Full Length Research Paper
The response of eight maize hybrids against five different salinity levels namely 0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 mM) were studied at germination and early seedling stage. This investigation was performed as factorial experiment under completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications for each salinity level. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that there were significant differences (P < 0.05) between salinity stress levels, hybrids and interaction effects for all investigated traits. Supplementary analysis showed that there were significant differences (P < 0.05) between hybrids for germination percentage, germination rate, mean germination time and seed vigor in all salinity levels. But, there were no significant differences found between studied hybrids at salinity level of 240 mM for the length of radicle, the length of plumule and the length of whole seedling. Results also indicated that maximum reduction in germination percentage (77.4%), germination rate (32.4%), length of radicle (79.5%) and plumule (78%), seedling length (78.1%) and seed vigor (95%) were obtained in highest level of salinity (240 mM). Results further depicted that hybrid K166B×K47/2-2-21-2-1-1-1 was the most tolerant hybrid than other hybrids under salinity stress.
Key words: Germination indices, maize hybrid, salinity stress.
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