February 2009
Opportunities and challenges for the international trade of Jatropha curcas-derived biofuel from developing countries
The interest on non-food energy crops is increasing, and among these Jatropha curcas has been highlighted as a possible source of biodiesel due to its characteristics of growing on barren, eroded lands under harsh climatic conditions, demanding low moisture and in resulting productive harvests. In face of the promising international biofuel market, several African and Asian countries are seizing...
February 2009
The research progress of MSCs proliferation and differentiation in bone injury according to the TCM theory
Chinese have enjoyed not only quick recovery from but also effective daily prophylaxis of bone injuries. According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, Shen (or nephridium) is in charge of the bone, which corresponds to teeth, spine, skull, femur and the like. The function of Shen can be divided into Shen Yin (or negative nephridium) and Shen Yang (or positive nephridium). Bone injury is usually...
February 2009
Genetic engineering strategies for enhancing phytoremediation of heavy metals
The industrial revolution has increased the use of metals for various processes and operations. The waste containing heavy metals are transported to the environment; air, water and soil through the various sources which has increased the burden in the environment. Phytoremediation has been found a promising, cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing, in situ treatment technology for the remediation of...
February 2009
Risk factors for Buruli ulcer in Côte d’Ivoire: Results of a case-control study, August 2001
A case-control study was carried out in 3 highly endemic regions of Côte d’Ivoire to study risk factors for Buruli ulcer. A case was defined as a Buruli ulcer occurring less than one year before the date of survey, resident in one of the regions investigated and there was no history of Buruli ulcer illness. Controls were selected from the general population by a two stage cluster sampling method....
February 2009
Induction of apoptosis and cell proliferation inhibition by paclitaxel in FM3A cell cultures
In this study, anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects of paclitaxel, which is itself an anti-chemotherapeutic agent, to FM3A cell line originated from Mouse mammary carcinoma at 7 different doses were examined. Seven different doses of paclitaxel (P1 = 3 nM, P2 = 7.5 nM, P3 = 15 nM, P4 = 30 nM, P5 = 60 nM, P6 = 120 nM, P7 = 240 nM) were administered to cells for 24 and 48 h. Growth rate measurements showed...
February 2009
Ethnobotanical studies on Berberis aristata DC. root extracts
The aqueous and alcoholic extract of fresh Berberis aristata DC roots, as well as aqueous extract of dried roots were compared for their antibacterial and antifungal activities by the disc diffusion method. All three extracts showed wide antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria. Among the Gram-negative bacteria tested, the antibacterial activity was limited to Escherichia...
February 2009
Dual Component Removable Partial Denture shows improved patient practicality: An evidence based pilot study
Dual Component Removable Partial Denture (DuCo RPD) is composed of a double base; lower and upper. The lower base, where the artificial teeth are attached, acts as a support and is in contact with the alveolar ridges and oral mucosa. Clasps are designed on the upper base, which acts towards the retention and stabilization of the denture. This study aims to compare the practicality and physiological changes...
February 2009
Preparation and antidiabetic activity of polysaccharide from Portulaca oleracea L.
Extraction parameters of polysaccharide from Portulaca oleracea L. (POP) and antidiabetic activity of POP on alloxan induced diabetic mice were studied. Betterextraction parameters of POP were obtained by the single factor test, as follows: extraction temperature 95°C, extraction time 5 h, and ratio of solvent to raw material40....
February 2009
Comparative study of the hypoglycemic effects of coconut water extract of Picralima nitida seeds (Apocynaceae) and Daonil in alloxan-induced diabetic albino rats
The study was designed to compare the hypoglycemic effects of coconut water extract of Picralima nitida seeds to that of Daonil in alloxan-induced diabetic albino rats. Twenty five albino rats weighing between 170 - 200 g were randomly divided into five groups after allowing the rats to acclimatize for seven days and were made diabetic by intraperitoneal administration of 150 mg/kg of alloxan. The...
February 2009
Femoral herniorrhaphy and its affect on fibrinogen levels
The study consists of 10 patients with features suggestive of femoral hernia who had herniorrhaphy in our Hospital. The information collected include the age, sex, and occupation. Many years ago, femoral hernia was not common in Nigerian. This must have been due to the fact that the cases were under reported and most patients, who had femoral hernia, took native drugs and hoped for the best until it be comes...
February 2009
Genotype by environment interactions, stability, and heritability of seed yield and certain agronomical traits in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]
This research was aimed to (1) evaluate genotypic yield performances of eight soybean genotypes, (2) determine their stability parameters and (3) estimate variance components and heritabilities of yield and yield-related traits. Eight soybean genotypes were evaluated in two locations (Mustafakemalpasa and Gorukle) of Southern Marmara Region, Turkey during two years (2000 and 2001), to identify patterns of...
