July 2009
Cardiovascular disease and the potential protective role of antioxidants
Epidemiological studies have shown that in the 20th century, cardiovascular disease was responsible for less than ten percent of all deaths globally. However, recent reports indicate that the trend has changed with studies showing that cardiovascular disease currently accounts for about thirty percent of all deaths in the world. It is generally accepted that smoking, high blood cholesterol levels, high...
July 2009
A molecular-based fast method to determine the extent of DNA damages in higher plants and fungi
Comet assay also called ‘single cell gel electrophoresis is a technique for the detection of DNA damage and repair at the level of single cells, which is one of the most advanced techniques introduced to the agricultural sciences in recent years. The assay is one of the most popular tests of DNA damage detection (e.g. single and double-strand breaks, oxidative-induced base damage and...
July 2009
Genetic relationships among some Hesperis L. (Brassicaceae) species from Turkey assessed by RAPD analysis
In this study the phylogenetic relations among infraspecific, specific and supraspecific categories of 6 taxa of the genus Hesperis collected from different parts of Turkey were investigated by RAPD analysis. The results of the RAPD analysis support the idea that H. bicuspidata (Sect. Hesperis), H. schischkinii(Sect. Mediterranea), H....
July 2009
Genetic variability in Asparagus racemosus (Willd.) from Madhya Pradesh, India by random amplified polymorphic DNA
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess genetic diversity in Asparagus racemosus (Willd.) an important medicinal plant collected from 7 different locations covering Madhya Pradesh. High level of genetic similarity was observed in the collected accessions. 4 random primers generated a total 39 polymorphic bands out of the total 71 bands. A low genetic diversity among...
July 2009
Decreased EGFR mRNA expression in response to antipsoriatic drug dithranol in vitro
Dithranol is enormously effective in the treatment of psoriasis; however its molecular mode of action should be further elucidated. Since epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is involved in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, the objective of this study was to investigate the transcriptional effect of dithranol on EGFR gene expression in the HaCaT keratinocyte cell line, which is commonly employed as a model...
July 2009
Genetic variation of Pit-1 gene in Chinese indigenous and Western goose populations
Pituitary-specific transcription factor (Pit-1, or GHF1, or POU1F1) is expressed in the pituitary gland; it regulates pituitary development and expression of the growth hormone, prolactin and thyrotropin β-submit genes. Pit-1 gene has been regarded as a candidate gene for production performance. The genetic variation of Pit-1 gene was investigated in five Chinese indigenous goose populations...
July 2009
Genomic growth hormone, growth hormone receptor and transforming growth factor b-3 gene polymorphism in breeder hens of Mazandaran native fowls
Growth hormone axis and the transforming growth factor-b subfamily are the most important groups of genes that are involved in a wide variety of physiological functions such as growth and reproduction. As no information about the allelic characterization of growth hormone (GH), growth hormone receptor (GHR) and transforming growth factor b3 (TGF-b3) loci is available in breeder hens for...
July 2009
Assessment of genetic diversity in rapeseed cultivars as revealed by RAPD and microsatellite markers
Microsatellite and RAPD markers were used to detect the genetic variability among 32 rapeseed cultivars. RAPD analysis using 38 primers produced a total of 250 polymorphic bands and microsatellite assay by 10 primer pairs resulted in 143 alleles. A range of 0.60 to 0.91 was observed for polymorphic information content (PIC) of microsatellite markers. A marker related to the RAPD primer 430 was only revealed...
July 2009
A co-dominant molecular marker linked to the monoecious gene CmACS-7 derived from gene sequence in Cucumis melo L.
This study aimed to find a molecular marker linked to the sex determination geneCmACS-7 based on the sequence publicly available in GenBank (accession number EU791279). Four pairs of primers were designed to clone the CmACS-7gene on the monoecious parental line ‘RH107’ and the andromonoecious parental line ‘76-09’. Analysis of the fragments’ sequences and the publicly...
July 2009
Comparative analysis of human coronavirus-NL63 ORF3 protein homologues
It has been reported in some studies that the newly discovered human coronavirus NL-63 (HCoV-NL63) is one of the most common coronaviruses associated with acute respiratory infections. HCoV-NL63 was first isolated in 2004 from a 7 month old infant in Holland. The HCoV-NL63 genome encodes for one accessory protein, ORF3. This reports the computational analysis of human coronavirus NL63 ORF3 by comparing the...
