African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 18 October 2012; 11(84)

October 2012

Pathological and molecular characterizations of slow leaf rusting in fifteen wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) genotypes

  Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina, is a globally important fungal disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell), resulting in significant yield losses, sometimes up to 40% worldwide. In this study we investigated slow rusting resistance at pathological and molecular level. Fifteen (15) wheat genotypes which also included multiple crosses with the aim to characterize pyramid resistance...

Author(s):   Purnima Sareen, Sundeep Kumar, Uttam Kumar, Lakshman Prasad, Amit K Singh, Rakesh Singh and A.K. Joshi  

October 2012

Floral biology and the effects of plant-pollinator interaction on pollination intensity, fruit and seed set in Solanum

  Reproductive biology and patterns of plant-pollinator interaction are fundamental to gene flow, diversity and evolutionary success of plants. Consequently, we examined the magnitude of insect-plant interaction based on the dynamics of breeding systems and floral biology and their effects on pollination intensity, fruit and seed set. Field and laboratory experiments covering stigma receptivity, anthesis,...

Author(s):   O. A. Oyelana and K. O. Ogunwenmo  

October 2012

Development of an efficient plant regeneration protocol for sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) cv. Blesbok

  An efficient and reproducible plant regeneration protocol for the South African sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) cultivar Blesbok was developed in this study. The effect of different hormone combinations and type of explant on shoot regeneration was evaluated in order to optimize the regeneration protocol. Explants in the form of stem sections, leaf discs, apical shoots and axillary buds derived...

Author(s):   B. J. Sivparsad and A. Gubba  

October 2012

Evaluation of genetic diversity in rice using simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers

  The genetic diversity of 64 rice genotypes using 20 SSR primers on chromosome number 7-12 was investigated. DNA was extracted by modified cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method. The banding pattern was recorded in the form of 0-1 data sheet which was analyzed using unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) based on Jaccard's similarity coefficient. The results revealed that out of...

Author(s):   Ravindra Kumar, Ashwani Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar and Radha  

October 2012

The antagonistic activity of Trichoderma virens strain TvSUT10 against cassava stem rot in Thailand

  In this current study, the beneficial filamentous fungi, Trichoderma virens, isolated from cassava field were investigated for antagonistic mode of action against Lasiodiplodia theobromae, the causal agent of cassava stem rot in Thailand. In vitroscreening using the dual culture technique was undertaken to assess the potential of these Trichoderma isolates. Our results indicated that...

Author(s):   Natthiya Buensanteai, and Dusit Athinuwat  

October 2012

New and improved method of bamboo cultivation in semi arid areas of Indian Thar desert

  Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus Roxb.) is widely utilized in construction, pulp and paper, furniture, food and medicine, fuel and handicrafts for a long time. Due to its wider application, a field experiment was carried out to check its cultivation requirements besides its success rate in semi arid area of Indian Thar desert. In the present work, Guggul (Commiphora wightii Arnott.) which is a...

Author(s):   G. K. Aseri, B. K. P. Sinha, Deepak Agarwal, Alok Sharma, Neelam Jain and Vikash Babu  

October 2012

Non-rhizobial bacteria for improved nodulation and grain yield of mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]

  Nine fast-growing bacteria were isolated from mung bean nodules and characterized with plant growth promoting properties. All the isolated bacteria were able to colonize mung bean root at varying level of 3 × 103 to 3 × 107 cfu (0.1 mg)-1 root, whereas, bacterial isolates M2, M4, M5 and M6 showed high biofilm formation ability on abiotic surface. None of them was able to nodulate...

Author(s):   Mohsin Tariq, Sohail Hameed, Tahira Yasmeen, and Amanat Ali  

October 2012

Microbial activity in a pilot-scale, subsurface flow, sand-gravel constructed wetland inoculated with halotolerant microorganisms

  The influence of 0, 1.5 and 3% NaCl on the activity of halotolorent microorganisms was investigated in a pilot-scale, subsurface flow, and sand-gravel constructed wetland. Also, the influence of aeration and aeration with 2 g/L of saccharose in synthetic wastewater was investigated. Measurements of electron transport system(ETS) activity, optical density at 600 nm and CO2 concentrations in soil of the...

