African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 11 February 2015; 14(6)

February 2015

Structural, physical, functional and nutraceutical changes of freeze-dried fruit

This review examines the structural, physical, functional and nutraceutical changes of lyophilized fruits. Collapse, porosity, color, glass transition temperature, rehydration capacity, ability to retain water, volatile compounds, phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, and beta-carotene, were defined, and the causes of changes in these parameters, during freeze-drying, were analyzed. Advantages and limitations of the...

Author(s): Liliana Serna-Cock, Diana Patricia Vargas-Muñoz and Alfredo Ayala Aponte

February 2015

Examination of genetic diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers

To study the pattern of genetic diversity in 45 genotypes of common bean, 19 RAPD primers were used. Of 253 bands produced, 236 bands (94.22%) were polymorphic in which maximum number (20 polymorphic bands) were observed in the profiles of the primer OPB-07. Highest PIC value (0.79) was observed for the primers OPG-14 and OPE-1, whereas lowest PIC value (0.34) was recorded for the primer OPA-11 with an average PIC value...

Author(s): Asifa Bukhari, M. A. Bhat, Mushtaq Ahmad and Noorul Saleem

February 2015

Feedstuffs potential of harvest by-products from two oleaginous cucurbits

Among the generated crop residues and by-products in tropical agriculture, those of cucurbits represent great opportunities for animal nutrition. Nutritive profile of harvest by-products (dried leaves, fermented fruits, non fermented fruits and seeds shells) of two oleaginous cucurbits (Citrullus lanatus and Lagenaria siceraria) were investigated in order to explore their potential use as feedstuffs. The moisture, ash,...

Author(s): A. I. Touré, A. L. Loukou, K.K. Koffi, I. Mouaragadja, G. L. Bohoua, B. Mbatchi and B. I. A. Zoro

February 2015

Influence of rural processing methods and postharvest storage treatments on quality characteristics of kola nut (acuminata Schott & Endl.)

Quality changes of kola nut (Cola acuminata) as affected by processing methods and short-term storage environments were investigated. The experiment was conducted at the Teaching and Research Laboratory of the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria. The treatments comprised of: three different colour plastic buckets – red, green, white and three inner linings - Newbouldia laevis leaves,...

Author(s): Eze, S. C., Ameh, G. I., Ugwuoke, K. I., Onyeke, C. C. and Ozioko, J. O.

February 2015

Allelopathic potential of some biocontrol agents for the control of fungal rot of yellow yam (Dioscorea cayenensis Lam)

The adverse effect of synthetic pesticides on human health and the natural ecosystem necessitate the need to explore natural mechanisms of disease control in plants. This study evaluated the allelopathic potential of five biocontrol agents: Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Trichoderma asperellum, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas fluorescens in the control of six fungal pathogens associated with tuber rot...

Author(s): Dania, V. O., Fadina, O. O., Ayodele, M. and Lava Kumar, P.

February 2015

Growth of mycotal species on the eggs of Cyprinus carpio in limnologically and trophically different water bodies

The study investigated the growth of hydromycoflora on the eggs of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in five water bodies of different eutrophication levels. Thirty-three (33) species of mycotal organisms, including 28 species belonging to Peronosporomycota, 2 to anamorphic fungi and 1 each to Ascomycota, Blastocladiomycota and Zygomycota were identified on the eggs. The water from River Biala and Pond Fosa, which are...

Author(s): Bazyli Czeczuga, Adrianna Semeniuk- Grell and Ewa Czeczuga- Semeniuk

February 2015

Exploitation of molecular genetics in microbial degradation and decolorization of industrial waste water effluent

Activated sludge samples were used to analyse microbial community structures from the anoxic and aerobic zones of a labora­tory-scale modified Ludzack-Ettinger system. Fluorescent in situ hybridization and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis were applied for analysis. With the help of DNA specific fluorochrome DAPI, approximately 75 to 80% of total cells were detected, hybridised with a specific eubacterial...

Author(s): Shah M. P. 

February 2015

Influence of temperature on the anaerobic stabilization of organic solid residues

This study was aimed at determining the effect of temperature on the stabilization of organic solid waste conjugated with sewage sludge in anaerobic batch reactors (ABR), and to estimate the efficiency of the process in producing biogas and methane. The substrate contained 36.2 g L-1 of total solids comprising residues from fruits and vegetables enriched with anaerobic sludge from sanitary sewage (4:1, w/w). The...

Author(s): Jorge Marcell Coelho Menezes, Valderi Duarte Leite, Aldre Jorge Morais Barros, Wilton Silva Lopes, José Tavares de Sousa and Andrezza Raphaella Costa Campos

February 2015

Understanding the efficacy of influent waste water on microbial community structure of activated sludge process

The assembling of microbial consortia in wastewater treatment facilities is a significance of environmental conditions. In the present research work, activated sludge from different wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were exploited at a molecular level to determine the influence of the complexity of the influent composition on the species structure and the diversity of bacterial consortia. The community fingerprints...

Author(s): Shah M. P. 

February 2015

Ethanol production using hemicellulosic hydrolyzate and sugarcane juice with yeasts that converts pentoses and hexoses

The use of vegetable biomass as substrate for ethanol production could reduce the existing usage of fossil fuels, thereby minimizing negative environmental impacts. Due to mechanical harvesting of sugarcane, the amount of pointer and straw has increased in sugarcane fields, becoming inputs of great energy potential. This study aimed to analyze the use of hemicellulosic hydrolyzate produced by sugarcane pointers and...

Author(s): Juliana Pelegrini Roviero, Priscila Vaz de Arruda, Maria das Graças de Almeida Felipe and Márcia Justino Rossini Mutton

February 2015

Antitrypanosomal activity of Khaya senegalensis and Anogeissus leiocarpus stem bark on Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected rats

Trypanosoma brucei brucei, a haemo-protozoan parasite causes African Animal Trypanosomiasis (AAT). Khaya senegalensis (KS) and Anogeissus leiocarpus (AL) are medicinal plants used either individually or in combination by local farmers in Northern Nigeria in the treatment of many diseases including trypanosomiasis. There is however, no information on the efficacy of the plants used in combination. In this study, the...

Author(s): Awobode, Henrietta O., Fagbemi, Folasade T. and Afolayan, Funmilayo I. D.

February 2015

Fungal infection in freshwater fishes of Andhra Pradesh, India

A total of 17 isolates of fungi were isolated from diseased fishes which belong to five species namely Saprolegnia diclina, Saprolegnia ferax, Saprolegnia hypogyana, Saprolegnia parasitica and Achlya americana. All these fungi were isolated from six different species of fresh water fishes viz. Channa stratius, Channa punctatus, Clarias batrachus, Labeo rohita, Heteropneuste fossilis and Mystus cavasius. The parasitic...

Author(s): S. A. Mastan