African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 16 November 2009; 8(22)

November 2009

Optimization of regeneration and transformation parameters in tomato and improvement of its salinity and drought tolerance

    As part of our efforts to improve tomato tolerance to abiotic stress, we have undertaken this study to introduce two candidate genes encoding: a sodium antiporter and a vacuolar pyrophosphatase, previously shown to enhance drought and salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. First, we evaluated the potential of primary leaves from three to four week-old in vitro-grown...

Author(s): Habib Khoudi, Aida Nouri-Khemakhem, Sandra Gouiaa and Khaled Masmoudi

November 2009

Implication of complex vertebral malformation and deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase on molecular-based testing in the Iranian Holstein bulls population

  The aim of this study was to identify the deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase (DUMPS) and the complex vertebral malformation (CVM) in Iranian Holstein bulls. A total of 144 blood samples were prepared of Holstein bulls in Abbas Abad Animal Breeding Center and Ferdowsi University of Mashhad's Dairy Farm in Khorasan state of Iran. Genomic PCR-RFLP protocol was performed to amplify the polymorphic...

Author(s): A. R. Rezaee, M. R. Nassiry, B. Sadeghi, A. Shafagh Motlagh, M. Tahmoorespour and R. Valizadeh

November 2009

Construction and analysis of a cDNA library from yellow-fruit ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer.) leaf tissue

  The total RNA was isolated from yellow-fruit ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) leaf tissue. A cDNA library of panax ginseng leaves was constructed by using pDNR-LIB vector according to the SMART cDNA library construction kit protocol. We obtained 378 high quality sequences (GenBank accession number: ES672876-ES673253). ESTs were annotated, analyzed by BlastX and functional classified based on gene...

Author(s): Chengjun Yang, Jun Wang, Chuanping Yang and Guifeng Liu

November 2009

Genetic diversity among natural populations of Ottelia acuminata (Gaghep.) Dandy revealed by ISSR

  Ottelia acuminata (Gagnep.) Dandy, an aquatic species of the Hydrocharitaceae, is endemic to China. A performance comparison of genetic diversity of 4 natural populations was conducted to investigate whether or not water pollution in their habitats has anything to do with this species being endangered. A total number of 120 O. acuminate accessions were analyzed, by amplification of their DNAs...

Author(s): H. Y. Zhang, K. Tian, Y. Yu, L. Y. Li and Y. M. Yang

November 2009

Regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation studies in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. Turbo)

  Leaf explants of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. Turbo) were used for the transformation of gene performed by the EHA 105 strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring the binary vector, pGA482GG. This vector carries the marker genes, neomycin phosphotansferase II (npt II) that determine resistance to kanamycin and β-glucoronidase (GUS). Leaf segments of carnation plants were...

Author(s): Åž. E. Arici and N. K. Koç

November 2009

A plant defensin gene from Orychophragmus violaceus can improve Brassica napus’ resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

  A plant defensin gene, named as Ovd, was cloned from Orychophragmus violaceus (L.) O. E. Schulz and subsequently introduced into Brassica napusgenome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method in sense and antisense forms under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter. Genomic PCR analysis confirmed the integration of the sense and antisense Ovd into the host genome....

Author(s): Jun Wu, Lin-tao Wu, Zhi-bin Liu, Lei Qian, Mao-hua Wang, Li-rong Zhou, Yi Yang, Xu-feng Li

November 2009

Morphological, molecular and biochemical evaluation of Egyptian jasmine rice variety and its M5 derived mutants

  The current investigation was carried out at Sirw, northern part of Egypt, during 2007 and 2008 seasons. The present study mainly aimed to evaluate the morphological and molecular variation among Egyptian Jasmine and its 10 M5 derived mutants under saline soil conditions. Some mutant lines have the advantage of early maturation nearly one month earlier compared with the original variety Egyptian Jasmine. In...

Author(s): Said M. Shehata, Megahed H. Ammar, Amr F. Abdelkalik and Basuny A. Zayed

November 2009

Study on genetic variability of Cassidula aurisfelis (snail) by random amplified polymorphic DNAs

  The genetic variability among individuals of Cassidula aurisfelis from Setiu Wetland, Terengganu Darul Iman was examined by using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Ten oligonucleotide primers were screened and three primers were selected (OPA 02, OPA 04 and OPA 10) to amplify DNA from five samples of C. aurisfelis from Setiu Wetland, Terengganu. A total of 28 RAPD...

Author(s): Wan Bayani, W. O., Mohammad, Shafie S. and Zaleha, K.

November 2009

Improving the traditional sesame seed planting with seed pelleting

  The aim of this study is to determine the effect of seed pelleting in a variety of sesame types on yield and yield factors. In this study, it is suggested that with the help of seed pelleting, it will be possible to achieve a better planting, and subsequently, to acquire an increase in the yield and its elements.  In this research, Muganli-57, Ozberk-82 and Golmarmara type seeds were used,...