Author(s):   Milana Karajić, Aleš Lapanje, Jaka Razinger, Alexis Zrimec, Danijel Vrhovšek and Sidney A. Katz  

October 2012

Biomodification of palm shell activated carbon using Aspergillus niger and Bacillus subtilis and its effect on the adsorption of lead ions from aqueous solutions

  Adsorption of lead ions from aqueous solutions using commercial untreated granular palm shell activated carbon (PSAC) and PSAC biomodified with Bacillus subtilis andAspergillus niger biomass, respectively, was studied. The adsorption capacity of the three biosorbents was evaluated in batch adsorption experiments at pH 3 to 6; lead concentration varied between 20 to 300 mg/L. The PSAC-B....

Author(s):   Issabayeva Gulnaziya, Aroua Mohd Kheireddine and Chen Siew Kim  

October 2012

Optimization of chloroxylenol degradation by Aspergillus niger using Plackett-Burman design and response surface methodology

  Chloroxylenol is a very toxic phenolic derivative and it represents potential hazard towards human health and to the environment. Aspergillus niger, local isolate, is an efficient fungus to degrade 99.72% of 2 mg/L of chloroxylenol after 7 days of fermentation. It also has a high capacity to degrade 91.83% of higher chloroxylenol concentration of 20 mg/L after 6 days of incubation on mineral medium...

Author(s):   Khaled M. Ghanem, Fahad A. Al-Fassi and Nuha M. Al-Hazmi  

October 2012

Comparative biodiversity and effect of different media on growth and astaxanthin content of nine geographical strains of Haematococcus pluvialis

  Haematococcus pluvialis is a unicellular green volvocale alga living in temporary shallow freshwater ponds. It has many applications for humans, poultry and fishes due to its ability to produce astaxanthin. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the biodiversity and growth of nine strains of H. pluvialis originating from three countries: Iran, USA and Finland in distinct growth media...

Author(s):   Mostafa Noroozi, Hishamuddin Omar, Suhaimi Napis, Mohammad Amin Hejazi and Soon Guan Tan  

October 2012

Purification and characterization of cell-envelopeproteinase from Lactobacillus casei DI-1

  Using a Ca2+-free method, the cell-envelope proteinase (CEP) of Lactobacillus caseiDI-1 isolated from duck small intestine was released from cells and purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, and by diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-Sephadex A-25 and Sephadex G-100 gel chromatography. The purified CEP had a monomer structure with a molecular mass of about 35 kDa. Optimal activity occurred at pH 7.0...

Author(s):   Guoyu Xing, Daodong Pan, Min Tong and Xiaoqun Zeng  

October 2012

Evaluation of the wound healing activity of Cinnamomum zeylanicum extract on experimentally induced wounds in rats

  The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of Cinnamomum zeylanicum on experimentally induced excision wounds in rats. Thirty-two rats were divided into four groups of eight rats each. Group A received a placebo containing 0.75% cinnamon, Group B received a placebo containing 1.5% cinnamon, Group C as a control group did not receive any treatment, and finally, Group D received blank...

Author(s):   Mohammad Reza Farahpour, Amir Amniattalab and Hadi Hajizadeh  

October 2012

Molecular cloning, sequencing and recombinant expression of a putative tick protective antigen from three ixodid ticks

  The 4D8 gene was recently discovered in Ixodes scapularis and identified as a tick protective antigen. Vaccination using recombinant 4D8 from I. scapularis showed a significant reduction against I. scapularis tick infestation in a sheep model. This protein is expressed in both salivary gland and gut tissues, and is thought to be conserved in ixodid tick species. The...

Author(s):   Tom Ong’uti Osebe, David Odongo and Richard Bishop  

October 2012

Biochemical adaptation of phytopathogenic fungi, Sclerotium rolfsii, in response to temperature stress

  Temperature stress plays a critical influence on microbial survival and ecology. It has been reported to be associated with direct effects on microbial metabolisms, but there are very few studies in literature which have reported it in phytopathogenic fungi. In this study, we investigated the impact of two different temperature conditions, 28 and 32°C on the changes of Sclerotium...

Author(s):   Natthiya Buensanteai, Kanjana Thumanu, Khanistha Kooboran, Dusit Athinuwat and Sutruedee Prathuangwong  

October 2012

Genetic diversity as assessed by morphological and microsatellite markers in greengram (Vigna radiata L.)

  Genetic diversity in 20 elite greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] genotypes were studied using morphological and microsatellite markers. 18 morphological traits generated 50 alleles and the number of alleles ranged from two to five. 16 microsatellite markers from greengram, adzuki bean, common bean and cowpea were successfully amplified across 20 greengram genotypes of which 14 showed polymorphism....

Author(s):   Jayamani Palaniappan and Sathya Murugaiah