July 2009
The effects of cryptochrome photoreceptors on root growth in Arabidopsis
Cryptochrome mutants were examined to assess their potential roles in root growth. Compared to root elongation of wild type, the cryptochrome mutant seedlings showed increased root elongation in blue light. Cry1cry2 seedlings have the longest root elongation and cry1 seedlings showed slightly increased root elongation than cry2 seedlings. During this process, CRY1 play...
July 2009
The morphology, chromosome number and nuclear DNA content of Tunisian populations of three Vicia species
The aim of this work was to determine, for Tunisian populations (wild and cultivated) of Vicia sativa, V. villosa and V. narbonensis, whether differences in chromosome number, nuclear DNA content or morphology exist among the populations; in the case of V. sativa, with respect to a commercial cultivar from Spain and, in the case of V. villosa, with respect to two accessions...
July 2009
Expression analysis and characteristics of Bm-LOC778477 gene, a hypothetical protein from silkworm pupae, Bombyx mori
This is the first identification of a gene encoding Bm-LOC778477 protein (a “hypothetical protein”) from silkworm pupal cDNA library. The full-length Bm-LOC778477 cDNA contained a 546-bp ORF encoding 187 amino acids. Using bioinformatics, the Bm-LOC778477 gene was predicted on the W chromosome and 4 exons and 3 introns were determined when compared to the silkworm genome. The consensus splice...
July 2009
Phenological characters and genetic divergence in aromatic rices
Phenological properties of rice cultivars determine their yield potential, local agronomic suitability and ability to escape from drought and natural calamities. This study was conducted to assess the genetic diversity of aromatic rice genotypes on the basis of phenological characters. 40 genotypes composed of 32 local aromatic, 5 exotic aromatic and three non-aromatic rice cultivars were used in the...
July 2009
Lectin receptor kinase LecRK-b2 localizes to plasma membrane and functions as a homdimer
An Arabidopsis putative lectin receptor-like serine/threonine kinase gene, LecRK-b2, has been characterized. Confocal microscopy images showed that the LecRK-b2-GFP fusion protein is localized to plasma membrane. The results of yeast 2 hybrid showed that lectin domain of LecRK-b2 had self-interaction, while the kinase domain did not work. Split luciferase complementation assays confirmed the yeast...
July 2009
Characterization of a new synthetic wheat – Aegilops biuncialis partial amphiploid
The aim of the experiments was to identify the synthetic wheat – Aegilops biuncialisgermplasm Line 15-3-2 with 42 chromosomes. Morphologically, the spike of line 15-3-2 is intermediate to those of its wheat and Aegilops parents. Line 15-3-2 displays stable fertility and immunity to wheat powdery mildew and stripe rust. The seed storage protein electrophoresis showed that Line...
July 2009
RAPD-based detection of genomic instability in cucumber plants derived from somatic embryogenesis
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to evaluate genetic stability of regenerants of cucumber plants obtained through somatic embryogenesis. Somatic embryo plants and plants of F1 hybrids, from which they were derived, were compared during weaning, early growth, flowering, fruiting and at maturity. No differences in phenotype were observed, by simple observation.Banding patterns were...
July 2009
The influence of gibberellic acid and paclobutrazol on induction of somatic embryogenesis in wild type and hairy root cultures of Centaurium erythraea Gillib.
The effects of exogenous gibberellic acid (GA3) and paclobutrazol on induction of somatic embryos in wild type and hairy root culture of Centaurium erythraea Gillib. were investigated. Both compounds were incorperated into 1/2 MS medium at 6 concentrations (0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 µM). Wild type root and hairy root explants cultured in the presence...
July 2009
Analyses of moisture deficit grain yield loss in drought tolerant maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm accessions and its relationship with field performance
Development of drought tolerant maize cultivars is prerequisite to achieving stable grain yield in drought–prone ecologies of Nigeria’s Guinea savanna. However, success has been limited mainly due to lack of maize genotypes that show clear differences in response to well defined moisture deficit condition. Two sets of drought tolerant (DT) maize germplasm were evaluated under screenhouse and field...
July 2009
Influence of explanting season on in vitro multiplication of the medicinal herb, Tridax procumbens L.
A protocol for complete regeneration of Tridax procumbens, a medicinally important plant, was accomplished through in vitro culturing. From nodal segments explants, high percentage of bud break and multiple shoot formation was induced between July and September on MS medium supplemented with BAP (1 mg L-1). Rooting of the excised shoots from secondary cultures was excellent on half-strength MS...
