In Ethiopian sugar estates sugarcane harvesting period varies according to precipitation patterns to ensure that cutting and transportation takes place when the plant contains the highest accumulation of sugar and it is manually cut and mechanically loaded for haulage. The objective of this work was to assess the losses incurred at Wonji Shoa sugar estate as a result of cane stalks being lost in the field without being collected. To evaluate the visible cane stalk losses, cane stalks left in the field were collected and weighed after loading operation is carried out and cane collection laborers have evacuated the field to work on the next harvest field at day time and night time. From our finding of 1.8 and 2.06 tons of cane left uncollected per hectare was recorded at day and night respectively. Key word: - sugarcane, stalk, collected, loader and left.
Keywords: sugarcane, stalk, collected, loader and left