Full Length Research Paper
A study was undertaken to analyze factors affecting the demand for inorganic fertilizer in Boricha and Wondogenet farming Districts, Southern Ethiopia. Data on gender, educational level, farming experience, health status, soil fertility status, organic fertilizer used, access to inorganic fertilizer, ownership and size of cultivated farm, on-farm income, contact with DAs, availability of certified seed, and credit access were recorded using structured and semi-structured questionnaire on purposively selected one hundred eighty farmers. Descriptive statistics and econometric methods were employed to analyze the data using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), version 19.0. The regression model revealed the number of oxen owned, cultivated farm size, access to certified seed, availability of fertilizer, contact with DAs, and on-farm income had a significant influence on the demand of inorganic fertilizer in the districts. The study suggested intensifying cultivated farms, sustaining extension services, strengthening fertilizer credit facility, providing improved seeds, and increasing on farm income of the farmers require immediate intervention in the study districts.
Key words: Factors, affecting, demand, inorganic fertilizer, South Ethiopia.
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