Agriculture is the primary source of food, raw materials, employment, and livelihoods in developing countries. Climate change is the most problem that affects the agricultural sector. Shebedino district is one of the drought prone, characterized with rugged topography, and erratic rainfall. The study aimed to assess the actual trend, identify the adaptation strategies and analyze factors affect the decision of adaptation strategies in Shebedino district. The study used a cross sectional survey study design with Descriptive statistics and multivariate probit regression model methoeds of data analysis. The study finding indicated that the district expriances an annual increase of 0.0210c in temperature and a decline of 4.5 mm in rainfall per year. Adaptation strategies: Soil and water conservation practiced by 42.05% of sample respondents, improved varieties (40.5%), adjusting planting date (38.4%), mixed cropping (36.9%), and small scale irrigation (29.7%) were among the most common adaption strategies in the study area. The MVP regresion result also showed that variables : sex, age, educational status, farm size, on-farm income, non-farm employment, extension contact, credit use, access to irrigation, agro-ecology and training were found statically significant which determines the decisions on adaptation. These findings provide decision-makers and development partners with relevant information on the challenges encountered by local farmers.
Keywords: Climate, Multivariate probit, Shebedino, Smallholder farmers, Trend