African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 24 April 2013; 12(17)

April 2013

Genes involved in sex determination and the influence of temperature during the sexual differentiation process in fish: A review

  This review attempts to group the recent hypotheses involved in the complex system of determination and sex differentiation in fish. Based on recent literature, we relate the key genes involved in the genomic cascade as the Cyp19, Dmrt1, Sox9, Foxl2, Esr, Dax1, Sf1 and Amh1, and still little known action of temperature on them. As the sex reversal is a highly desired process in fish farming aiming at...

Author(s):   Cristina Helena Maria Moreira Vernetti, Marília Danyelle Nunes Rodrigues, Gutierrez, Harold Julian Perez, Calabuig, Cecilia Perez, Carla Giovane Ávila Moreira, Anthony A. Nlewadim and Heden Luiz Marques Moreira      

April 2013

Phenotypic and molecular characteristics of rhizobia isolated from nodules of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown in Brazilian Spodosols

  Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important crop that can fix nitrogen through symbiosis with rhizobia. Rhizobia populations with diverse characteristics than those traditionally described as peanut microsymbionts have been found in tropical soils. With the objective of studying the diversity and phylogeny of these rhizobia, 22 bacterial strains were isolated from nodules of seven peanut varieties grown...

Author(s):   Maria do Carmo Catanho Pereira de Lyra, Ana Dolores Santiago de Freitas, Taciana Amorim Silva and Carolina Etienne de Rosália e Silva Santos      

April 2013

Genetic diversity, taxonomy and legumins implications of seed storage protein profiling in Fabaceae

  Proteomic evidences can be pivotal to the discovery of new plant proteins and plant relationships, due to the diversity of form it can reveal. Seed storage protein profiles of 20 Fabaceae species: 4 grain-legumes and 16 non-pulses; of 16 genera and 10 tribes were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to estimate protein content diversity and the possible genetic...

Author(s):   Conrad A. Omonhinmin and Oluwaseun O. Ogunbodede    

April 2013

Effect of zeatin on the infection process and expression of MAPK-4 during pathogenesis of Alternaria brassicae in non-host and host Brassica plants

  Recent studies have revealed an important role of hormones in plant immunity. Cytokinins are phytohormones that are involved in various regulatory processes including plant defense. Zeatin a cytokinin antagonizes the effect of Alternaria brassicae pathotoxin in cell culture of Brassica juncea. Phytohormones are also the inducers of MAP Kinase signaling pathways which are the important signaling...

Author(s):   K. Kumar Marmath, P. Giri, G. Taj, D. Pandey and A. Kumar    

April 2013

Identification of RAPD markers linked to salinity tolerance in wheat

  Genetic diversity can be measured by a number of ways, including pedigree, phenotype and allelic diversity at loci controlling phenotypes of interest. A DNA marker for root length in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was identified. The individual plants from F2 population segregation for salinity tolerance and the parents (S-24 and DN-27) were grown in polyethylene tubes under saline conditions (EC 16...

Author(s):   Waqas Manzoor Bhutta and Muhammad Hanif          

April 2013

Tissue culture capacities of different explants from China elite common wheat and their correlation analysis

   To screen out cultivars with excellent tissue culture capacities for genetic transformation, the callus induction and regeneration response of immature embryos, inflorescences and anthers from 50 China new released cultivars with excellent agronomic performance were evaluated. The results showed that, among the surveyed cultivars, the callus induction frequency of immature embryos and inflorescences...

Author(s):   Jie Gao, Fengzhi Guo, Yu lian Li, Qingqi Fan, Peng Meng, Shuimei Liang,  Chengyan Huang, Xiusheng Chu and Genying Li

April 2013

Sugar alcohols-induced oxidative metabolism in cotton callus culture

Sugar alcohols (mannitol and sorbitol) may cause oxidative damage in plants if used in higher concentration. Our present experiment was undertaken to study physiological and metabolic responses in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) callus against mannitol and sorbitol higher doses. Both markedly declined mean values of relative fresh weight growth rates with the increase in their concentration intensities. The overall...

Author(s): M. K. Daud, Shafaqat Ali, M. T. Variath, Jinhong Chen, Qiuling He and S. J. Zhu  

April 2013

Effects of temperature and water stresses on germination of some varieties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum)

  Chickpea production did not progress, in spite, of intensification of agricultural practices. Drought and thermal stresses were the major factors that decreased yield when the crop is generally sown in spring. Nevertheless, winter sowing has opened new opportunities for increasing chickpea production in arid areas. This culture is based on two essential factors: (i) preclude rainfall during the...

Author(s):   Noomene Sleimi, Insaf Bankaji, Hayat Touchan and Françoise Corbineau  

April 2013

Comparison of plant nutrient contents in vermicompost from selected plant residues

      In this experiment, earthworm, Eudrilus eugeniae was fed with different plant residues: grass clippings, sago waste and rice straw. These organic wastes were also left to decompose naturally as the control. Analysis on samples vermicompost showed that humic acid content was highest in rice straw, followed by grass clippings compared to those of sago wastes....

Author(s):   Y. W. Yan, A. A. Nor Azwady, Z. H. Shamsuddin, M. Muskhazli, Suraini A. Aziz and S. K. Teng    

April 2013

Evaluation of non-viable biomass of Laurencia papillosa for decolorization of dye waste water

  The uptake of fast orange dye by the red seaweed Laurencia papillosa has been demonstrated in order to explore its potential use as low-cost adsorbent. The adsorption kinetics of fast orange dye on the alga with respect to initial dye concentration, contact time, particle size and pH were investigated. The dye removal percentage increased from 25.92 to 67.08% and the...