Author(s): Tuna DoÄŸan and Ahmet Zeybek

November 2009

A comparison of soda and soda-AQ pulps from cotton stalks

  In this study, cotton stalks (Gossypium hirsutum L.) were cooked using soda and soda-anthraquinone (AQ) process. Nine soda cooks were conducted by changing cooking conditions including active alkali charge and pulping time. Soda-AQ cooks were obtained by adding 0.075, 0.10, 0.15, 0.2% AQ (based on o.d stalks) to optimum soda pulping. Adding AQ to soda pulps led to the increase in regarding to pulp yield...

Author(s): Mehmet Akgül and Ayhan TozluoÄŸlu

November 2009

Effects of embryo induction media and pretreatments in isolated microspore culture of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Falat)

  Isolated microspores of many plants can be induced in vitro to switch their developmental process from the gametophytic to a sporophytic pathway under appropriate conditions and produce haploid plants. This research reports the effects of cold pretreatment with or without either mannitol or chemical + heat and 5 embryo induction media (NPB-99, C17, W14, CHB-2 and P2) on embryo production, percentage...

Author(s): Hamid Shirdelmoghanloo, Ahmad Moieni and Amir Mousavi

November 2009

High frequency induction of somatic embryos and plantlet regeneration from nodal explants of Hygrophila spinosa T. Anders

  An efficient protocol is described for the rapid in vitro plant regeneration of a medicinally important plant, Hygrophila spinosa through direct somatic embryogenesis from nodal explants excised from 4 week old aseptic seedlings. Somatic embryos differentiated directly from nodal explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1.0 µM 6- benzyladenine (BA) after 1 week...

Author(s): A. Varshney, A. Shahzad and M. Anis

November 2009

The influence of root rot incidence on cassava genotype on consumers’ acceptability of the gari produced from it

  In Nigeria cassava root rot causes serious yield losses in cassava tuber production every year. However, the influence of root rot incidence on cassava genotype at harvest on consumers’ acceptability of the gari produced from it has not been studied. A sensory evaluation was conducted on gari processed from the tuberous root yield of rot susceptible TME-1 and improved TMS 30572, harvested at 12 months...

Author(s): S. O. Aigbe and S. U. Remison

November 2009

Pretreatment of seed with H2O2 enhances drought tolerance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings

  Drought is an important environmental constraint limiting the productivity of many crops worldwide. Seedling tolerance to drought is crucial for crop growth and development through the whole season under water-limited condition. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of seed pretreatment by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on drought tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings....

Author(s): Liheng He, Zhiqiang Gao and Runzhi Li

November 2009

The effects of different indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) concentrations, two light regimes of in vitro rooting and acclimatization of in vitro teak (Tectona grandis L.f) plantlets

  Effects of different indole-3-butyric (IBA) concentrations (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 5.0 mg/l), two light regimes of in vitro rooting and acclimatization on in vitro teak (Tectona grandis L.f) were investigated. Shoots incubated in the light produced higher mean number of roots (2.0) and mean root length of 15.0 and 4.5 mm when supplemented with low IBA concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0...

Author(s): Nor Aini, A. S., Goh, B. L. and Ridzuan, R.

November 2009

Effects of sowing date and nutsedge removal time on plant growth and yield of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter]

  Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is an annual C4 grass crop that originated in Ethiopia. The average grain yield of this crop is low; averaging < 0.8 Mg ha-1 in farmer’s fields of the semi arid conditions. Productivity can be increased to a considerate extent through the improvement of management practices alone, particularly sowing time with appropriate weed control. The objective...

Author(s): Abdul Shukor Juraimi, Mahfuza Begum, Ahmed M. Sherif and A. Rajan

November 2009

Effect of plant growth regulators on in vitro shoot multiplication of Amygdalus communis L. cv. Yaltsinki

  An efficient protocol was established for in vitro shoot multiplication from apical shoot tips derived from mature trees of almond (Amygdalus communis L.) cultivars, Yaltsinki. Explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) medium containing various concentrations of 6-benzyladenin (BA) and kinetin (kin) for shoot multiplication. Shoot multiplication was best achieved from...

Author(s): Filiz AkbaÅŸ, ÇiÄŸdem Işıkalan, Süreyya Namlı and Bekir Erol Ak

November 2009

Somatic embryogenesis in Mucuna pruriens

  his study reports the induction of somatic embryos in Mucuna pruriens. Different explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with 11.31 µM 2,4-D produced golden yellow embryogenic callus that induced synchronized embryo development on MS basal liquid medium. Organization of pre-embryonic mass was noticed 15 d after sub culturing the callus, which progressively developed to globular, heart, torpedo...

Author(s): Harini S. S. and N. Sathyanarayana

November 2009

Antimicrobial activity of Agave sisalana

  This study was carried out to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of extracts of the leaves and leaf waste discarded in the process of obtaining the hard fibers of Agave sisalana. The antimicrobial activity was determined by the paper disk diffusion method using Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (non-resistant and resistant to antibiotics) and a fungus. The hydroalcoholic extract obtained from...

