African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 11 July, 2019; 14(28)

July 2019

Enhancing agricultural research within West Africa using sensor-based technologies

The global population of the world is on an exponential increase, expected to surpass 9 billion by the year 2050. This places a huge demand on food securities and the need to address the challenges facing food security. Sensor-based techniques [e.g., Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy] have enhanced the understanding and diagnosis of several disease conditions, including cancers and are increasingly being applied...

Author(s): Blessing Obinaju Effiong  

July 2019

Chemical attributes of the soil and agronomic characteristics of maize as a monocrop and intercropped with herbaceous and woody legumes in the savannah of Roraima, Brazil

Several studies seek to identify management systems that promote an increase in soil quality. As such, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of combinations of herbaceous and woody legumes on the productivity of green maize and the chemical attributes of the soil. The research was developed over two crop years (2016 and 2017). The experimental design was of randomized complete blocks with three replications...

Author(s): Evair Marcelo Queiroz da Silva, Jandiê Araújo da Silva, Járisson Cavalcante Nunes, Carlos Francisco Salgado Barroso, Edmilson Evangelista da Silva and Marcelo Barbosa Gomes Neto  

July 2019

Efficiency of Cajanus cajan in different sowing densities on soil compacting

This research conducted in the District of Concepción, Concepción Department, Paraguay, involved the use of a randomized complete block design consisting of four treatments and five repetitions. The general objective was to evaluate the effect of Cajanus cajan L. species with different planting densities on soil compaction and as specific objectives; measure the compaction of the soil at the beginning and...

Author(s): Lugo Pereira W. D., López Avalos D. F., Aguilar De La Cueva F. G., Morel López E., Valdez Ocampo F. D., Ruiz Diaz E. D., Mongelos Barrios C. A., Pistilli De Franco R. E., Caballero Casuriaga O., Sánchez M. A. and Melgarejo Arrúa M. A.  

July 2019

Assessment of pre and post-harvest management practices on coffee (Coffea arabica L.) quality determining factors in Gedeo zone, Southern Ethiopia

In Gedeo zone, coffee quality is declining from time to time due to several improper pre and post-harvest management practices. Therefore, this study was designed with the objective of assessing impact of pre and post-harvest management practices on Coffea arabica L. quality determining factors in Gedeo zone, Southern Ethiopia. Totally, 90 household respondents were used from three Woredas and selected purposively....

Author(s): Kidist Teshome, Zerihun Girma and Biniam Eshetu  

July 2019

Effect of weed management with glyphosate on growth and early yield of young cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) in Ghana

Weeds are a limitation to cocoa production, and herbicide use in cocoa cultivation is known to lower the cost of weed management and support better plant growth. As a result, glyphosate was recommended for use in cocoa cultivation following a two-year field trial at the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana. Recent informal debates among scientists and farmers, however, point towards a disagreement regarding the effect of...

Author(s): S. Konlan, A. K Quaye, P. Pobee, F. Amon-Armah, J. A Dogbatse, A. Arthur, R. Fiakpornu and R. Dogbadzi  

July 2019

Evaluation of the Papaya´s maturation degree by electrical impedance

The economic importance of Papaya for fruit producers reinforces the idea of alternative (non-invasive and low cost) strategies to measure fruit ripening. In this work, it has been evaluated the kinetics of ripening degree of Papaya based on alternative and non-invasive electrical impedance method that is compared with conventional techniques (mechanical assays, determination of total soluble solids and titratable...

Author(s): Acácio Figueiredo Neto, Erlon Rabelo Cordeiro, Nelson Cárdenas Olivier, Lígia Borges Marinho, David Yuri Nunes Morais and Helinando Pequeno de Oliveira