African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: January 2009; 4(1)

January 2009

Land ownership security in Malawi

  This study examines factors that determine land ownership security among households in the rural areas (customary tenure sector) in Malawi. A framework for understanding land ownership security in the customary sector is proposed and using empirical data from different parts of Malawi, logistic regression analysis shows that the developed framework helps to explain land ownership security in practice. Though...

Author(s):   Greenwell Matchaya      

January 2009

A GIS model for determination of water resources suitability for goats grazing

  Proper use from water resources, especially in arid and semi arid of Iranian rangeland are very important. In this area water is one of a valuable ecosystem component. The study was conducted in Ghareh Aghach watershed region is located, Isfahan province, in central part of Iran. Four criteria’s of water quality, water quantity, water distance and livestock information were integrated to water resources...

Author(s):   Fazel Amiri      

January 2009

Impact of water stress on fresh tuber yield and dry matter content of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Côte d’Ivoire

  The production and transformation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots are increasing in Côte d’Ivoire. Characteristics of cassava, at different times of planting and harvesting were studied. For the September plantings, the local cultivar produced less than the improved varieties but maintained a superior dry matter content. In the June plantings, there was no significant difference...

Author(s):   S. Bakayoko, A. Tschannen , C. Nindjin, D. Dao, O. Girardin and A. Assa    

January 2009

Evaluation of cactus pear fruit quality at Mara ADC, South Africa

  The present study was conducted to evaluate quality of different Cultivars of cactus pear traits in Mara Research Station. Seven Cultivars (Nepgen, R1251,Sharsheret, Cross X, Berg x Mexican, Santa Rosa, Morado) of cactus pear were planted in a completely randomized design. Orchard consisted of 10 plants per Cultivar planted in a single row. No irrigation supplementation was...

Author(s):   Kwena Mokoboki, Tsenolo Kgama and Ntuwiseni Mmbi      

January 2009

Effects of staggered planting dates on the control of Thrips tabaci Lindeman and yield of onion in Nigeria

  Eight–week old onion seedlings were transplanted from December to April in 2001-2002 and November to March in 2002-2003 growing seasons to assess the level of thrips damage and its effect on onion bulb yield. Results obtained revealed that thrips started appearing from January but the number was very low until end of February when the population reached 12 thrips/plant. November transplant was free of...

Author(s):   N. D. Ibrahim and A. A. Adesiyun        

January 2009

Eggshell crack detection by acoustic impulse response and support vector machine

This paper investigates the effect of support vector machine (SVM) for the classification of intact and cracked eggs. The four frequency features of the sound impulse resonance of an egg excited with a light mechanical impact on the equator of the eggshell are extracted, including the normalization average of the frequency domain, the first dominant frequency, and the average x - and y – coordinates of the...

Author(s):   Xiaoyan Deng, Qiaohua Wang, Lanlan Wu, Hong Gao, Youxian Wen andShucai Wang         

January 2009

Effect of applied water and discharge rate on wetted soil volume in loam or clay-loam soil from an irrigated trickle source

  This study was designated to determine the effect of different applied water by use of different emitter discharges on the wetting patterns of a loam or clay-loam soil under trickle source. Irrigation water was applied when the soil water depletion of 30 and 50% from available water capacity of soil in 0 - 90 depth.  The discharge rates of 2 and 4 L h-1 was selected in irrigation treatments. The...

Author(s):   Bilal Acar, Ramazan Topak and Fariz Mikailsoy