Author(s): Jener D. G. Santos, Alexsandro Branco, Alice F. Silva, Carla S. R. Pinheiro, Aristóteles Góes Neto, Ana P. T. Uetanabaro, Sandra R. O. D. Queiroz andJuan T. A. Osuna

November 2009

Sulfuric acid and hot water treatments enhance ex vitro and in vitro germination of Hibiscus seed

  Seeds of Hibiscus dasycalyx S. F. Blake and Shiller, a federally listed candidate endangered species and native to North America and two variants of Hibiscusacetosella Welw. ex. Hiern were scarified using sulfuric acid and hot water. The effects of the scarification methods on in vitro and ex vitro germination in both species were evaluated. Sulfuric acid scarification...

Author(s): Hamidou F. Sakhanokho

November 2009

Effect of Rhizobium inoculation and NP fertilization on growth, yield and nodulation of soybean (Glycine max L.) in the sub-humid hilly region of Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan

  This research experiment was conducted to examine the effect of Rhizobiuminoculation (RI) and P fertilization (P) on nodulation, growth and yield characteristics of soybean grown in the presence of starter N fertilizer (N). Treatments included: i) 02 levels of RI (RI0, RI1), ii) 02 levels of P (P0, P1 that is, P2O5 @ 90 kg ha-1) iii) 03 levels of N (N0, N1 and N2 that is, N at of...

Author(s): Majid Mahmood Tahir, M. Kaleem Abbasi, Nasir Rahim, Abdul Khaliq and Mushtaq Hussain Kazmi

November 2009

DNA-methylation changes induced by salt stress in wheat Triticum aestivum

  The present study was to assess DNA methylation alteration induced by salt stress in two wheat Triticum aestivum cultivars differing in salt tolerance (salt-tolerant Dekang-961 and sensitive Lumai-15), comparatively. The changes in the status of methylation of the CCGG sequence of the nuclear genome of the root DNA of plants exposed to different concentrations of NaCl compared with that of untreated...

Author(s): Lan Zhong, Yan-hao Xu and Jian-bo Wang

September 2009

Prolific plant regeneration through organogenesis from scalps of Musa sp cv. Tanduk

  A prolific plant regeneration system using scalps derived from shoot tips of Musaspp. cv. Tanduk was developed. Highly proliferating scalps, produced after four monthly subcultures of shoot tip explant on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 100 mM BAP and 1.0 mM IAA, were placed on MS basal medium supplemented with 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 mM BAP. Rooting of shoots was assessed on...

Author(s): S. M. A. Elhory, M. A. Aziz, A. A. Rashid and A. G. Yunus

November 2009

Wheat crown and root rotting fungi in Moghan area, Northwest of Iran

  Wheat root and crown rot (Triticum aestivum L.) is a disease problem in many wheat producing area as well as Moghan wheat growing area, Northwest of Iran. In this study, injured plants of wheat with blighting, stunting, and death of mature plants, also necrotic lesions on seminal crown roots, sub crown internodes and crown, as well as basal stem tissue symptoms were collected from different regions of...

Author(s): Behzad Hajieghrari

November 2009

Effects of zeatin and activated charcoal in proliferation of shoots and direct regeneration in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

  A multiple shoot induction protocol was optimized for cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.). Three cultivars of cotton (Sahel, Siokra, Hybrid, that is, Sahel × Siokra) were used to study the effects of zeatin and activated charcoal on proliferation of shoots and direct regeneration from shoot tip explant excised from 10 – 15 day-old seedlings cultured in vitro. Growth response of different varieties...

Author(s): Farzaneh Tafvizi, Farah Farahanei, Masoud Sheidai and Taher Nejadsattari

November 2009

Effects of different combinations and concentrations of growth regulators and photoperiod on somatic embryogenesis of cucumis melo var. flexuosus

  The present study describes the effects of medium, explant type and photoperiod on somatic embryogenesis of snake melon (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus).  Two different types of explant (cotyledon and hypocotyls) obtained from 3 days old snake melon seedlings and culture conditions were investigated for somatic embryogenesis. Explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS)...

Author(s): Nuray Comlekcioglu, Yesim Yalcin Mendi, Selay Eldogan and Ceren Unek

November 2009

Development of genomic SSR and potential EST-SSR markers in Bupleurum chinense DC.

  Nineteen genomic SSR markers were developed using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR)-suppression PCR technique in Bupleurum chinense DC., a widely used Chinese medicinal plant. A total of 126 alleles were detected across 22 individual plants of B. chinense DC. f. octoradiatum (Bunge) Shan et Sheh, with an average of 3 - 13 alleles per locus. The observed heterozygosity (HO)...

Author(s): Chun Sui, Jian-He Wei, Shi-Lin Chen, Huai-Qiong Chen and Cheng-Min Yang

November 2009

Identification of nif genes of heterotrophic and endophytic diazotrophs associated with rice (Oryza sativa L.,) by targeted DNA finger printing

  Heterotrophic and endophytic diazotrophs were isolated from rhizosphere soil, rhizoplane, roots and stems of different rice varieties. A total of thirteen isolates obtained were subjected to acetylene reduction assay (ARA) and eight isolates recorded significant amount of nitrogenase activity in a range of 31.65 to 91.95 nmoles of ethylene mg-1 cells h-1. Targeted PCR fingerprinting...

