Full Length Research Paper
The aim of the present work was to evaluate the general monthly averages of the testosterone hormone and the influence of season and photoperiod on plasma testosterone levels in Arabia bucks of Algeria. Testosterone concentrations were determined throughout one year in blood samples collected every fortnight of the month from nine males of Arabia goat breeds, fed a constant diet, maintained without interactions with female goat. Plasma testosterone level was measured by radioimmunoassay. Analyses performed show that the monthly averages of the testosterone hormone vary during the year; higher levels were recorded during August (T=8.57±6.72, P=0.00***) however, bucks displayed the same change tendency during the same period (P=0.79). Plasma testosterone concentrations vary significantly between seasons (P=0.00***) being higher during autumn (6.15±3.81ng/ml) compared with spring (0.90 ± 1.27ng/ml) when hormone synthesis reaches its lowest levels. In conclusion, Arabia bucks of Algeria displayed a clear seasonality of plasma testosterone concentration with very low levels in winter and spring (from January to May) and high levels in summer and autumn (from July to November).
Key words: Arabia bucks, testosterone, season, photoperiod.
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