African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6907

Table of Content: December 2024; 20(12)

December 2024

Opportunities and best practices for dryland agriculture in Ethiopia, as coping mechanisms for vulnerabilities: A review

Agriculture continues to be a strategic sector in the development of most low-income nations. Despite extreme climate conditions, agriculture plays a major role in the development of the economy, the eradication of poverty, sustainable growth, and the modernization of society in Sub-Saharan Africa. About 75% of Ethiopia’s landmass is categorized as dryland, which is home to approximately one-third of the...

Author(s): Belay Asnake  

December 2024

Evaluation of elemental composition and structural analyses of liquid organic fertilizers from rabbit wastes under different feeding regimes

This study aimed at evaluating the elemental composition and structural analysis of liquid organic fertilizers (LOF) produced from rabbit urine and feces under different feeding regimes: forage only, concentrate only, and forage plus concentrate. The rabbit waste was subjected to a three-week fermentation process. The temperature of the rabbit waste treatments decreased over time and remained relatively constant after...

Author(s): Musibau Oyeleke Azeez, Festus Adewale Oladipupo, Akinloye Jimoh Farinde and Waheed Olalere Oladepo  

December 2024

Contrasting impacts of the 2-year application of biofertilizers and organic manure on grain yield of winter wheat summer maize cropping system in North China Plain

Organic nitrogen and biofertilizers in a mixture with synthetic nitrogen could prove to reduce the cost of production without compromising crop yield with increasing soil organic carbon improvement. The study investigated 2-year incorporation of organic manure and biofertilizers on winter wheat and summer maize in the North China Plain (NCP). The two-year field experiment (2016–2018) has illustrated the responses...

Author(s): Amara Cissé, Hamidou Bah and Yuegao Hu  

December 2024

Impact of sweet potato growing methods on the yield of three sweet potato varieties in eastern Zimbabwe

A study was conducted to determine the effect of sweet potato growing methods on the yield of three sweet potato varieties. The field experiment took place at Africa University farm in Mutare, Zimbabwe. The trial employed a 5 x 3 factorial design arranged in a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with three replicates, blocked against irrigation lines. The five different sweet potato growing methods used were:...

Author(s): Nathan Banalya and Walter Manyangarirwa  

December 2024

Mixture of herbicides to common bean crops in highlands of Santa Catarina, Brazil

The objective of this study were to identify incompatibilities in mixtures of herbicides applied in common bean crops and assess the effects of herbicide interactions on weed control. Experiments I e II were conducted in a completely randomized design, with four replications, using a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement consisted of four herbicides (applied alone or in combinations) and four evaluation times (0, 1, 2, and...

Author(s): Carlos Zacarias Joaquim Júnior, Jessiane Mary Jastrombek, Paulo Henrique Cerutti, Luan Tiago dos Santos Carbonari, Mayra Luiza Schelter, Naiara Guerra and Antonio Mendes de Oliveira Neto

December 2024

Complementing grow-out test with molecular markers in genetic purity assessment of crop varieties: A systematic review

Genetic purity assessment is mandatory for seed certification. Currently, this process is carried out through the grow-out test (GOT), which faces several challenges, including the need for long-term assessment. Limited information on the use of molecular markers in the genetic purity assessment of crops in African countries prompted the purpose of this study. This work presents a review of the available literature on...

Author(s): Godlove Sollo Malya, Christopher Jacob Kasanga, Luseko Amos Chilagane and Jevenary Nassoro Lukeye