July 2009
Molecular analysis of genetic diversity in elite II synthetic hexaploid wheat screened against Barley yellow dwarf virus
The presence of sufficient genetic diversity in the germplam is an important prerequisite for the improve-ment and efficient use of available material. Traditionally, the data on agronomic, morphological and physiological plants traits are used to estimate the genetic diversity. But now molecular markers are available for authenticated and reliable studies for genetic diversity. The present study was...
July 2009
Effect of industrial effluents on the growth and anatomical structures of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra)
The authors investigated the impact of industrial effluents from 5 different industrial concerns in Lagos, Nigeria on Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus). During the study, it was observed that these effluents induced detrimental effects on the flowering, fruiting, stem length, leaf width and leaf length of okra. Other parameters analysed were pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, chemical oxygen...
July 2009
Turbidity and microbial load removal from river water using bioflocculants from indigenous bacteria isolated from wastewater in South Africa
Several serious problems associated with the use of aluminum salts as coagulants in water and wastewater treatment, including Alzheimer’s disease and related health problems have necessitated the need for alternative cost effective and more environmentally acceptable coagulants. The objective of this study, therefore, was to evaluate river water turbidity and microbial load removal by bacterial...
July 2009
Comparative study of environmental impact assessment methods along with a new dynamic system-based method
Environmental Impacts Assessment has been developed as a critically substantial approach to determine, predict and interpret the ecological impact on the environment, public hygiene and healthy ecosystems. This study aims to introduce and systematically investigate the environmental issues during important decision-making stages. Meanwhile, impacts of development on the environmental components will be also...
July 2009
Focus on 14 sewage treatment plants in the Mpumalanga Province, South Africa in order to gauge the efficiency of wastewater treatment
In order to identify the treatment methods used in different sewage treatment plants (STPs) in the Mpumalanga Province and to determine the efficiency of wastewater treatment by these plants, municipal STPs were surveyed, and raw and treated wastewater samples collected. A total of 14 STPs were visited and the collected samples were analysed for physicochemical and microbiological parameters using standard...
July 2009
Evaluation of nutrient addition to diesel biodegradation in contaminated soils
Increasing public concern towards petroleum pollution demands for new and more environmentally efficient low-cost strategies for cleaning up contaminated sites. Diesel biodegradation by microbial communities was investigated in artificially contaminated soils by supplementing commercial fertilizers under laboratory conditions. The amounts of oil degraded at each sampling day were determined by the Soxhlet...
July 2009
Determination of amylase activity of crude extract from partially germinated mango seeds (Mangifera oraphila)
Amylase activity of crude extract from partially germinated mango seeds (Mangifera oraphila) was determined using Caraway-Somogyi iodine/potassium iodide (IKI) method. The effects of varied pH and temperature were also investigated. The amylase was extracted with 0.1 M acetate buffer (pH 4.2). Amylase activity of the crude extracts was measured by monitoring the amount of starch hydrolyzed by the crude...
July 2009
Production and characterization of endo-b-1,4-glucanase from thermophilic fungus
Chaetomium thermophile produces substantial extra-cellular cellulase on several cellulosic substrates (wheat straw, wheat bran and corn straw etc.) including simple sugars. 2% (w/v) wheat straw, wheat bran and corn straw were used as carbon source and urea was used as a nitrogen source. Experiment wasconducted in a 20-l stirred tank reactor under the following conditions: pH 5.0, stirring speed 300...
July 2009
Aflatoxin B1 producing potential of Aspergillus flavus strains isolated from stored rice grains
Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) producing potential of different strains of Aspergillus flavus,isolated from 1,200 stored rice grains collected from 43 locations in 20 rice growing states in India was investigated. Eighty-five strains of A. flavus were isolated from the discolored rice grains and tested for their AFB1 producing potential on different agar media. Among these, 43 strains were...
July 2009
Base catalyzed transesterification of wild apricot kernel oil for biodiesel production
Prunus armeniaca L. grows wildly and is also cultivated at higher altitudes in temperate regions of Pakistan. Its kernel is a rich source of oil but its biodiesel production properties have not yet been exploited. During the present investigation, some quality parameters of kernel oil like acid value, free fatty acid content (as oleic acid), iodine value, specific gravity and saponification value...
July 2009
Limited hydrolysis of soybean protein concentrate and isolate with two proteases and the impact on emulsifying activity index of hydrolysates
Soy protein concentrate (SPC) and soy protein isolate (SPI) were limited hydrolyzed with trypsin or neutrase under controlled hydrolysis conditions. Eight soybean protein hydrolysates, 4 SPC hydroly-sates and 4 SPI hydrolysates were prepared with degree of hydrolysis (DH) of 1 or 2%. SDS-PAGE was used to determine the hydrolysis profiles of soybean proteins in...
