How to cite this article
Lang, N. T., Ha, P. T. T., Tra, N. T., & Buu, B. C. (2019). Screening of rice germplasms under salt stress by phenotypic and molecular markers. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(27), 1154-1162.
Chicago /
Nguyen Thị Lang, Pham Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Thu Tra and Bui Chi Buu
. "Screening of rice germplasms under salt stress by phenotypic and molecular markers." African Journal of Agricultural Research 14, no. 27 (2019): 1154-1162.
Nguyen Th Lang, et al. "Screening of rice germplasms under salt stress by phenotypic and molecular markers." African Journal of Agricultural Research 14.27 (2019): 1154-1162.