How to cite this article
Minassa, E. M. C., Freitas, S. P., Baitelle, D. C., Freitas, S. D. J., Freitas, I. L. D. J., and de Souza, C. L. M. (2017). Coffee straw used as mulch for germination and strength of crops and spontaneous species seedlings. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(49), 3410-3414.
Chicago /
Elisa Maria Campos Minassa, Silv&erio Paiva Freitas, Diego Corona Baitelle, Silvio de Jesus Freitas, Ismael Lourenço de Jesus Freitas and Claudio Luiz Melo de Souza. "Coffee straw used as mulch for germination and strength of crops and spontaneous species seedlings." African Journal of Agricultural Research 12, no. 49 (2017): 3410-3414.
Elisa Maria Campos Minassa, et al. "Coffee straw used as mulch for germination and strength of crops and spontaneous species seedlings." African Journal of Agricultural Research 12.49 (2017): 3410-3414.