African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12496

Article in Press



  •  Received: 19 October 2023
  •  Accepted: 14 December 2023
In my research, the results of the physical-chemical analysis and sensory analysis of wine production from local and otheri valuable technical grape varieties cultivated in the diverse and rich soil-climatic conditions of our country and the produced wines were reflected. Samples were taken from the produced products, the amount of sugar content, acidity and other important indicators were determined by modern methods and at the same time by classical methods. Thus, in the article, the wine produced from the ancient, local and introduced Khindogni, Bayanshira, Rkasiteli, Madrasa, Moldova, Merlo, Hamashara, Shirvanshahi grape varieties cultivated in the soil and climate conditions of Absheron, Shamakhi, Jalilabad and Kurdamir regions, as well as the concentration of juice in wine, wine physical and chemical analyses, including tasting results, were recorded. The mass fraction of sugar content is 22.0 g/100 cm3 in the Bayanshira grape variety, 23.5 g/100 cm3 in the Merlo variety, 23.0 g/100 cm3 in the juice of the Rkasiteli grape variety, 22.7 g/100 cm3 in the Madrasa grape variety grown in Absheron conditions, 23.0 g/100 cm3 in Khindogni grape variety, 23.2 g/100 cm3 in Shirvanshahi grape variety, 21.7 g/100 cm3 in Moldova, 21.3 g/100 cm3 in Madrasad grape variety grown in Shamakhi conditions, and 22.2 in Hamashara. was g/100 cm3. The acidity indicators are 8.2 g/dm3 in the Bayanshira grape variety, 5.6 g/dm3 in the Merlo variety, 5.3 g/dm3 in the juice of the Rkasiteli grape variety, 5.3 g/dm3 in the Madrasa grape variety grown in Absheron conditions, and 5 in the Khindogni grape variety. ,2 g/dm3, 6.1 g/dm3 in Shirvanshahi grape variety, 6.4 g/dm3 in Moldovan grape variety, 6.2 g/dm3 in Madrasa grown in Shamakhi conditions, and 6.3 g/dm3 in Hamashara grape variety. The pH indicator fluctuated between 3.1-3.4 for grape varieties. The yield of juice was 73.2-74.8% for grape varieties. The amount of ethyl alcohol in wine made from Shirvanshahi grape variety is 13.8; 16.7 in dark Shirvanshahi wine; It was determined as 12.7 %/h in wine made from Moldovan grape variety. Total acidity was the highest 7.13 g/dm3 in Bayanshira wine, and the lowest was 4.65 g/dm3 in wine made from Khindogni grapes.

Keywords: Local, introduction, juice, national wine, physicochemical and sensory analysis