Author(s):    T. C. Kumari Sugitha and K. Kumar   

November 2009

The microbiological effects of hospital wastes on the environment

  The effect of 24 hospital wastes samples taking from different hospitals waste dumpsites on its surrounding soil was examined. The counts of microorganisms in hospital dumpsite soil include the following; aerobic heterotrophic counts varies from 4.2 x 105 to 1.6 x 1010, the anaerobic heterotrophic counts varies from 1.0 x 105 to 1.6 x 109 while fungi counts 0 to 6.9 x 106 while the...

Author(s): Oyeleke, S. B. and Istifanus, N.

November 2009

Zinc uptake by vegetables: Effects of soil type and sewage sludge

  Studies were carried out to investigate how sludge applied to 3 soil types to improve the yield of carrots (Daucus carota) and spinach (Spinacea oleracea) would affect the amount of Zn taken up by these vegetables. A 3 year old (type 1 sludge) and a 3 month old (type 2 sludge) sludge were applied to a vertisol, an arenosol, a chromic/calcic luvisol and a ferric luvisol at (v/v, %) ratios of 0:100, 5:95,...

Author(s): V. M. Ngole and G. E. Ekosse

November 2009

Assessment of effects of controlled land use types on soil quality using inferential method

  The experiment was carried out to study the effect of improved land use types on soil quality. Surface soils were collected from four land use types including: cowpea, pasture, gliricidia and secondary forest which were used as the control. The samples were subjected to physical and chemical analyses. The extent of change in soil quality was assessed using inferential method. The results showed that cowpea...

Author(s): Ande, O. T. and Onajobi, Jide

November 2009

A study of physico-chemical characteristics of Ugborikoko/Okere stream as an index of pollution

  A total of 8 samples were collected from strategic points along the Ugborikoko/Okere creek. The levels of the physico-chemical parameters and heavy metal pollutants were determined. Results of both physico-chemical characteristics and heavy metals revealed some degree of pollution in the creek. The mean values of pH, temperature, turbidity, conductivity, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids and...

Author(s):   Peretiemo-Clarke, B. O., Balogun, M. A. and Akpojiyovwi, O.

November 2009

Harmful effects of endosulfan treatment on cyanobacterial distribution and some macromolecules of soybean plant

  In a trial to evaluate the impact of one of the commonly used insecticides in Egypt, a plot area cultivated with soybean was sprayed with endosulfan. Some of the biochemical criteria of the treated soybean and the biodiversity and biochemical activity of its companion cyanobacteria were compared with those of the untreated ones. The results revealed that endosulfan application caused inhibition in the...

Author(s): Neveen Abdel-Raouf and Nadia M. El-Shafey

November 2009

A survey for the presence of microcystins in aquaculture ponds in Zaria, Northern-Nigeria: Possible public health implication

  Aquaculture ponds in Zaria, Nigeria, were screened for the occurrence of the hepatotoxic microcystins using an ELISA method. Four genera of cyanobacteria (Microcystis, Nostoc, Planktothrix and Anabaena) were recorded from 11 aquaculture ponds screened. These cyanobacteria are generally known to produce microcystins and other bioactive substances. Six of the 11 aquaculture ponds had...

Author(s): Chia, A. M., Oniye, S. J., Ladan, Z., Lado, Z., Pila, A. E., Inekwe, V. U.and Mmerole, J. U.

November 2009

Environmental adaptibility of tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.)

  Ecological role of essential oils is reflected in the interaction of plants with environmental factors. Environmental adaptability of the plants can be assumed from essential oil contents. Essential oils are agents, which communicate with the plant environment. Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.) was selected for laboratory research since it belongs to urban flora and vegetation where the imperative to adapt is...

Author(s): Svetlana Stevović, Vesna Surčinski Mikovilović and Dušica Ćalić-Dragosavac

November 2009

Determination of trophic situation of Sarimsakli Dam Lake (Kayseri-Turkey)

  In this study, water samples were collected from four different stations in Sarımsaklı Dam Lake from May 2001 to June 2002 monthly to determine the trophic situation of lake. Additionally, physical parameters of water such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, light permeability were measured in the field and status of surface active substance, sulphur, nitrite, nitrate, total...

Author(s): Didem Aydin and Seyhan Ahiska

November 2009

Isolation of bacteria from mechanic workshops’ soil environment contaminated with used engine oil

  The study was designed to evaluate the bacterial diversity of soil environment contaminated with used engine oil. Ten mechanic workshops within Enugu metropolis were selected and six soil samples were collected from each site. These were analyzed using Bushnell Haas enrichment medium. Samples were enumerated using ten fold dilutions from 1:10 to 1:100000 from the soil samples. The result showed the isolation...

Author(s): T. K. C. Udeani, A . A. Obroh, C .N. Okwuosa, P. U. Achukwu and N. Azubike

November 2009

Enhancement of 2,3-butanediol production by Klebsiella pneumoniae PTCC 1290: Application of Taguchi methodology for process optimization

  2,3-Butanediol production parameter optimization using Klebsiella pneumoniaePTCC 1290 was performed using the design of experiments available in the form of an orthogonal array and a software for automatic design and analysis of the experiments, both based on Taguchi protocol. Optimal levels of physical parameters and key media components namely temperature, pH, inoculum size, agitation, acetic acid and...

