How to cite this article
Zakaria, H., Obeng, F. K., Quainoo, A. K., & Abujaja, A. M. (2022). Prospects and constraints faced by smallholder farmers in the cultivation of GM crops: A case study from Northern Ghana. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 18(3), 221-230.
Chicago /
Zakaria H., Obeng F. K., Quainoo A. K. and Abujaja A. M.
. "Prospects and constraints faced by smallholder farmers in the cultivation of GM crops: A case study from Northern Ghana." African Journal of Agricultural Research 18, no. 3 (2022): 221-230.
Zakaria H., et al. "Prospects and constraints faced by smallholder farmers in the cultivation of GM crops: A case study from Northern Ghana." African Journal of Agricultural Research 18.3 (2022): 221-230.