African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 26 July 2012; 11(60)

July 2012

16S rRNA phylogenetic analysis of actinomycetes isolated from Eastern Ghats and marine mangrove associated with antibacterial and anticancerous activities

Morphologically 238 different marine and terrestrial actinomycete strains were chosen by screening of the antagonistic activity using human pathogens and cancerous cell lines, for which 185 sediments/rhizosphere soil samples were collected from the different sites of Manakkudi estuary of south-west coastal regions and Yercaud hills of eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. The present study aimed at the...

Author(s): Balasubramaniyam Nithya, Ponnusamy Ponmurugan and Mangaladass Fredimoses

July 2012

Role of antibiosis on suppression of bacterial common blight disease in French bean by Paenibacillus polymyxa strain HKA-15

Paenibacillus polymyxa strain HKA-15, a soybean bacterial endophyte showed strong antagonism against bacterial common blight pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv.phaseoli strains M-5 and CP-1-1. In agar diffusion assay, the antibacterial metabolite from P. polymyxa HKA-15 showed a clear zone of inhibition against M-5 and CP-1-1. Under phytotron conditions, the biocontrol activity...

Author(s): Vellaichamy Mageshwaran, Kalyan Kumar Mondal, Upendra Kumar and Kannepalli Annapurna

July 2012

Production and partial characterization of a-galactosidase activity from an Antarctic bacterial isolate, Bacillus sp. LX-1

An Antarctic Bacillus sp. isolate was found to exhibit extracellular a-galactosidase activity. On the basis of the results of 16S rRNA sequencing, the strain was namedBacillus sp. LX-1. In a one-factor-at-a-time experiment, galactose, peptone and Mn2+were found to be the medium components that facilitated enzyme production. The new strain showed optimal a-galactosidase activity at pH 7.0 and temperature...

Author(s): Jaekoo Lee#, Inkyung Park# and Jaiesoon Cho

July 2012

Examination of rheological and physicochemical characteristics in Lithuanian honey

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the biological origin and temperature on rheological and physicochemical characteristics of honey. The honey of the selected varieties differed in color, scent, microstructure, total acidity, moisture, and pH. The level of moisture statistically significantly correlated with the rheological characteristics. The highest total acidity was a characteristic of forest and...

Author(s): Ada StelmakienÄ—, Kristina RamanauskienÄ— ,Vitalis Briedis and Daiva LeskauskaitÄ—

July 2012

Isolation, purification and properties of lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Six isolates (Ps1, Ps2, Ps3, Ps4, Ps5 and Ps6) producing lipase were screened from wastewater on a selective medium agar containing Tween 80 or olive oil as the only source of carbon. Isolate Ps5 showed the highest lipase activity which was later identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The effect of media composition was analysed to maximize the production of lipase. The maximum extracellular lipase present...

Author(s): Benattouche Zouaoui, Abbouni Bouziane and Bachir raho ghalem

July 2012

Antiproliferative activity of some novel platinum complexes on C6 glioma and MCF-7 breast cancer cells

The anti-cancer chemotherapeutic potential of novel platinum(II) complexes of salicylate derivatives [Pt(dppe)(SA)2, Pt(dppm)(SA)2] and fumaric acid [Pt(dppe)(FU)2] were determined, using two cancer cell lines, breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioma cells (C6). IC50 values of the three compounds were lower in the cisplatin-resistant cell type C6 cell lines than in MCF-7 cells.   Key words: Cisplatin,...

Author(s): Hatice YILDIRIM, Feray KÖÇKAR and Canan NAKÄ°BOÄžLU