Author(s): G. Khayati, H. Pahlevanzadeh, N. Ghaemi and E. Vasheghani-Farahani

November 2009

Enterocin from Enterococcus faecium isolated from mangrove environment

  Enterococcus faecium isolated from mangrove environment produced enterocin and it showed broad inhibitory spectrum against gram positive and gram negative bacteria such as Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus facealis, Listeria monocytogens and Salmonella paratyphii. The optimum production of bacteriocin (2400 AU/ml) from E. faceium was obtained when the culture conditions were...

Author(s): N. Annamalai, P. Manivasagan, T. Balasubramanian and S. Vijayalakshmi

November 2009

Screening of culture condition for xylanase production by filamentous fungi

  The objective of this research was to investigate xylanase production by filamentous fungi (Trichoderma viride) to determine the best cultivation conditions in the process, aiming toward optimization of enzyme production. The best temperature, as well as the best carbon source, for biomass production was determined through an automated turbidimetric method (Bioscreen-C). The enzyme activity of this...

Author(s): Maria Lúcia Garcia Simões, Samia Maria Tauk-Tornisielo and Daniel Mario Tapia Tapia

November 2009

Optimization of medium for the production of subtilisin from Bacillus subtilis MTCC 441

  Subtilisins (E.C. are alkaline proteases that are secreted by members of the genus Bacillus. They are serine proteases that exhibit high specific activity on proteinaceous substrates, function optimally at moderate temperatures, and are stable under alkaline conditions. Thus the use of subtilisin as an enzyme additive could help in development of quality laundry detergents. In this work the...

Author(s): Navaneeth S, Bhuvanesh S, Varun Bhaskar, Vijay Kumar P, Kandaswamy S. K. J. and Anant Achary

November 2009

Characterization of Streptomyces strain SLO-105 isolated from Lake Oubeira sediments in North-East of Algeria

  A microbial strain, SLO-105, isolated from Lake Oubeira sediment was screened for its antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The strain showed broad-spectrum antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteriaStaphylococcus aureus MRSA, Bacillus subtilus, Micrococcus leutus,Streptococcus fecalis and fungi Aspergillus niger and Rodotorulla...

Author(s): Houda Morakchi, Adel Ayari, Mira Taok, Djamila Kirane and Nelly Cochet

November 2009

Novel pH control strategy for glutathione overproduction in batch cultivation of Candida utilis

  The effects of pH values on cell growth and glutathione (GSH) production were studied in batch cultivation of Candida utilis. According to the fact that lower pH value favors cells growth but retards GSH production and higher pH value promotes GSH production while inhibits cells growth, a pH-shift strategy, optimized via simulating Gauss function, was developed. By applying two-stage pH-shift strategy of...

Author(s): Guobin Liang, Bin Wang, Jianghui Xie and Yiwei Mo

November 2009

Antibacterial activity of Boenninghausenia albiflora Reichb. (Rutaceae)

  Various organic and aqueous extracts of aerial part of Boenninghausenia albiflora(Rutaceae) obtained by infusion and maceration were screened for their antimicrobial activity against eight animal and plant pathogenic bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Erwinia chrysanthemi, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Xanthomonas phaseoli, Agrobacterium...

Author(s): K. Khulbe and S. C. Sati

November 2009

Utilization of mouldy sorghum and Cassia tora through fermentation for feed purposes

  Microbial fermentation of mouldy grains brought about by lactic acid bacteria is gaining much significance owing to their ability to inhibit mould growth and detoxify mycotoxins while improving the nutritive value and safety of the product. In the present study the potential of developing a probiotic feed ingredient from a combination of mouldy sorghum and Cassia tora seeds, using...

Author(s): Vasanthi Siruguri, Chumki Ganguly and Ramesh V. Bhat

November 2009

Statistical optimization of substrate, carbon and nitrogen source by response surface methodology for pectinase production using Aspergillus fumigatus MTCC 870 in submerged fermentation

  Optimization procedure using response surface methodology (RSM) based on face centered central composite design (FCCCD) with three factors (concentrations of wheat flour, glucose and ammonium nitrate) was used in order to investigate the effect of these parameters on the production of pectinase from Aspergillus fumigatus MTCC 870. According to the results of RSM, concentrations of wheat flour,...

Author(s): M. Palaniyappan, V. Vijayagopal, Renuka Viswanathan and T. Viruthagiri

November 2009

Optimisation of wheat-sprouted soybean flour bread using response surface methodology

  The effect of sprouted soybean flour on wheat bread was studied. Sprouting significantly increased the vitamin C content of soybean flour from 2.0 mg kg-1 to 3.25 mg kg-1. The sprouted soybean flour resulted in increased loaf volume, a firmer, spongy and more elastic loaf. However, increasing the sprouted soybean flour beyond 10% adversely affected these qualities. The loaf with 4% yeast and 5% sprouted...

