Solenostemon rotundifolius [(Poir.) J. K. Morton] (Lamiaceae) is commonly called Fabirama, Frafra potato or Innala. It is a tuber crop cultivated in many countries in Africa and Asia. Its tubers contain significant rate of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. Besides its nutritional attributes, S. rotundifolius has also strong agronomic and economic potentialities and could be financially rewarding to the farm economy. However, S. rotundifolius is currently a minor crop in African agro ecosystem. It is a priority to contribute to a better preservation and a sustainable use of its genetic resources. Understanding morphological variability is a key step for S. rotundifolius genetic resources management. Previous studies identified three morphotypes based on tuber skin color but a complete description of these morphotypes is not yet done. This study is a contribution to a better description of the main morphotypes of S. rotundifolius cultivated in Burkina Faso. Three accessions representing three morphotypes were described based on twenty five qualitative morphological traits assessed at different stages of plant growth. Significant variability between the morphotypes was observed for young plant color, leaves morphology, color and form of inflorescence as well as tuber skin and flesh color. This work provided useful tools for the characterization of S. rotundifolius genetic resources.
Key words: Frafra potato, neglected crop, diversity, qualitative morphological traits, Burkina Faso.