February 2009
Regeneration potential of seedling explants of chilli (Capsicum annuum)
A study was conducted with hypocotyl, cotyledon and shoot tip of chilli as explants for regeneration on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of auxins and cytokinins. Regeneration potential was determined by two ways. One is regeneration of shoot via callus formation from hypocotyls and cotyledon explants; another was direct shoot regeneration from shoot tip explant. The...
February 2009
The role of hull in germination and salinity tolerance in some sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars
Six different NaCl levels (0, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 dS m-1) and two seed types (hulled and dehulled) of sunflower seeds of Opal, Shelly (Confectionary) and Pactol (Oily) were tested to determine the effects of the hull on salinity tolerance during germination. Germination percentage (%), mean germination time (day), root and shoot length (cm) were investigated. Kernel type seeds exhibited higher...
February 2009
Stigma variability in saffron (Crocus sativus L.)
The obstacle to improving Crocus sativus is its sterility caused by being triploid. Thus, the discovery of the new variant of saffron with increased number of stigmas was welcomed as a reason for improving its yield. The study of development and the process of budding of the corm of saffron showed that these flowers occur by fusion of two or more flowering buds on one corm. Cytological and...
February 2009
Consumption patterns and intra-household roles in the production, processing and marketing of soyabeans in the Northern Agricultural Zone of Benue State, Nigeria
The study determined the consumption patterns and intra-household roles in the production, processing and marketing of soyabeans in the Northern Agricultural Zone of Benue State, Nigeria. A structured interview schedule was used to collect data from a sample of 80 randomly selected respondents from ten extension blocks. Findings indicated that majority (71.3%) of the households prepared their soyabeans farm...
February 2009
In vitro plant regeneration from Turkish Narbon Vetch (Vicia narbonensis L. var. narbonensis L.)
Narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) is an important forage species among vetches of central Europe, Mediterranean, Near East, Ethiopia, central Asia and India. The study reports in vitro micropropagation of narbon vetch using cotyledon node, shoot tip and zygotic embryo explants on MS medium containing 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 mg/l BAP. The highest number of 4.42 shoots was recorded on...
February 2009
Induction of thermotolerance through heat acclimation and salicylic acid in Brassica species
High temperature stress is the second most important stress, which can strike crop plants at any time and impose severe limitations on crop growth and development. Developing crop plants with improved thermotolerance can mitigate the adverse effects of heat stress. However, a thorough understanding of physiological responses of plants to high temperature and mechanisms involved for thermotolerance is...
February 2009
Effect of ultradrying on germination and physiological and biochemical characteristics of Haloxylon persicum
This study was to determine whether the vigor of the Haloxylon persicum seeds can be maintained at a higher level and their storage characteristics can be improved by ultra-dry storage. Moisture content of H. persicum seeds was dried to 7.62, 6.73, 5.23, 4.24, 3.24 and 1.02% in a desiccating container with silica gel, and stored at 25, 4 and -20°C for 12 months. The results showed that...
February 2009
Effect of explant age, hormones on somatic embryogenesis and production of multiple shoot from cotyledonary leaf explants of Solanum trilobatum L.
The present study examines the effect of explant age and various concentrations of kinetin and BAP on somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis in Solanum trilobatum L. MS medium fortified with 11.1 µM BAP + 13.95 µM KN produced highest frequency of embryogenesis (97.3%) and average number of multiple shoots (48.4 ± 1.33) from cotyledonary leaf explants at two opened leaves...
February 2009
Performance of Vernonia galamensis as a potential and viable industrial oil plant in Eritrea: Yield and oil content-1
Vernonia galamensis, whose seeds can be used to produce high-demand, environmentally friendly oil, can stimulate the economy of a country like Eritrea. The seed from the plant contains oil rich in epoxy fatty acids. A potential market use is as a drying agent for resin paints and can form clear, tough, rubbery plastics or coatings on metal. The general objective was to develop vernonia as a viable industrial...
February 2009
Growth and yield responses of Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst ex A. Rich) Harms to phosphate enrichment of soil
The effects of varying levels (0, 110, 220, 330, 440, and 550 kg P/ha) of phosphate application on some growth and yield parameters of African yam bean were studied. Plant dry weight under 550 kg P/ha treated soils with values ranging from 13.79 to 16.32 g per plant significantly (<0.05) differed from those of the control treatment, (12.79 g). Grain yield was enhanced following increased phosphate...
February 2009
Continuous phenol removal using Nocardia hydrocarbonoxydans in spouted bed contactor: Shock load study
Shock load studies are essential to investigate the suitability of biocontactors in degradation of pollutants. In the present work, the degradation of phenol by immobilized Nocardia hydrocarbonoxydans in a spouted bed contactor was conducted. Granular activated carbon (GAC) and polymer beads were tested for the immobilization of cells of N. hydrocarbonoxydans-NCIM 2386. Initially, batch...
