African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Full Length Research Paper

Possible role of calcium, phosphorous and magnesium shift in blood, urine and calculi in calves affected by urolithiasis

Mohsin Ali Gazi
  • Mohsin Ali Gazi
  • Department of Animal Husbandry J and K India.
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Mohmmad Aarif Khan
  • Mohmmad Aarif Khan
  • Appolo Veterinary College, India.
  • Google Scholar
Dil Mohd. MakhdoomiI*
  • Dil Mohd. MakhdoomiI*
  • Teaching Veterinary Clinical Services Complex SKUAST-K, India.
  • Google Scholar
Gazalla Siraj
  • Gazalla Siraj
  • Division of Surgery and Radiology SKUAST-K, India.
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Shahid Hussain Dar
  • Shahid Hussain Dar
  • Teaching Veterinary Clinical Services Complex SKUAST-K, India.
  • Google Scholar
Abdul Qayoom Mir
  • Abdul Qayoom Mir
  • Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, SKUAST-K, J and K, India.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 04 September 2014
  •  Accepted: 09 January 2015
  •  Published: 22 January 2015


Clinical study over a period of seven months at referral University Veterinary Hospital in Kashmir, India, was done on male calves clinically affected with urolithiasis was undertaken to manage them surgically and to study the mineral and haemato biochemical profile in an attempt to find out the probable cause of the malady and to ascertain the possible role of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous shift in urine blood and calculi. During obstructive urolithiasis, alterations in haematobiochemical profile were of no clinical significance, however, increased blood urea nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine, Calcium, and Inorganic Phosphorus could form a good index to determine the severity of the disease. Struvite calculi are most common urinary calculi observed in calves with heavy concentrate feeding especially wheat bran. The study revealed that the calculi contain 70% phosphorous, 20% calcium and 10% oxalate. This was clinically substantiated by the proportionate decrease in blood Ca and urine Ca levels. However, levels of creatinine and urea in urine blood and calculi revealed calcium phosphorous and their interrelation during the phase of urolithiasis, it could be conceived that ingestion of a ruminant feed containing high amounts of phosphates by a ruminant, physiologically with a non-functional rumen results in high absorption of the phosphates. This results in depletion of calcium absorption and calcium being excreted through urine.


Key words: Urolithiasis, Calves, biochemical, calculi.