How to cite this article
Shitindi, M. J., & Mrema, J. P. (2019). Composting coffee pulp with Minjingu phosphate rock improves phosphorus availability for tomato uptake. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(25), 1051-1057.
Chicago /
Mawazo J. Shitindi and Jerome P. Mrema
. "Composting coffee pulp with Minjingu phosphate rock improves phosphorus availability for tomato uptake." African Journal of Agricultural Research 14, no. 25 (2019): 1051-1057.
Mawazo J. Shitindi and Jerome P. Mrema
. "Composting coffee pulp with Minjingu phosphate rock improves phosphorus availability for tomato uptake." African Journal of Agricultural Research 14.25 (2019): 1051-1057.