African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 27 May, 2015; 14(21)

May 2015

Assessment of four different methods for selecting biosurfactant producing extremely halophilic bacteria

Biosurfactants are surface active agents with broad range commercial applications in various industries and have considerable advantages over their chemical counterparts. In this study, drop collapse assay, oil spreading assay, emulsification assay and surface tension measurement were compared for their reliability and ease of use to screen biosurfactant producing six extremely halophilic bacteria isolated from saline...

Author(s): ARIECH Mounira, and GUECHI Abdelhadi

May 2015

Application of biofilms in the post-harvest conservation of pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.)

Pequi (Caryocar Brasiliense Camb.), fruit characteristic of the Brazilian cerrado, has sensory and nutritional characteristics, pleasant flavor and aroma and considerable presence of lipids and fiber, essential for human consumption. The aim of this study was to assess the post-harvest conservation of this fruit by using different sources of biofilms as a means to ensure the maintenance of fruit physical and chemical...

Author(s): Plácido, G. R., Silva, R. M., Cagnin, C., Silva, M. A. P. , Caliari, M. and Furtado, D. C.

May 2015

Extraction, quantification and degree of polymerization of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolia) fructans

Yacon tubers have been a distinguished alternative of fructans, drawing the attention of researchers and food industries. Since fructans are carbohydrate reserves storage can reduce their contents. Additionally, the type of extraction used can provide a higher yield of fructans. Therefore, it was necessary to study yacon storage and its influence on the extraction and quantification of fructans. Thus, the objective of...

Author(s): Ellem Waleska Nascimento da Fonseca Contado, Estela de Rezende Queiroz, Denise Alvarenga Rocha, Rodrigo Martins Fraguas, Anderson Assaid Simão, Lucimara Nazaré Silva Botelho, Adneia  de Fátima Abreu and Mariana Aparecida Braga Celeste Maria Patto de Abreu

May 2015

Effects of processing methods on nutritive values of Ekuru from two cultivars of beans (Vigna unguiculata and Vigna angustifoliata)

Beans contain substantial amount of protein, dietary fibre, B-vitamins, minerals, and anti-nutrients which limit their utilisation. Processing reduce the level of antinutrients in plant products but little information exist on effects of processing methods on nutrient and antinutrient composition of bean products. This study was undertaken to determine the effects of processing methods on nutrient and antinutrient...

Author(s): Bamigboye Adeola Yewande and Adepoju Oladejo Thomas

May 2015

Methidathion-induced hematological, biochemical and hepatohistological alterations in rat: Ameliorative effects of selenium and zinc

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a sub-acute 4-week exposure to methidathion (MD) on the hematological system and hepatic integrity of rats. We also assessed whether co-administration of micronutrients such as selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) prevented MD-induced hepatic damage. Rats were randomly divided into four groups of six each: the first group served as a control which received standard diet, the...

Author(s): Leila Barkat, , Amel Boumendjel, Cherif Abdennour, Mohamed Salah Boulakoud, Abdelfattah El Feki and Mahfoud Messarah

May 2015

Evaluation of antioxidant and antimutagenic potential of Justicia adhatoda leaves extract

In this study, the ethanolic extract of Justicia adhatoda (Acanthaceae) leaves was prepared by successive extraction procedure in increasing polarity order. Moreover, there are no antimutagenic evaluation reports found. In the present study our aim was to determine the antioxidant and antimutagenic potential of different fractions of ethanolic extract of J. adhatoda. Ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)...

Author(s): Arvinder Kaur, Davinder Kaur and Saroj Arora

May 2015

Evaluation of antioxidant capacity and membrane stabilizing potential of stem and root of Cyphospenna adenocaulis (Steud)

Comparative analyses of the antioxidant and membrane stabilizing activities of ethanolic extracts of leaf and root of Cyphospenna adenocaulis (Steud) were investigated with a view to further investigate the biological activities of the plant. Both the leaf and root of C. adenocaulis were extracted with 70% ethanol to yield the ethanolic leaf extract (ELE) and ethanolic root extract (ERE) respectively. Phytochemical...

Author(s): Akinwunmi Kemi Feyisayo, Ajala Victor Oluwafemi and Oyedapo Oluboade Oluokun

May 2015

Fatty acid profile of fish scale of Catla catla

Fish scales are useful to ichthyologists for the purposes of classification, identification, age determination and history study. The fatty acid profile of the hexane extracts of the fresh water fish scale of Catla catla were analyzed by gas chromatography. Fish scales were collected from a local fish market, Chidambaram. The fatty acid profile was detected in the scales, with the following fatty acids dominating: 16:0,...

Author(s): K. Prabu, S. Shankarlal and E. Natarajan

May 2015

A new vehicle for herbicide application using crude glycerin, a by-product of biodiesel production

The supply of glycerin derived from the pre-purification of biodiesel has increased considerably in Brazil, making it necessary to identify economic and environmentally friendly applications for this by-product. This work aimed to develop oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions using crude glycerin treated with H3PO4 for use as a vehicle for the application the herbicide Togar. The work was conducted in the laboratory of...

Author(s): Rejanne Lima Arruda, José Iran Cardoso da Silva, Evilanna Lima Arruda, Marciane Cristina Dotto, Renato de Almeida Sarmento and Eduardo Andrea Lemus Erasmo

May 2015

Purification and characterization of a peroxidase present in xilopodium exsudates of umbu plants (Spondias tuberosa A.)

Umbu plants are drought resistant trees which are able to store water and several other substances into its adapted root, named xylopodium. The exsudate from xilopodium is a natural solution rich in salts, sugars and a little concentration of proteins. In this work, we report the purification of a peroxidase (POX) from umbu xilopodium exsudate by direct extraction from polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels. Umbu POX...

Author(s): Marcio dos Santos Teixeira Pinto, Juliana Martins Ribeiro, Francisco Pinheiro de Araújo, Natoniel Franklin de Melo and Kátia Valevski Sales Fernandes