African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 5 April, 2018; 13(14)

April 2018

Physical, chemical, and microbiological evaluation of a compost conditioned with zeolites

Zeolites are minerals characterized by high cation exchange capacity (CEC). This study evaluated possible effects of zeolites on improving the composting process in terms of the physical, chemical, and microbiological quality of compost and the productivity of the test plant, Raphanus sativus L. Compost enriched with 1.5% ground zeolites exhibited 62% greater degradation of organic particles sized less than 0.125 mm and...

Author(s): Fabricio T. Ramos, Oscarlina L. S. Weber, Eduardo B. Morais, Eliana F. G. C. Dores, Zoraidy M. Lima and João M P Novais

April 2018

Socio-economic and environmental impacts of invasive plant species in selected districts of Bale Zone, Southeast Ethiopia

Understanding the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of invasive plant species from the affected communities’ perspectives is essential to design and plan sustainable control and prevention strategies. Hence, understanding the socio-economic and environmental impacts in the infested and susceptible areas such as Bale zone is very crucial. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess socio-economic...

Author(s): Mohammed Mussa, Habtamu Teka and Ahimed Aliye

April 2018

Agricultural Knowledge and Technology Transfer Systems in the Southern Ethiopia

Agriculture is the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy. However, the growth of the sector is constrained by different factors. Low level of technology development, inefficient technology dissemination, low utilization of improved production inputs and shortage of research proven production practices are among the most important factors hindering the growth of the sector. The objective of this study was, therefore, to...

Author(s): Tewodros Ayalew and Tesfaye Abebe  

April 2018

Early prediction of internal bruising in potatoes by biospeckle laser technique

The internal bruising in potatoes is a kind of damage caused by the mechanical impact, which is the major cause of post-harvest losses. This kind of injury is hard to detect because it occurs due to the internal cellular rupture of the tuber. This research aims at evaluating the applicability of the biospeckle laser technique in order to detect and predict the internal bruising in potatoes caused by mechanical impacts...

Author(s): Anderson Gomide Costa, Roberto Alves Braga Jr., Eduardo V. B. Vilas Boas and Murilo Risso

April 2018

Influence of reducing sugar contents on sprout growth of blackberry cuttings

The objective of this study was to analyze the use of different doses of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and its influence on reducing sugar contents and the relationship of root and leaf development of mulberry cuttings, using commercial substrates and sand. The experimental design was a completely randomized design, with 3 replicates per plot and 5 cuttings per replicate, in a 3 × 3 factorial scheme, consisting of...

Author(s): Luiz Carlos Pereira, Henrique Menoncini, Fabiola Fernandes Abreu, João Victor de Souza Martins, Rodrigo Gonçalves Mateus, Marcos Barbosa-Ferreira, Cristiano Marcelo Espínola Carvalho, Ricardo Dias Peruca, Cleber Junior Jadoski and Denílson Guilherme

April 2018

Fungistatic activity of essential oil of Lippia sidoides Cham. against Curvularia lunata

Synthetic pesticides used in agriculture to control pathogens are being widely questioned for their harmful effects on human health and the environment. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the fungistatic activity of Lippia sidoides Cham. essential oil on alternative control of Curvularia lunata (Wakker), the causal agent of spot in maize plants. The fungitoxic contact effect was successful, resulting...

Author(s): Talita Pereira de Souza Ferreira, Dalmarcia de Souza Carlos Mourão, Gil Rodrigues dos Santos, Luiz Gustavo de Lima Guimarães, Ellen Caroline Feitoza Pires, Weder Ferreira Santos and Raimundo Wagner de Souza Aguiar

April 2018

Effects of mineral salts on forage seeds germination

The objective of this study was to evaluate seed germination of three different forage species subjected to saline stress. The seeds remained in salt for 0 to 24 h and were then deposited in field beds. After 15 days, the germination was evaluated from its emergence. The effect of NaCl on germination was evaluated for the following treatments: a) 0 h (control); b) permanence in NaCl for 6 h; c) permanence in NaCl for 12...

Author(s): Suzana Cristina Quintanilha, Erico da Silva Lima, Vanessa Aparecida Feijó de Souza, Tiago Neves Pereira Valente, Bruno Borges Deminicis, Andrea Roberto Bueno Ribeiro, Vitória Gallo Borges de Lima and Agatha Nara Pirondi

April 2018

Environmental conditions of the interior of the tropical forest and regeneration of tree species

This study aimed to analyze the interactions between environmental variables and the occurrence of tree species in the understory of an Atlantic forest fragment in Southeastern Brazil. The vegetation data collection was carried out in ten locations, with trees having diameter at breast height (DBH) larger than 5 cm and with distinct physiographic characteristics, orientation and slope. The following variables were...

Author(s): José Eduardo Macedo Pezzopane, Gilson Fernandes da Silva, Eduardo Alvarez Santos, Miguel Angel Herrera Machuca and Talita Miranda Teixeira Xavier

April 2018

Agronomic efficiency of Bradyrhizobium pre-inoculation in association with chemical treatment of soybean seeds

The competitiveness of Brazilian soybean in the international market is highly dependent on biological nitrogen fixation, whose efficiency is related to factors that affect the survival of the bacteria, such as the chemicals used in the treatment of seeds. The study objective was to evaluate Bradyrhizobium pre-inoculation (10 days before sowing) of soybean seeds treated with fungicides and insecticide compared to the...

Author(s): Krisle da Silva, Edmilson Evangelista da Silva, Eliane do Nascimento Cunha Farias, Josimar da Silva Chaves, Christian Nilton Batista Albuquerque and Carina Cardoso