African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6883

Full Length Research Paper

Chemical attributes of the soil and agronomic characteristics of maize as a monocrop and intercropped with herbaceous and woody legumes in the savannah of Roraima, Brazil

Evair Marcelo Queiroz da Silva
  • Evair Marcelo Queiroz da Silva
  • Postgraduate Program in Agroecology, UERR/EMBRAPA/IFRR, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Jandiê Araújo da Silva
  • Jandiê Araújo da Silva
  • Postgraduate Program in Agroecology, UERR/EMBRAPA/IFRR, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Járisson Cavalcante Nunes
  • Járisson Cavalcante Nunes
  • PNPD-Capes, Postgraduate Program in Agroecology, UERR/EMBRAPA/IFRR, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Carlos Francisco Salgado Barroso
  • Carlos Francisco Salgado Barroso
  • Technology in Agroecology of the Agrotechnical, School of UFRR, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Edmilson Evangelista da Silva
  • Edmilson Evangelista da Silva
  • Postgraduate Program in Agroecology, UERR/EMBRAPA/IFRR, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar
Marcelo Barbosa Gomes Neto
  • Marcelo Barbosa Gomes Neto
  • Technology in Agroecology of the Agrotechnical, School of UFRR, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 03 May 2019
  •  Accepted: 21 June 2019
  •  Published: 11 July 2019


Several studies seek to identify management systems that promote an increase in soil quality. As such, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of combinations of herbaceous and woody legumes on the productivity of green maize and the chemical attributes of the soil. The research was developed over two crop years (2016 and 2017). The experimental design was of randomized complete blocks with three replications and subdivided plots, in a 2 × 5 factorial scheme, representing the presence and absence of an alley cropping system with gliricidia, and five intercrops of maize with legumes: Maize + jack bean planted at the same time; maize + pigeon pea planted at the same time; maize + velvet bean planted 15 days after the maize; maize + Crotalaria juncea planted at the same time; single maize crop. The alley system increases the total and commercial productivity of husked cobs in maize intercropped with velvet bean. Intercropping maize with legumes under an alley system helps to increase the levels of phosphorus and potassium in the soil. Irrespective of the type of intercrop, green manure with legumes increases the soil organic matter content of farmed land in Roraima.

Key words: Alleys, gliricídia, agroforestry system, green manure.