African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 28 July, 2016; 11(30)

July 2016

Diversity of soil macrofauna under sugarcane monoculture and two different natural vegetation types

Soil macrofauna organisms are recognized as ecological indicators of soil management practices. Sugarcane monoculture can have negative impacts on soil, including biodiversity loss, which should be evaluated. In that sense, the aim of this was to determine the diversity macrofauna under sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) annual growth cycle (2012-2013) comparing two different natural vegetation areas (Sandbank and Atlantic...

Author(s): Glécio Machado Siqueira, Ênio Farias de França Silva, Mariana Matos Moreira, Gustavo André de Araújo Santos and Raimunda Alves Silva

July 2016

Gelatin extraction from Kumakuma (Brachyplathystoma filamentosum) skin using the liming method

Gelatin extraction process from Kumakuma (Brachyplathystoma filamentosum) skin was optimized using a calcium hydroxide solution. The gelatin obtained was characterized through scanning electron microscopy and analyses of yield, gel strength, color, viscosity, amino acid profile, melting point, foaming capacity, and emulsifying capacity. The optimized conditions were defined over ten days of pre-treatment at 50°C....

Author(s): Elen Vanessa Costa da Silva, Rosinelson da Silva Pena and Lúcia de Fátima Henriques Lourenço

July 2016

Soil porosity and density in sugarcane cultivation under different tillage systems

Monitoring the physical quality of soils under intensive sugarcane production requires sustainable forms of use and soil management. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of soil tillage systems on soil porosity and density in ratoon-cane cultivation, in addition to possible changes which may occur during the season. The experiment was carried out in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The...

Author(s): Everton Martins Arruda, Risely Ferraz de Almeida, Luis Augusto da Silva Domingues, Antonio Carlos da Silva Junior, Emmerson Rodrigues de Moraes, Leonardo Rodrigues Barros, Jéssika Lorrine de Oliveira Sousa and Regina Maria Quintão Lana

July 2016

Phosphorus and silicon fertilizer rates effects on dynamics of soil phosphorus fractions in oxisol under common bean cultivation

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effects of P and Si fertilizer rates in dynamic of P fractions in clay soil under greenhouse. The research was carried out in a Dystroferric Red Latosol of a very loamy texture from Lavras city, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The experimental design was entirely randomized, arranged in 4 × 3 factorial design, with four repetitions. The treatments included four...

Author(s): Alessandra Mayumi Tokura Alovisi, Antonio Eduardo Furtini Neto, Ademar Pereira Serra, Alves Alexandre Alovisi, Luciene Kazue Tokura, Elaine Reis Pinheiro Lourente, Robervaldo Soares da Silva, Camila Farah Borges da Silva and Jucinei Souza Fernandes

July 2016

Improvement of maize yield and soil fertility by 2-years compost application in Malawi’s northern districts

Fertilizer use in Malawi is limited due to the relatively high fertilizer price, improvement of fertilizer efficiency is therefore necessary to enhance both maize yield and soil fertility. 2-years compost application was conducted to evaluate its effectiveness in improving soil fertility and enhancing maize yields. Compost application was shown to be effective even at the early stage of application in improving soil...

Author(s): Naohiro Matsui, Koji Nakata, Chisambi Cornelius and Moyo Macdonald

July 2016

Physical and physicochemical attributes of noni fruits fertilized with cattle manure and potassium

Noni has been introduced in Brazil just over a decade ago. Therefore, the information regarding crop fertilization and its influence on fruit quality is rare in the literature. Among macronutrients, potassium is highly concentrated in noni plants, and fertilization with cattle manure contributes to plant nutrition and fruit quality. This study sought to evaluate the effect of potassium fertilizer and cattle manure on...

Author(s): Antônio Gustavo de Luna Souto, Lourival Ferreira Cavalcante, Vânia da Silva Fraga, Belísia Lúcia Moreira Toscano Diniz, Maria Rosimeire Miguel da Silva, Roberto Monteiro Ferreira Filho, Evandro Franklin Mesquita, Stênio Andrey Guedes Dantas and Francisco Vanies da Silva Sá

July 2016

Yield and quality of dual-purpose barley and triticale in a semi-arid environment in Tunisia

The semi-arid region of Tunisia is characterized by a low and erratic rainfall. This makes year-round maintenance of pasture and forage production under non-irrigated conditions both costly and difficult. In order to fill the winter feed gap in the livestock cycle; some cereals can be used as dual-purpose. This study aimed at evaluating agronomic performances and grain quality of two dual-purposes cereal crops, Barley...

Author(s): Sadreddine BEJI

July 2016

Statistical process control in self compensating emitters using water at different saline concentrations

The statistical process control applied in the irrigation systems allows the visualization of process to reduce wastage of inputs, such as water and energy quality, which contributes to assessing its proper functioning, and feasibility of implementation and operation. That is why it is necessary to evaluate the self-compensating emitters using saline water at different concentrations. This experiment was applied in the...

Author(s): Patrícia Ferreira da Silva, José Dantas Neto, Rigoberto Moreira de Matos, Sabrina Cordeiro de Lima and Delfran Batista dos Santos

July 2016

Exchangeable cations and available phosphorus in soils with variable charge after application of special liming materials

Special liming materials have the potential to control soil acidity and constitute a source of nutrients for plant development. In this study, the efficiency of special liming materials was evaluated. Their effects in soil exchangeable cations and available P concentrations were compared with the ones of dolomitic limestone (DL). Samples of Typic Distrudept and Rhodic Hapludox were collected from 0 to 20 cm layer. Two...