Author(s):   Dahlia M. El Maghraby

April 2013

Efficiency evaluation of three fluidised aerobic bioreactor based sewage treatment plants in Kashmir Valley

  The present investigation was conducted to monitor the physico-chemical characteristics and microbial load of sewage treatment plants (STPs) around the Dal Lake. The results show highly significant (P<0.001) reduction in some physico-chemical features and in microbial load at outlet of each STP. Order of reduction in all the STPs was found to be biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) > chemical...

Author(s):   Dilafroza Jan, Ashok K. Pandit and Azra N. Kamili  

April 2013

Environmental impact analysis of aquaculture in net cages in a Brazilian water reservoir, based in zooplankton communities

  The aim of this study was to characterize zooplankton community composition atPadre Azevedo reservoir and to determine their relationship to water quality, following a gradient of distance from an aquaculture site. Monthly samples were collected by filtering 15 L of water with a plankton net (45 mm mesh size), and fixing it with a 4% formaldehyde solution saturated with sugar. Zooplankton...

Author(s):   Maria Cristina Crispim, Karla Patrícia Ponte Araújo, Hênio do Nascimento Melo Júnior    

April 2013

Manumycin from a new Streptomyces strain shows antagonistic effect against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)/vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) strains from Korean Hospitals

  An antimicrobial compound, highly effective against multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria, purified from a Streptomyces strain was identified as manumycin. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of manumycin against 8 different strains ofmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were ranged 2 to 32 μg/ml. Similarly, MICs of manumycin against 4...

Author(s):   Yun Hee Choi#, Seung Sik Cho#, Jaya Ram Simkhada, Chi Nam Seong, Hyo Jeong Lee, Hong Seop Moon and Jin Cheol Yoo

April 2013

Antimicrobial activity of plant phenols from Chlorophora excelsa and Virgilia oroboides

  The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity of four aqueous plant extracts (1 x 104 µg/ml)of 2,3'4,5'-tetra hydroxy-4'-geranylstilbene (chlorophorin) and 3',4, 5' - trihydroxy - 4' - geranylstilbene (Iroko) from the tree Chlorophora excelsa and (6aR,11aR)-3-hydroxy-8,9-methylenedioxypterocarpan (Maackiain) and 7-hydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone (formononetin)...

Author(s):   Thiriloshani Padayachee and Bharti Odhav

April 2013

Physicochemical and sensory qualities of spiced soy-corn milk

  Soy-corn milk type was produced from a blend of soybean milk and corn milk extract at a ratio of 3:1. The soy-corn milk type was spiced with ginger and garlic extract respectively to improve the taste. Total dissolved solid (TDS), total titrable acidity (TTA) specific gravity (SG), apparent colloidal stability, pH and sensory evaluation of the spiced soy-corn milk type were determined. The results...

Author(s):   Ajala, Lola, Ologunde, M. O. and Adetuyi, F. O.    

April 2013

Marine bacterial prodigiosin as dye for rubber latex, polymethyl methacrylate sheets and paper

  Prodigiosin is known for its immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antimycotic, antimalarial, algicidal and anticancer activities. Here, we reported the evaluation of prodigiosin pigment as a dyeing agent in rubber latex, paper and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)so that it can be considered as an alternative to synthetic pigments. Maximum color shade was obtained in rubber sheet prepared with 0.5 parts per...

Author(s):   Jissa G. Krishna, Ansu Jacob, Philip Kurian, Elyas KK, and M. Chandrasekaran  

April 2013

Optimization of cultivation conditions for extracellular lipase production by Yarrowia lipolytica using response surface method

  A wild strain of Yarrowia lipolytica, identified as LMI 91, was isolated from an oleaginous Brazilian fruit called pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb), which is a native species of the Brazilian savannah and which acts as a potent lipase producer. The present study examined the effects of certain factors, such as the combination of casein and meat peptones, as well as the initial pH of...

Author(s):   Gonçalves, F. A. G., Colen, G. and Takahashi, J. A.      

April 2013

Human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) genetic diversity and prevalence of antiretroviral drug resistance mutations in treatment-naïve adults in Jos, North Central Nigeria

  The presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type-1 diversity has an impact on vaccine efficacy and drug resistance. It is important to know the circulating genetic variants and associated drug-resistance mutations in the context of scale up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Nigeria. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of HIV-1 and the prevalence of antiretroviral (ARV)...

Author(s):   Anejo-Okopi J. A., Agbaji O. O., Agaba P. A., Ugoagwu P. O., Were K., Onywera H., Owiti P., Isa S. E, Otecko N., Okwori A. E. J,  Musa J., Oguche S.,  Sagay A. S., Idoko J. A,  Nimzing L., Jatau E. D. and Olonitola, O. S.

April 2013

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of Cyphostemma vogelii (Hook. f.) Desc. root extract in mice

  Cyphostemma vogelii (family: Vitaceae) is a herbaceous plant which grows in Obukpa town in South Eastern Nigeria. C. vogelii is said to be generally medicinal though no specific medicinal activity was mentioned in the literature for this plant. The analgesic effect of C. vogelii was evaluated using acetic acid-induced writhing and formalin-induced nociception tests. The extract was...

Author(s):   Udegbunam R. I., Udegbunam S. O. and Anosa G. N.  

April 2013

In situ ruminal degradability and in vitro intestinal digestibility of crude protein from some minor legume species

  Samples of common vetch (CV), bitter vetch (BV) and chickling vetch (CLV) were collected and determined for chemical composition, rumen degradability and the effect of particle losses and intestinal digestibility of crude protein by using in situ-in vitro and in vitro techniques. In addition, the apparent digestibility of experimental diets was stated in Iranian hybrids sheep. The results...

Author(s):   Jamal Seifdavati, Akbar Taghizadeh, Hosein Janmohammadi, Seyd Abbas Rafat and Sadegh Alijani