Bioprospecting of yeasts for amylase production in solid state fermentation and evaluation of the catalytic properties of enzymatic extracts
Ana Paula Aguero de Oliveira
Ana Paula Aguero de Oliveira
Laboratory of Enzymology and Fermentation Processes, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Grande Dourados (FCBA/UFGD), Dourados - MS, Brazil.
Laboratory of Enzymology and Fermentation Processes, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Grande Dourados (FCBA/UFGD), Dourados - MS, Brazil.
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Phytotechnology, Food Technology and Social Economy, Sao Paulo State University (FEI/UNESP), Ilha Solteira - SP, Brazil.
Laboratory of Fungal Ecology and Systematics, Biosciences Institute, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Sao Paulo State University (IB/UNESP), Rio Claro - SP, Brazil.
Laboratory of Enzymology and Fermentation Processes, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Grande Dourados (FCBA/UFGD), Dourados - MS, Brazil.
Laboratory of Enzymology and Fermentation Processes, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Grande Dourados (FCBA/UFGD), Dourados - MS, Brazil.