Full Length Research Paper
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different methods of exotic grass control in a degraded area in the urban area of Diamantina, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, with the following methods of control of invasive grasses: T1) manual; T2) mechanical; T3) chemical; and T4) chemical + mechanical. After one hundred days, regenerants of alien invasive species biomass were sampled for the quantification of fresh biomass and dry biomass. The results found fresh biomass vary among the control methods, with higher values from mechanical control, followed by the combination of mechanical + chemical control. Chemical and manual methods had the lowest fresh biomass production, indicating that they were more effective in controlling the invasive grasses. The production of dry matter did not differ significantly among the methods of exotic grass control, on Tukey test, at 5% significance.
Key words: Urochloa decumbes, Melinis minutiflora, biomass, restauration.
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