How to cite this article
Padrón, R. A. R., Guedes, J. V. C., Swarowsky, A., Nogueira, C. U., Cerquera, R. R., & DÃaz-Pérez, J. C. (2015). Supplemental irrigation levels in bell pepper under shade mesh and in open-field: Crop coefficient, yield, fruit quality and water productivity. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(44), 4117-4125.
Chicago /
Richard Alberto Rodr&iguez Padr&on, Jerson Vanderlei Car&us Guedes, Alexandre Swarowsky, Cicero Urbanetto Nogueira, Roxanna Rosales Cerquera and Juan Carlos D&iaz-P&erez. "Supplemental irrigation levels in bell pepper under shade mesh and in open-field: Crop coefficient, yield, fruit quality and water productivity." African Journal of Agricultural Research 10, no. 44 (2015): 4117-4125.
Richard Alberto Rodriacute;guez Padroacute;n, et al. "Supplemental irrigation levels in bell pepper under shade mesh and in open-field: Crop coefficient, yield, fruit quality and water productivity." African Journal of Agricultural Research 10.44 (2015): 4117-4125.