Full Length Research Paper
The internal bruising in potatoes is a kind of damage caused by the mechanical impact, which is the major cause of post-harvest losses. This kind of injury is hard to detect because it occurs due to the internal cellular rupture of the tuber. This research aims at evaluating the applicability of the biospeckle laser technique in order to detect and predict the internal bruising in potatoes caused by mechanical impacts during the early stages where there is no visual perception of the injury. The correlation of Pearson between a quantitative index generated from the biospeckle laser images (BSL values) and the enzymatic darkening in the region of the injury have been calculated. The BSL values was used to compare a group of potatoes subjected to mechanical impacts caused by a pendulum and a group of potatoes that did not suffer any sort of mechanical impacts. Comparison was performed by average and the standard error of the BSL values ​​was obtained: Before impact, immediately after, 2, 4, 6, 24, 48 and 72 h after the mechanical impact. Results showed that the BSL values correlated significantly with the progressive darkening of the potato tissue (r = - 0.79) and this allowed the detection of the formation of internal bruising from 4 hours after the occurrence of a mechanical impact.
Key words: Mechanical impacts, injury detection, optical technique.
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