African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12496

Table of Content: 14 October 2015; 14(41)

October 2015

Heterogeneous expression and functional evaluation of in silico characterized recombinant OmpC of Salmonella Typhimurium as a functional poultry vaccine to eradicate zoonotic transmission

Salmonellosis is one of the major global health concerns leading to millions of deaths annually. The present vaccines not being up to the mark necessitate the need for the development of new generation vaccines. Outer membrane proteins (Omps) of several Gram negative bacteria have been investigated and found to be immunogenic and protective. The present study explores the potential of a major porin protein (OmpC) of...

Author(s): Richa Jha, Anil Kumar, Anjani Saxena, Mamta Pandey, Rajesh Kumar and Mumtesh Kumar Saxena

October 2015

Use of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for screening blue disease resistance in cotton germplasm exchange

Blue disease of cotton is an economically important disease of the crop first described from the Central African Republic and spread to other countries. Brazil and other South American countries record crop losses of up to 80% from infection but no cases of the disease have been reported in Tanzania. Resistance to the disease has been found in African germplasm and transferred to crop cultivars worldwide. Molecular...

Author(s): Christopher Faustine, Lucia Vieira Hoffmann, Flora Ismail Tibazarwa and Everina Lukonge

October 2015

Antibiosis in Ascia monuste orseis Godart (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) caused by kale genotypes

Ascia monuste orseis (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is one of the main insect pests of kale. The study was done to identify kale varieties resistant to A. monuste orseis by the antibiosis resistance mechanism. Kale genotypes (26) were evaluated in experiments performed at the Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology of Goiano Federal Institute - Campus Urutaí. A completely randomized experimental design with 50 replicates...

Author(s): Luciano Nogueira, Lígia Alves de Paiva, Andre Cirillo de Sousa Almeida, Zulene Antonio  Ribeiro Arlindo Leal Boica Junior and Flavio Goncalves de Jesus

October 2015

Estimation of genetic diversity between three Saudi sheep breeds using DNA markers

The genetic variation of Najdi, Harri and Awassi breeds of Saudi sheep prevailing in Raniah province of Makka district were assessed and compared to Sudanese Desert sheep using random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase cahin reaction (RAPD-PCR) technique. Five primers successfully amplified distinguishable 40 bands with an average of 96% polymorphism revealing that Saudi sheep breeds possess the needed genetic...

Author(s): Ahmed Abdel Gadir Adam, Nada Babiker Hamza, Manal Abdel Wahid Salim and Khaleil Salah Khalil

October 2015

Determination of lactic acid bacteria in KaÅŸar cheese and identification by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) arise in KaÅŸar cheese, an artisanal pasta filata cheese produced in Turkey from raw milk without starter addition or pasteurized milk with starter culture. In this study, 13 samples of KaÅŸar cheese that were produced from raw milk were used as reference materials. LAB were characterized by using phenotypic, API and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy methods. One hundred and...

Author(s): Ä°lkay Turhan and Zübeyde Öner

October 2015

Profile, antioxidant potential, and applicability of phenolic compounds extracted from Spirulina platensis

This work aimed at an investigation of the profile of free phenolic compounds (PC) of Spirulina platensis and assesses their antioxidant potential, applying them as a natural conservative in minimally processed apples. The phenolic extract showed 396 µg g-1 gallic acid, 347  µg g-1 of caffeic acid, 54 µg g-1 salicylic acid and 3.5 µg g-1 trans-1-cinmamic a total of 608 µg PC g-1 of S....

Author(s): Taiana Denardi de Souza, Luciana Prietto, Michele Moraes de Souza and Eliana Badiale Furlong