July 2009
Physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of lafun produced in Benin
Lafun is an African traditional fermented food product prepared from cassava. Whereas Nigerian lafun has been studied, characteristics of Beninese lafun are still unknown. This research was carried out to identify the characteristics of two types of lafun, Chigan lafun and ordinary lafun produced in Benin. The distinctive characteristics of Chigan lafun (the preferred type) were its lower solubility and fibre...
July 2009
Mycoflora of sun-dried sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) slices in Benin City, Nigeria
A study was carried out to isolate and quantify the fungi present in sun-dried sweet potato slices in Benin City, Nigeria. Potato tubers were peeled, washed, sliced and sun-dried for 30 days. Oven-dried slices served as control. Meteorological data were obtained for the period of study. Fungal colonies on slices were counted with the aid of a hand lens and the average number of colonies calculated. The...
July 2009
In vitro cytotoxicity of crude alkaloidal extracts of South African Menispermaceae against three cancer cell lines
The cytotoxicity of crude alkaloid extracts obtained from the leaves and rhizomes of all the South African members of the family Menispermaceae (seven genera and 13 species) was tested against MCF7 (breast), UACC62 (melanoma) and TK10 (renal) cancer cell lines. Extracts of ten of the thirteen species showed positive activity against all three cancer cell lines with significant inhibition of cellular...
July 2009
GC/MS determination of bioactive components and antibacterial properties of Goniothalamus umbrosus extracts
In this study, the antibacterial activity and chemical composition of Goniothalamus umbrosus leaves extracts were evaluated. The antibacterial activity was investigated using two gram-positive bacteria, Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Bacillus subtilis B29, and two gram-negative bacteria,Pseudomonas aeruginosa 60690 and Salmonella...
July 2009
Leptospirosis research: Response of pathogenic spirochete to ultaviolet-A irradiation
The effect of exposure to ultaviolet-A (UVA) radiation was studied on the pathogenic spirochetes Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola for different time durations. Changes in cell growth and viability due to UVA exposure were determined by using the conventional microscopic agglutination test (MAT), dark-field microscopy and spectrophotometry measurements. Changes in antigens and protein...
July 2009
Significance of wing morphometry in distinguishing some of the hymenoptera species
In this study geometric morphometric analysis of some Hymenoptera species was undertaken. The aim was to discriminate maxillosus, flavipennis and pruinosusspecies of the Sphex genus from each other by applying geometric morphometric methods. Species were identified by making use of the morphometric wing measurement data from different families in Hymenoptera group. In this study,...
July 2009
Kinetic and equilibrium studies on the adsorption of Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions from aqueous solutions by bamboo root biomass
The adsorption of Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions on bamboo root biomass from an aqueous solution was studied. Some parameters that determine metal uptake including contact time, adsorbent dose and initial concentration of the metal ions were evaluated. The optimum contact time to attain equilibrium is of the order of 15 to 20 min for both metal ions. The kinetic studies showed that the sorption rates could be...
July 2009
Effect of Bacillus subtilis on the growth and survival rate of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
The effect of Bacillus subtilis, isolated from digestive tract of Macrobrachium rosenbergii was investigated on growth and survival rate of Litopenaeus vannameiduring 60 days of culture. Sixteen aquaria with four replicates were used for treatments and controls. Treatment groups were consisted of Ñ–) shrimp fed diet withB. subtilis (T1), and ii) shrimp fed diet mixed with B....
July 2009
Ecological anatomy of some hydrophytes in Nigeria
Structural features were studied in ten common hydrophytes from divergent groups, sampled from the Opa-Lake of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife and the creeks of the River Ramos in Ogbotogbo Nigeria. The preponderance of parenchyma tissue is striking in all the species whereas specialized tissues such as treachery elements, sclerieds and fibres are scanty and restricted. Lacuna varies in size from as large...
July 2009
Toxicity evaluation of Tracer, Palizin, Sirinol, Runner and Tondexir with and without mineral oils on Phylocnistis citrella Stainton
The bioinsecticides are considered to be the best and effective pesticides. The main aim of this experiment was to determine the efficacy of Tracer (Spinosyn), Insecticidal Gel (Palizin), Insecticidal Emulsion (Sirinol), Runner (Methoxifenozide) and Tondoxir with and without mineral oils (MO) on the control of citrus leaf-miner (CLM), phylocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera:...