African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 5 January, 2017; 12(1)

January 2017

Relative forage preference by camel (Camelus dromedarius) as influenced by season, sex and age in the Sahel zone of north western Nigeria

A study on effect of age, sex and seasonal variation in forage preference of camel was conducted in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of north western Nigeria. A total number of 12 camels were used in the study. Data were collected at an interval of 5 min for each category of animal for 3 consecutive days in dry and rainy seasons using scan sampling method. Based on the observation, the number of plants preferred in this study...

Author(s): Alkali, H. A., Muhammad B. F., Njidda, A. A., Abubakar, M. and Ghude, M. I.

January 2017

Effects of associated co-inoculation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum with Azospirillum brasilense on soybean yield and growth

The continuous development of soybean cultivars aiming at higher yields can result in a demand of N supply higher than the standard inoculation with Bradyrhizobium species. In this context, Azospirillum species, a nitrogen-fixing microorganism found in the rhizosphere of various plant species, may be studied as a way of providing soybean crop with the part of the N it needs. Employing a completely randomized design with...

Author(s): Glaucia Cristina Ferri, Alessandro Lucca Braccini, Fernanda Brunetta Godinho Anghinoni and Lucas Caiubi Pereira

January 2017

Estimated damage caused by ramularia leaf spots on cotton

The objectives of this study are to establish damage functions for the Ramularia areola pathosystem and characterize the damage in cultivars susceptible and resistant to it. The experiment was conducted in the city of Tangará da Serra in the 2012/2013 harvest season. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications in a factorial arrangement of four cultivars × four gradients. The plots...

Author(s): Thiago Alexandre Santana Gilio, Dejânia Vieira de Araújo, Kelly Lana Araújo, Thomas Edson Fregonese, Rodrigo Chimenez Franzon and Jaqueline Aguila Pizzato

January 2017

Effect of organo-mineral fertilizer and poultry litter waste on sugarcane yield and some plant and soil chemical properties

Application of organic wastes in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is an alternative possibly replacing or supplementing mineral fertilizers. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of poultry litter, organo-mineral fertilizer and mineral fertilizer on soil chemical properties, yield and plant content of macronutrients in sugarcane. The experiment was conducted at the Jalles Machado Mill in Goianésia- GO, from...

Author(s): Lucélia Alves Ramos, Regina Maria Quintão Lana, Gaspar Henrique Korndörfer and Adriane de Andrade Silva

January 2017

Physical and chemical characteristics and drying kinetics of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)

This study aimed to characterize the physical and chemical composition, antioxidant activity, essential oil yield, drying kinetics and fit to mathematical models, color parameters, particle size and scanning electron microscopy of fresh turmeric rhizomes (Curcuma longa L.). The physical and chemical composition of turmeric showed technological interest, with standards consistent with those reported in the literature....

Author(s): Maria Siqueira De Lima, Marco Antônio Pereira Da Silva, Geovana Rocha Plácido, Caroline Cagnin, Núbia Ferreira Vieira, Ruthele Moraes Do Carmo, Rânio Cesar Francisco Da Silva, Carlos Frederico De Souza Castro, Márcio Caliari and Richard Marins Silva

January 2017

Soybean as bioindicador of residual effect of 2,4-D herbicide in an oxisol from the Brazilian cerrado

Invasive plants, besides competing for space, also compete for water, light, and nutrients against the crop, what may cause drastic production cuts. Chemical control through herbicides is the most widely used method to control these plants. This study aimed to evaluate the persistence of the 2,4-D (dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) herbicide in soybean (Glycine max L.) crops in an Oxisol from the Brazilian Cerrado. The...

Author(s): Maria Aparecida Peres-Oliveira, Edna Maria Bonfim-Silva, Vinicius Melo da Silva, Tonny José Araújo da Silva and Helon Hébano de Freitas Sousa

January 2017

Biological control of the bacterial wilt Ralstonia solanacearum by bioprotector with fungi chitosan from Cunninghamella elegans on tomatoes

Fertilization is one of the most important means to improve plant production and nutrient uptake. Tomatoes plants are very exigent on fertilizers and sensitive to diseases. For satisfactory yield and fruit quality soil fertility and diseases need to be controlled. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effectiveness of a bioprotector that contains fungi chitosan as an alternative biofertilizer, which releases...

Author(s): Wagner Silva Oliveira, Iwanne Lima Coelho, Jéssica Rafaella Sousa Oliveira, Maria Camila Barros Silva Leite, Thatiana Montenegro Stamford Arnaud, Newton Pereira Stamford and Emmanuella Vila Nova Silva

January 2017

Nutritional diagnosis of sugarcane varieties in a Yellow Oxisol during three agricultural seasons

Leaf analysis is one of the main methods used for the evaluation of nutritional requirements in sugarcane culture, contributing to a better management of fertilizers. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional status of sugarcane varieties by quantifying the leaf content of macro and micronutrients of the +3 leaf. The varieties RB92579, RB867515, VAT90-212 and SP813250 were evaluated in a Yellow Oxisol at Fazenda...

Author(s): Vinicius Santos Gomes da Silva, Mauro Wagner de Oliveira, Daniele Costa de Oliveira, Terezinha Bezerra Albino Oliveira, Manoel Gomes Pereira and Carlos Henrique de Castro Nogueira

January 2017

Growth of Piper nigrum L. and nutrients cycling by intercropping with leguminous species

Nitrogen (N) fixation is performed efficiently by leguminous plants, which can then be used as ‘green manure’ to reduce the need for synthetic fertilizer (especially N) and thus sustainably provide satisfactory crop yields with low production costs. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of intercropping with leguminous species used as cover crops on branch growth and nutrient cycling of pepper...

Author(s): Evelyn Trevisan, Fábio Luiz Partelli, Marcos Góes de Oliveira, Fábio Ribeiro Pires and Heder Braun

January 2017

Growth comparison of 22 genotypes of conilon coffee after regular pruning cycle

A regular pruning cycle (RPC) reduces costs when implementing crop treatments and facilitates semi-mechanized harvesting. However, there is information on plant development under this system. Thus, this study aimed to assess the new branch growth of 22 genotypes of Coffea canephora (conilon) after a regular pruning cycle. The assay was conducted at Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Southern Espírito Santo State, Brazil....

Author(s): José Maria Dalcomo, Henrique Duarte Vieira, Adésio Ferreira and Fábio Luiz Partelli