Author(s): Victoria A. Jideani and Felix C. Onwubali

November 2009

Effect of alkaline hydrolysis on the quantity of extractable protein fractions (prolamin, albumin, globulin and glutelin) in Jatropha curcas seed cake

  Jatropha curcas seeds were processed and defatted to obtain the seed cake. 60 g of them were separately moistened in 0.1 – 0.5 M NaOH and Ca(OH)2 solutions and autoclaved. Each of the autoclaved samples was separately divided into three portions. A portion was washed with ethanol, another with water and the third was left unwashed. Prolamin, albumin, globulin and glutelin fractions were...

Author(s): Usman, L. A., Ameen, O. M., Lawal A. and Awolola, G. V.

November 2009

Lectin status, protein contents and ammonium assimilating enzymatic activity of two indigenous cultivars of mulberry species, Morus alba and Morus nigra

  The studies were carried out with plantlets of two indigenous cultivars of mulberry species Morus alba and Morus nigra grown in soil less cultures, where extracts from roots, shoots, leaves, and reproductive organs were determined for protein content, agglutination of human erythrocytes and the activity of the ammonium assimilatory enzyme glutamine synthetase. M....

Author(s): Muhammad Zahoor, Zakia Javaid, Muhammad Ali, Saleem Khan, Farhad Ali and Zahoor A. Swati

November 2009

Prevalence, antimicrobial resistance profiles of Listeria monocytognes from various foods in Gaborone, Botswana

  Listeria monocytogenes is known to cause epidemic and sporadic cases of listeriosis. The present study investigated the occurrence, antibiograms and molecular serotypes of the organism in various retail outlets in Gaborone, Botswana. Food samples were obtained randomly from selected supermarkets and street vendors in 5 geographical areas of Gaborone from May, 2007 to September 2007. L....

Author(s):   Morobe, I. C., , Obi, C. L., Nyila, M. A., Gashe, B. A. and Matsheka, M. I.

November 2009

Plesiomonas shigelloides in stool samples of patients in the Venda Region: Possible considerations on pathogenicity and antibiogram profiles

  This study determined the haemolytic, haemagglutinating and antibiotic susceptibility activities of Plesiomonas shigelloides isolated from stool samples of patients attending different health centers in the Venda region of South Africa. P. shigelloides was isolated and identified using the API 20E, API 20NE systems. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles of the isolates were determined using...

Author(s): Ramalivhana, N. J. and Obi, C. L.

November 2009

Phytochemical screening and antibacterial properties of leaves of Pongamia pinnata Linn. (Fabaceae) from India

  Herbal medicine is the most ancient form of health care known to man and its being used increasingly reveals it as dietary supplement to fight or prevent common diseases. Petroleum ether extract, chloroform extract, ethyl acetate extract and methanol extracts of leaves of Pongamia pinnata Linn. were prepared and antibacterial activity were studied by disc diffusion method against certain...

Author(s): S. R. Arote, S. B. Dahikar and  P. G. Yeole

November 2009

Phytochemical compounds and antimicrobial activity of three medicinal plants (Alchornea hirtella, Morinda geminata and Craterispermum laurinum) from Sierra Leone

  Petroleum ether, acetone, ethanolic and aqueous crude extracts of various plant organs of Alchornea hirtella, Morinda geminata and Craterispermum laurinum used in Sierra Leone exhibited variable degree of antimicrobial activity against four bacterial species. Compared with the standard drug ciprofloxacin, the extracts exhibited low to moderate antibacterial activity....

Author(s): Lahai Koroma and Basil N. Ita

November 2009

Aphrodisiac properties of some Zimbabwean medicinal plants formulations

  The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of formulations composed of Mondia whitei, Ekebergia capansis, aloe tincture (Aloe exelsa) andpumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo) on sexual behaviour of inexperienced male rats. Male rats were treated orally with ethanol extracts of M. whitei and E. capensis, aloe tincture (from aloe juice) and pumpkin seed powder. The...

Author(s): G. M. Gundidza, V. M. Mmbengwa, M. L. Magwa, N.J. Ramalivhana, N. T. Mukwevho, W. Ndaradzi and A. Samie

November 2009

Studies on the potency of oral polio vaccine using RD cell line and evaluation of growth using different serum concentration and volume of media

  Oral polio vaccine (OPV) proved to be superior in administration eliminating the need of sterile syringes and making the vaccine more suitable for mass vaccination campaigns. Poliovirus is heat sensitive in nature, and thus OPV is stored at low temperature (frozen). The growth medium containing varying concentration of serum such as 6, 8, 10, 12, 14% were prepared. 10 ml of the above mentioned growth...

Author(s): V. S. Tom Robins, R. Dhivya, R. Sri Ramji Kumar, T. Lalitha and K. N. Venkataramana

November 2009

Impact of organic hydroperoxides on rat testicular tissue and epididymal sperm

  Organic hydroperoxides such as t-butyl hydroperoxide and cumene hydroperoxide have been implicated to cause oxidative stress leading to damage in membrane lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and DNA. This study was aimed to develop an in vivo animal model. The effects of hydroperoxides on testicular tissue and epididymal sperm were investigated. Male Wistar rats aged 10 - 12 weeks were...

