Bachara is the name given to soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], variety with pedigree of JM- PR142/CLR-15-5C-2, brought from Jimma Agricultural Research Center. Bachara variety was evaluated against the check and other genotypes for seed yield, agronomic characters and disease reaction at Bako, Billo and Uke experimental sites from 2021 to 2022. Bachara variety was verified for possible release in 2023 at on farm and on station across all locations listed above. BK/LSSB-023 gave seed yield of 2721 kg ha-1, 39.5% protein content and 23.9% oil content respectively. The result of multi-environment yield trials showed that Bachara (JM- PR142/CLR-15-5C-2) outperformed the standard check Gute by 14.1 % in seed yield and comparable. It was resistant to major soybean disease like bacterial blight, anthracnose, rust, red blotch nd bacterial pustule. Stability analysis showed that the variety/Bachara was relatively stable in grain yield performance across locations than the check variety Gute. Therefore, Bachara was released in 2023 for its high grain yield potential, disease tolerance and farmers preferences, and recommended for mandate area and areas with similar agro-ecologies.
Keywords: Commercial Variety, Pedigree, Soybean, Stability