Author(s): Jessica Alves dos Santos, Adriel Ferreira da Fonseca, Domenico Zocco and Igor Vieira

July 2016

Physiological potential of tamarind seeds subjected to stress conditions and storage

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) is a fruit species native to Equatorial Africa, India and Southeast Asia. Its seeds experience slow germination, thus, study on the influence of environmental factors, such as water and salt stresses, on seed germination, is required to assess the tolerance of these seeds to storage, and to maintain the vigor and the viability in the period between harvesting and sowing. The objective of...

Author(s): Ana V. C. da Silva, Adrielle N. R. Soares, Priscilla S. Santos, Ana L. S. Nascimento, Marina F. da Vitória, Jéssica M. S. P. Oliveira, Marília F. de V. Melo, Ana da S. Ledo and Allivia R. C. Rabbani

July 2016

Characterization of goat production systems and trait preferences of goat keepers in Bench Maji zone, south western Ethiopia

Studies to characterize goat production system and identify breeding practices and trait preferences of goat keepers were conducted in three districts (Sheko, Shey Bench and Meanit Shasha) of Bench Maji zone, southwestern Ethiopia. Semi-structured questionnaires and own-flock ranking experiments were employed for data collection. The results of the analyses revealed that the average goat flock size was 9.8±9.3....

Author(s): Tegegn Fantahun, Kefyalew Alemayehu and Solomon Abegaz

July 2016

Potential for recovery of Campomanesia xanthocarpa Mart. ex O. berg seedlings from water deficit

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of water deficit and the recovery potential following rehydration, on the metabolism of Campomanesia xanthocarpa seedlings. The seedlings were distributed in two groups: the first group was the control, in which, plants were hydrated periodically in order to maintain 70% water holding capacity and the second was the treatment group characterized by stress, in which...

Author(s): Larissa Fatarelli Bento, Silvana de Paula Quintão Scalon, Daiane Mugnol Dresch and Zefa Valdivina Pereira

July 2016

Growth analysis of sugarcane inoculated with diazotrophic bacteria and nitrogen fertilization

The use of inoculants containing growth-promoting diazotrophic bacteria can stimulate mass and nutrient accumulation in sugarcane. The purpose of this study was to evaluate plant growth and accumulation of macroelements in sugarcane, variety RB92579, under bacterial inoculation with or without N fertilization. The field experiment was carried out in a Red-Yellow Podzolic soil in Seropédica, RJ, in a randomized...

Author(s): Renan O. Pedula, Nivaldo Schultz, Rafael C. Monteiro, Willian Pereira, Adelson P. de Araújo, Segundo Urquiaga and Veronica M. Reis

July 2016

Saline water and organic matter in the development and quality of Licania rigida Benth. seedlings

Licania rigida Benth. (oiticica) is a native species from the Northeastern Brazil. In this sense, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of irrigation with saline water and organic matter on the growth and quality of oiticica seedlings. The experiments were laid out in randomized complete block using a 5 × 2 factorial design related to electrical conductivity of irrigation water at 0.5, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and...

Author(s): Alian Cássio Pereira Cavalcante, Manoel Alexandre Diniz Neto, Lourival Ferreira Cavalcante, Adailza Guilherme Cavalcante, Belísia Lúcia Moreira Toscano Diniz, Raunira da Costa Araújo, Evandro Franklin de Mesquita and José Flávio Cardoso Zuza

July 2016

Abscisic acid-mediated stomatal closure and antioxidant defenses in Jatropha curcas L. seedlings submitted to moderate water deficit

The objective of this research was to evaluate the biochemical changes in leaves from different genotypes of J. curcas in order to extend knowledge regarding the mechanisms of tolerance to water deficit and its variation in different genotypes. Potted plants of three genotypes (CNPAE 126, 137 and 139) were cultivated under water deficit conditions for 66 days. Two watering regimes, as measured by the percentage of field...

Author(s): Leandro Dias da Silva, Tessio Araujo de Santana, Priscila Souza de Oliveira, Bruno Galvêas Laviola, Márcio Gilberto Cardoso da Costa, Alex-Alan Furtado de Almeida and Fábio Pinto Gomes

July 2016

Physiological quality of sesame seed harvested at different plant positions and maturity stages

Being peculiar for its unique chemical and nutritional characteristics, sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a good option for farmers. It is used as human food, animal feed and has great potential for the production of bio diesel. Despite these potentials, studies on ideal maturity stage for harvesting and physiological quality of sesame seeds in different parts of the plant are rare and also there is insufficient...

Author(s): Cristiane Fernandes Lisboa, Deyner Damas Aguiar Silva, Itamar Rosa Teixeira, André José de Campos, Ivano Alessandro Devilla, Alessandro Guerra da Silva

July 2016

Photosynthesis and water relations of sunflower cultivars under salinity conditions

The study of photosynthetic responses in plants provides useful information for understanding the physiological processes involved in the salinity tolerance and susceptibility mechanisms of sunflower cultivars. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the gas exchange responses, water relations (stress hydric), and growth characteristics of two sunflower cultivars, Agrobel 963 and Aguará 4, subjected to...

Author(s): Fátima Marques de A. Maia, Alan Carlos Costa, Jônatas Neves de Castro, Clarice Aparecida Megguer and Frederico Antônio Loureiro Soares