegetal, Centro de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (CCA/UFES), Post Office Box 16, 29500-000, Alegre, ES, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Jose Francisco Teixeira Amaral
  • Jose Francisco Teixeira Amaral
  • Departamento de Engenharia Rural, Centro de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (CCA/UFES), Post Office Box 16, 29500-000, Alegre, ES, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Sebastiao Vinicius Batista Brinate
  • Sebastiao Vinicius Batista Brinate
  • Departamento de Producao Vegetal, Centro de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (CCA/UFES), Post Office Box 16, 29500-000, Alegre, ES, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 13 November 2014
  •  Accepted: 16 July 2015
  •  Published: 23 July 2015


This study aimed to establish models of equations to estimate leaf area in genotypes of Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner var. Conilon using linear measurements of mature leaves as input, and compare its accuracy with other methods that have been used for Coffee sp. Linear measurement of leaves of13 genotypes of Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner, cultivated in field following a randomized blocks design, were evaluated to identify best option for input in linear models, to generate equation models and to validate the method to estimate the leaf area. Differences in the leaf area of the genotypes were detected indicating the possibility to classify the genotypes into two distinct groups for this characteristic.The use of the product of the two linear dimensions, maximum length and maximum width increased the accuracy of the used linear models to estimate the leaf area of conilon coffee. Between the generated equation models with the data, the linear model =0.6533*LW is adequate to estimate the leaf area of the genotypes CV-04, CV-08, CV-10 and CV-11; and the linear model =0.6587*LW for the genotypes CV-01, CV-02, CV-03, CV-05, CV-06, CV-07, CV-09, CV-12 and CV-13, respectively. Those equations were validated by reevaluation and compared with other methods, to estimate the leaf area accurately.


Key words: Coffeacanephora, morphology, canopy, leaves.