Author(s): Yapo G. Aboua, Stefan S. du Plessis and Nicole Brooks

November 2009

Antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activity of the roots and leaves of Pelargonium reniforme Curtis (Geraniaceae)

  Pathogens such as bacteria and fungi and oxidative stress induce the progression of alcoholic liver disease. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of extracts from the roots and leaves of Pelargonium reniforme Curtis (Geraniaceae) were assessed in an effort to validate the traditional use of the plant in the treatment of liver diseases. Methanol, acetone and water extracts of the plant were...

Author(s): E. A. Adewusi and A. J. Afolayan

November 2009

Phytochemical and antibacterial properties of leaves of Alstonia scholaris R. Br.

  Phytochemical and antibacterial activity of leaves of Alstonia scholaris R.Br. was investigated. The different solvent extracts showed the presence of Iridoids, alkaloids, coumarins, flavonoids, leucoanthocyanins, reducing sugars, simple phenolics, steroids, saponins and tannins. Antibacterial activity was tested against both Gram +ve and -ve organisms. The methanol leaves extract exhibited...

Author(s): Khyade, M. S. and Vaikos, N. P.

November 2009

Detrimental effects of species of Tenthredinidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) on plants and control methods

  Tenthredinidae family is included in suborder Symphyta of order Hymenoptera (Insecta). The species belonging to this family is harmful by feeding on leaf, stem, bud, flower, etc., of plants. The detrimental effects of these species are especially constituted by larval forms. Larva damages plants by eating plant tissue, forming gal and opening galleries in leaf, stem and bud of plants. These harmful species...

Author(s): Ayla Tuzun and Elif SakaltaÅŸ

November 2009

Characterization of indigenous Pyrus germplasm of Azad Jammu and Kashmir revealed by SDS-PAGE analysis

  Soluble proteins of sixty pear genotypes/varieties were extracted from their leaves, separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and distinguished by protein banding pattern. Seven types of protein with 12 to 20 bands were observed. SD45 (Kashmiri nakh) showed the maximum (20) and KT60 (Keiffer) the minimum (12) number of bands. Remaining accessions exhibited less variability having 15 to 19 bands. The...

Author(s): Maqsood Ahmed, Muhammad Akbar Anjum, Malik Ashiq Rabbani and Lutful Hassan

November 2009

Evaluation of the anti-fertility activity of stem bark of Crataeva nurvala buch-hum

  The ethanol and aqueous extracts of the dried stem bark of the plant Crataeva nurvala Buch-Hum (Capparidaceae) have been found to possess significant anti-fertility effects in rats. Both ethanol and aqueous extracts exhibited partial and complete resorption of implants at 300 and 600 mg/kg b.wt dose levels, respectively. In estrogenic activity study, both the extracts increased uterine weight and...

Author(s): Bhaskar, V. H., Profulla, Kumar M., Balakrishnan, B. R. Balakrishnan, N.and Sangameswaran, B.

November 2009

The potential lipolysis function of musclin and its mRNA expression both in Pig adipose tissue and primary adipocyte

  Musclin is a newly discovered factor and its functions remain to be defined. This study investigated the tissue expression pattern of musclin gene and its potential effect on lipid metabolism. Musclin mRNA levels in adipose, muscle tissues and primary adipocytes were examined by quantitative PCR. The musclin gene expression in adult adipose tissue was significantly higher than that in muscle (p < 0.05),...

Author(s): Chao Sun, Yongjia Peng, Dongfeng Jiang and Zhongpin Zhang

November 2009

Effect of zinc from zinc sulfate on trace mineral concentrations of milk in Varamini ewes

  This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding supplemental zinc (zinc sulfate) in different levels (15, 30, or 45 mg/kg) on trace mineral concentrations in milk of ewes. Thirty lactating Varaminni ewes were assigned to three experimental groups according to their live body weights, milk production and lambs sex in a completely randomized design. Ewes were fed a basal diet containing alfalfa,...

Author(s): A. Zali and M. Ganjkhanlou

November 2009

Effect of dietary dilution of energy and nutrients during different growing periods on compensatory growth of Ross broilers

  A completely randomized design was conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary dilution of energy and nutrients during different growing periods on compensatory growth of Ross broilers. Four replicant pens were assigned per seven treatments. Chicks in each treatment received concentrated and diluted diets in different stages of growing periods (starter, grower and finisher). The diets were mainly based on...

Author(s): S. Tooci, M. Shivazad, N. Eila and A. Zarei

November 2009

The cryoprotective effects of soybean lecithin on boar spermatozoa quality

  Soybean lecithin has been attracted increasing attention and has been used to replace egg yolk in the cryopreservation of domestic animal semen. However, its effects on freezing boar spermatozoa have never been evaluated. In the present study, semen was collected from five Duroc boars and frozen-thawed in extender with different concentrations of soybean lecithin (3, 6, 9 and 12%) and 20% egg yolk. Semen...

Author(s): Shu-Shan Zhang#, Jian-Hong Hu#, Qing-Wang Li , Zhong-Liang Jiang and Xiao-Ying Zhang

November 2009

Effects of progesterone injection on performance, plasma hormones and ovarian morphology of ad libitum and restricted fed broiler breeder hens

  An experiment was conducted to evaluate responses of feed-satiated and feed- restricted breeder hens to daily injection of progesterone (P4). A total of 64 Cobb 500 hens were fed either restricted or ad libitum from 27 to 38 wk of age. Fourteen laying hens from each group were selected to conduct P4 injection assay. Half of birds in each group (n = 7) were injected daily by 2.5 mg P4/kg BW and...

