How to cite this article
Dourado, F. W. N., Bandeira, A. S., Públio Jr, E., Oliveira Jr., M. S. & Morais, O. M. (2015). Evaluation of physical and physiological characteristics of seeds and seedlings of physic nut genotypes. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(4), 188-193.
Chicago /
Franco William Novaes Dourado, Arlete da Silva Bandeira, Everardes P&ublio J&unior, Manoel Xavier de Oliveira Junior and Otoniel Magalhães Morais. "Evaluation of physical and physiological characteristics of seeds and seedlings of physic nut genotypes." African Journal of Agricultural Research 10, no. 4 (2015): 188-193.
Franco William Novaes Dourado, et al. "Evaluation of physical and physiological characteristics of seeds and seedlings of physic nut genotypes." African Journal of Agricultural Research 10.4 (2015): 188-193.