February 2009
Phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of the crude extracts from the root, stem bark and leaves of Bridelia ferruginea
The root, stem bark and leaves of Bridelia ferruginea, which have some ethnomedicinal applications were investigated for their action against some disease causing microorganisms. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins, steroids, flavonoids, anthraquinones and phlobatannins (mostly in root and stem bark). The antimicrobial screening of the crude methanol extract...
February 2009
Comparitive study on the antioxidant, anticancer and antimicrobial property of Agaricus bisporus (J. E. Lange) Imbach before and after boiling
In this study, ethanol extracts of an edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus, before and after boiling were investigated for antioxidant, anticancer and antimicrobial activities. To confirm the total antioxidant activity, ABTS, DPPH free radical-scavenging assay was carried, along with total phenolic and flavonoid concentration. In measuring ABTS and DPPH free radical scavenging activities,...
February 2009
Effect of using different lignocellulosic wastes for cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. on mushroom yield, chemical composition and nutritional value
In this study, the mushroom yield, chemical composition and nutritional value ofPleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. cultivated in wheat stalk (WS), millet stalk (MS), soybean stalk (SS) and cotton stalk (CS) were determined. Fresh mushroom yield amounts (100 g of substrate, 70% moisture) obtained from WS, CS, MS and SS substrate media were 17.9, 14.3, 22.7 and 31.5 g, respectively. Samples of...
February 2009
Amylolytic potentiality of fungi isolated from some Nigerian agricultural wastes
Five common Nigerian agricultural wastes: cassava peels, yam peels, banana peels, plantain peels, and Brewery Spent Grains (BSG) were formulated into media on which amylolytic fungal strains were isolated. These isolates were subsequently identified, characterized using standard mycological keys and were thereafter employed in production of α-amylase using submerged and solid-state cultivation regimens....
February 2009
Flavor and taste compounds analysis in Chinese solid fermented soy sauce
The analysis of free amino acid and volatile compounds were conducted to understand the changes in taste and flavor of five samples which were solid fermented. The values of bitter, sweet and MSG-like free amino acids in these soy sauces were significantly different. The taste of soy sauce was predominated by saltiness, followed by moderate “umami” and sweet taste and slight bitterness, likely as...
February 2009
Screening of natural substrates and optimization of operating variables on the production of pectinase by submerged fermentation using Aspergillus niger MTCC 281
Pectinases are a group of hydrolytic enzymes that play an important role in food processing industry and alcoholic beverage industry. The present work aims at studying different natural substrates such as wheat flour and corn flour in comparison with synthetic pectin for the production of pectinase using Aspergillus niger (MTCC: 281). The work involves optimizing various parameters like substrate...
February 2009
Some chemical and physico-mechanical properties of pear cultivars
Two pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivars namely Deveci and Santa Maria, which dominate pear production in Turkey, were analyzed for several physico-mechanical (moisture, fruit dimensions, aspect ratio, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, surface area, projected area, fruit mass, fruit volume, fruit density, bulk density, density ratio, porosity, coefficient of static friction, rupture force, deformation,...
February 2009
Asymmetric biosynthesis of (1S, 2S)-ephedrine by Morganella morganii CMCC(B)49208
(1S, 2S)-Ephedrine, one of the four ephedrine isomers, is a common pharmacological agent; however, it is difficult to synthesize in a stereospecific manner using traditional organic synthesis. In this paper, a novel enzymatic process was developed for the stereoselective synthesis of (1S, 2S)-ephedrine.Morganella morganii CMCC(B)49208 was found to asymmetrically reduce the prochiral carbonyl compound...
February 2009
Haematological characteristics and performance of West African Dwarf Goats fed crude oil contaminated forage
The effects of feeding crude petroleum contaminated forage on haematological characteristics and performance of 36 young West African Dwarf (WAD) goats was investigated in order to simulate the impact of real crude oil spillage on livestock and game. Graded levels (0.0, 1.5 and 3.0 g per kg forage) of stabilized “Bonny Light” crude oil was incorporated into predetermined quantities of a grass...
February 2009
Activity of boric acid on German cockroaches: Analysis of residues and effects on reproduction
In order to complete previous studies, boric acid (an inorganic compound) was evaluated on reproduction during the first gonadotrophic cycle (0, 2, 4 and 6 days) of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (Insecta, Dictyoptera). The compound was incorporated into the diet and orally administrated at two concentrations 8.2 and 49.6% corresponding to LC50 and LC90, respectively. The observed effects...