Author(s): Mojtaba Zaghari, Reza Taherkhani and Shirin Honarbakhsh

November 2009

The genus Calvatia (‘Gasteromycetes’, Lycoperdaceae): A review of its ethnomycology and biotechnological potential

Several members of the fungal puffball genus Calvatia Fr. have found widespread use amongst various cultures world-wide, especially as sources of food and/or traditional medicine. Hitherto the biotechnological potential of only a handful ofCalvatia species, namely C. cyathiformis, C. craniiformis, C. excipuliformis, C. gigantea and C. utriformis has been...

Author(s): Johannes C. Coetzee and Abraham E. van Wyk

November 2009

Microbial transformation of xenobiotics for environmental bioremediation

The accumulation of recalcitrant xenobiotic compounds is due to continuous efflux from population and industrial inputs that have created a serious impact on the pristine nature of our environment. Apart from this, these compounds are mostly carcinogenic, posing health hazards which persist over a long period of time. Metabolic pathways and specific operon systems have been found in diverse but limited groups...

Author(s): Shelly Sinha, Pritam Chattopadhyay, Ieshita Pan, Sandipan Chatterjee, Pompee Chanda, Debashis Bandyopadhyay, Kamala Das and Sukanta K. Sen

November 2009

Helicobacter pylori infection and transmission in Africa: Household hygiene and water sources are plausible factors exacerbating spread

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a microaerophilic motile curve rod that inhabits the gastric mucosa of the human stomach. The organism chronically infects billions of people worldwide and is one of the most genetically diverse of bacterial species. Infection with the bacterium which leads to chronic gastritis, peptic ulceration, gastric cancers and gastric malt lymphoma has been reported to follow a...

Author(s): C. Dube, N. F. Tanih, A. M. Clarke, N. Mkwetshana, E. Green and R. N. Ndip,

November 2009

Expression of the C-terminal family 22 carbohydrate-binding module of xylanase 10B of Clostridium themocellum in tobacco plant

Carbohydrate-binding modules have been shown to alter plant cell wall structural architecture.  Hence, they have the potential application of being used to engineer the plant to produce tailor-made natural fibers in the cell wall. The Clostridium thermocellum xylanase, Xyn10B, contains two CBMs that belong to family 22 (CBM22). The C-terminal CBM22-2 of the glycoside hydrolase (GH) 10 had been...

Author(s): Olawole O. Obembe,

November 2009

Construction of expression vectors carrying mouse peroxisomal protein gene (PeP) with GST and Flag labels

The aim of this study was to construct expression vectors carrying mouse peroxisomal protein gene (PEP-cDNA) in prokaryotic and mammalian expression vectors in chimeric cDNA types, encompassing GST and FLAG with PEP-cDNA.PEP-cDNA was sub-cloned in pGEX6p2 prokaryotic expression vector in order to label this gene with GST to purify PEP protein for further biochemical analysis and identifying related proteins...

Author(s): M. Nazari Jahantigh, K. Ghaedi, M. H. Nasr Isfahani, S. Tanhaei, F. Rabiee, K. H. Karbalaei, M. Ostad Sharif, , M. Nematollahi, H. Baharvand, S. H. Razavi and M. Miroliaei

November 2009

Genetic diversity analysis of pearl millet (Pennisetum glauccum [L.] R. Br.) accessions using molecular markers

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was applied to pearl millet genotypes in order to assess the degree of polymorphisms within and among genotypes and to investigate if this approach was suitable for genetic studies of pearl millet. 20 genotypes were evaluated using 30 different 10-mer primers of arbitrary sequence. Most of the primers did not reveal any polymorphism; however 12 primers revealed scorable...

Author(s): M. Govindaraj, B. Selvi, D. Arun Prabhu and S. Rajarathinam

November 2009

Comparative results of RAPD and ISSR markers for genetic diversity assessment in Melocanna baccifera Roxb. growing in Mizoram State of India

The genetic similarity among 12 accessions of Melocanna baccifera from Mizoram in India was tested using RAPD and ISSR markers. RAPD and ISSR DNA profile shows high polymorphism of DNA fragments. Genetic similarity among accessions was calculated according to Dice similarity coefficient; the mean level of genetic similarity with populations of M. baccifera by using RAPD and ISSR markers were 0.600...

Author(s): Lalhruaitluanga, H. and Prasad, M. N. V.

November 2009

Seed storage protein components are associated with curled cotyledon phenotype in soybean

Local soybean cultivar “Nannong 94-16” was treated with NaN3-60Coγ ray and EMS separately, and two curled cotyledon mutants were obtained. Local soybean cultivar “TSB” was treated with 60Coγ ray and one curled cotyledon mutant was obtained. Two-dimension electrophoresis analysis was employed to determine the differential proteins between three mutants and their wild types. The...

Author(s): Suoyi Han, Rui Fan, Tuanjie Zhao, Jingjing Yuand Deyue Yu