African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: January, 2024; 20(1)

January 2024

Lack of technology hinders advancing aquaculture; special emphases on fish intestinal microbiota research in Africa

Fish farming plays a crucial role in aquaculture, providing protein and livelihoods to millions worldwide. Research on fish intestinal microbiota has gained increasing importance in recent years due to its critical roles in fish health, growth, disease resistance, and production. However, advanced aquaculture research, such as studying fish intestinal microbiota, faces significant challenges in Africa due to inadequate...

Author(s): Eric Amenyogbe, Eric Kwabena Droepenu, Rahmat Quaigrane Duker, George Lutterodt, Christian Larbi Ayisi, Grace Afumwaa Boamah and Jian-sheng Huang,  

January 2024

Present feeding management practices and socio-economic conditions of dairy farmers in selected areas of Bangladesh

A field survey was conducted with a total of 540 dairy farmers interviewed personally to collect data on their socio-economic condition and feeding management practices of dairy farmers from 6 Upazila under 3 divisions of Bangladesh. As result, a maximum of the respondents (43%) belonged to the secondary level of education whereas only (3%) of the illiterate farmer was involved with dairy farming. Farmers of patiya...

Author(s): Nasrin Sultana, Jobaida Shovna Khanam, Tarequl Islam, Mohammed Khorshed Alam and Shamim Hasan  

January 2024

Effects of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. Ex G. litter on growth and production parameters of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) on station in Lower Casamance

The judicious combination of crops and trees of interest remains one of the most convincing solutions to increase the yield of peanut production in rural areas while preserving the most important woody biodiversity. However, the impact of trees of interest on food crops needs to be determined. Therefore, this study was carried out to evaluate the effect of Parkia biglobosa litter on the growth and yield parameters of...

Author(s): Boubacar CAMARA, Arfang Ousmane Kemo GOUDIABY, Jean BASSENE, Sire DIEDHIOU, Papa Ngagne MBAYE, Aliou SOW, Seydou NDIAYE, Yaya DIATTA, Mamadou SOW, Yves Paterne SAGNA and Daouda NGOM

January 2024

Effect of phytosanitary products on yield and grain quality of winter wheat in the conditions of Central Non-Chernozem region of Russia

One of the problems with producing winter wheat is the use of phytosaniatry products to guarantee high and steady winter wheat yields. Over the course of two years (2021-2022), field tests were carried out at the Federal Research Center Nemchinovka in Russia's Central Non-Black Earth area. With respect to intensity levels, such as basic, intense, and high intensity; this study sought to assess the impact of various...

Author(s): Congera Alexandre, Barry Mamadou, Joseph Nyambose, Basakin M. P., Nazih Y. Rebouh and Vedenski V. V.  

January 2024

Adoption and impact of fruit fly control technologies on mango losses in Senegal

Senegal's mango production and export industry have experienced remarkable growth, contributing CFAF 8 billion to the economy and generating nearly 20,000 jobs, with women comprising half of the workforce. However, this success is threatened by fruit fly infestations, which can result in potential losses of up to 100% of production. The WAAPP Program, implemented from 2011 to 2013, aimed to combat this issue in...

Author(s): Fall Founty Alassane  

January 2024

Adoption of sustainable land management practices among farmers under the Third National Fadama Development Project in Imo State, Nigeria

This study assessed the adoption of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices among farmers participating in the Third National Fadama Development Project in Imo State, Nigeria. Data were collected through structured questionnaires administered to 128 randomly selected members of Fadama User Groups (FUGs) in Imo State. The analysis utilized simple descriptive statistical tools such as frequency distribution tables,...

Author(s): Aja, O. O., Ugwoke, F. O., Anyoha, N. O., Okereke-Ejiogu, E. N. and Onyezi, S. A.  

January 2024

Southwestern Kenya’s smallholder dairy farmers’ climate change perceptions, knowledge and adaptation

Globally, climate change (CC) adaptation is critical as CC compounds smallholder dairy farmers’ challenges. Farmers’ CC perceptions and knowledge could influence their CC adaptations. This study in Southwestern Kenya sought to establish smallholder dairy farmers’ CC perceptions and CC knowledge level and their relationships to CC adaptations. Concurrent Fixed Mixed Methods was used to collect data from...

Author(s): Charles Okech Odhiambo, Chrilukovian Bwire Wasike and Harun Okello Ogindo  

January 2024

Ethnobotanical survey to evaluate the endogenous knowledge and consequences of Taro Leaf Blight (TLB) in Sudanian climatic zone of Burkina Faso

Leaf blight caused by Phytophthora colocasiae poses a significant threat to taro production in the Sudanian climatic zone of Burkina Faso. This study aims to assess producers' knowledge about the disease, its consequences, and field management practices. An ethnobotanical survey was conducted among taro producers between June and July 2021. Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed...

Author(s): Marie Claire Cécé, Renan Ernest Traoré, Nicolas Ouédraogo and Gabin Korbéogo  

January 2024

Response of maize grain yield to different sources of organic manure at varied levels of application

The experimental site was prepared and land used was 1,904 square feet (measuring 1706.88 by 1036.32 m). Varying rates (0.5, 1, and 1.5 kg) of three organic manures (palm kernel cake, bio char, Gliricidia sepium and poultry/chicken manure) were applied on maize variety DMR-ESR-yellow. The design was a randomized complete block design in a factorial arrangement with three replications, with a plot size of 4 by 4ft. Each...

Author(s): Fasuluku Bayoh, Melvin S. George, Fayia A. Kassoh and Alieu M. Bah  

January 2024

Enhancing wheat productivity for small-scale farmers in the northern state of Sudan through developing a local made seed cleaner and different seeding methods

The wheat cleaner was designed, manufactured, and tested in the workshop of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Dongola, and Northern State of Sudan. The purpose was to enhance productivity for small-scale farmers who traditionally plant their saved wheat seeds every season, facing risks of weed infestation and low viability. A one-season field experiment was then...

Author(s): Yasir Hassan Satti and Fahad Alwagie