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Samples of 320 random healthy unrelated Iraqi male persons from the Arab ethic group of Iraqi population were collected for Y chromosomal STRs typing. FTA® Technology was utilized to extract DNA from blood collected on FTA™ paper. We analyzed 11 Y chromosomal STR loci for evaluating allele frequencies and gene diversity for each Y-STR locus of the Y-Plex™ PCR amplification kit. The 11 loci include DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS19, DYS391, DYS438, DYS390, DYS439, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385a and DYS385b. A total of 299 unique haplotypes was identified among the 320 individuals studied. The DYS385b had the highest diversity (GD = 0.8392), while loci DYS392 had the lowest (D = 0.2695). The study focuses to establish the basic forensic genetic informations, knowledge, data and statistics which might be so ultimately helpful practically in forensic science and criminology and to let evaluate and present the DNA weight evidences in Iraq medico-legal institute and courts of law.
Key words: Allele frequency, gene diversity, Iraq, STR DNA typing, Y-Plex™.
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