African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 3 October 2011; 10(59)

October 2011

Molecular cloning and characterization of a chitinase gene up-regulated in longan buds during flowering reversion

A cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) technique was used for differential screening of genes expressed in longan (Dimocarpus longanLour.) flower buds undergoing normal development versus flowering reversion. One cDNA fragment up-regulated during flowering reversion was further cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technology. This cDNA consists of 961 nucleotides and encodes an open...

Author(s): Dongli Xie, Wenyu Liang, Xiangxi Xiao, Xiao Liu, Lihan Chen and Wei Chen,

October 2011

Study on combining ability, heterosis and genetic parameters of yield traits in rice

A study was conducted on heterosis, combining ability and genetic parameters of yield and yield components in rice. Five lines were crossed with two testers in line ×tester manner to produce ten F1 hybrids. Results show that general combining ability (GCA) effect was only significant for total number of kernels per panicle, number of filled kernels and grain yield per plant, and specific combining...

Author(s): Mehdi Mirarab, Asadollah Ahmadikhah and and Mohamad Hadi Pahlavani

October 2011

Assessment of biodiversity based on morphological characteristics and RAPD markers among genotypes of wild rose species

Conservation and utilization of the native plant resources is essential for long termsustainability of biodiversity. Wild native resources are adapted to specific and diverse environmental conditions and therefore, these adaptive features can be introduced into modern cultivars either through conventional breeding or advanced molecular genetic techniques. Understanding the genetic make up of the wildly...

Author(s): Atif Riaz, Mansoor Hameed, Azeem Iqbal Khan, Adnan Younis and Faisal Saeed Awan

October 2011

Genetic relationships among alfalfa gemplasms resistant to common leaf spot and selected Chinese cultivars assessed by sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SARP) markers

Genetic relationships among 26 alfalfa cultivars, of which, 12 were of high resistance to common leaf spot (CLS), were assessed using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. 34 SRAP primer combinations were selected for fingerprinting of these cultivars and a total of 281 bands were observed, among which 115 were polymorphic (40.93%). Based on molecular data, 26 cultivars were classified into 5 groups....

Author(s): Qinghua Yuan, Jianming Gao, Zhi Gui, Yu Wang, Shuang Wang, Ximan Zhao, Buxian Xia and Xiang-lin Li

October 2011

Microspore derived embryo formation and doubled haploid plant production in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var italica) according to nutritional and environmental conditions

In cell culture, the maintenance of proper growing conditions is a key approach for improving the formation of embryos, and is useful in the production of doubled haploid (DH) plants. Optimal nutritional and environmental conditions for the microspore culture of Brassica oleracea L. var italica were determined in order to reduce time and effort in breeding. The optimal conditions for microspore...

Author(s): Haeyoung Na, Guiyoung Hwang, Jung-Ho Kwak, Moo Koung Yoon and Changhoo Chun,

October 2011

Role and significance of total phenols during rooting of Protea cynaroides L. cuttings

Phenolic compounds, which are known to regulate root formation, are found abundantly in difficult-to-root Protea cynaroides stem cuttings. In this study, analysis of total phenol content was carried out on blanched and unblanched cuttings to observe its fluctuation throughout the entire rooting period (120 days) and establish its relationship with root formation. Results showed that blanching significantly...

Author(s): Wu, H. C. and du Toit, E. S.

October 2011

Effect of environmental conditions on the genotypic difference in nitrogen use efficiency in maize

Selection for nitrogen (N) efficient cultivars is typically conducted under favorable field conditions with only difference in soil N availability. However, in practical field conditions, variation in soil types and/or seasonal weather conditions may have a strong influence on plant growth and therefore, N use efficiency. In the present study, a set of 3 genotypes (JD209, JD180 and SM25) were compared for their response...

Author(s): Cai Hong-Guang,#, Gao Qiang#, Mi Guo-Hua and Chen Fan-Jun

October 2011

Variability of characteristics in new experimental hybrids of early cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

Early hybrids take a significant share of the Serbian fresh vegetables market; however, all early hybrids are foreign. New domestic experimental hybrids of early cabbage have been analyzed and results are presented in this paper. In order to get a better insight in the variability among the tested hybrids, we have analyzed them for 14 characteristics by the principal component analysis (PCA) method. This paper...

Author(s): Cervenski Janko,  Gvozdanovic-Varga Jelica, Glogovac Svetlanaand Dragin Sasa

October 2011

Evaluation of genetic diversity in self-incompatible broccoli DH lines assessed by SRAP markers

In this article, we investigated self-compatibility index (SCI) in broccoli double haploid (DH) lines, and the relationship and genetic diversity of 15 self-incompatible (SI) broccoli DH lines were analyzed by sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP). 11 primer combinations selected from 88 primer pairs revealed a total number of 129 unambiguous bands, 61 of which were polymorphic with a polymorphism...

Author(s): Huifang Yu, Zhenqing Zhao, Xiaoguang Sheng, Jiansheng Wang and Honghui Gu

October 2011

Growth and nutrient uptake responses of ‘Seolhyang’ strawberry to various ratios of ammonium to nitrate nitrogen in nutrient solution culture using inert media

The effect of the variation of NH4+:NO3−ratios (meq/l: 0:100, 40:60, 50:50, 65:35 and 100:0) in the nutrient solution on strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa var Seolhyang) growth was evaluated. A mixture of large particle size (2 to 5 mm) and small particle size (smaller than 1 mm) of perlite was used as growing substrateand the nutrient solutions were applied once a week to the...

Author(s): Jong Myung Choi, Ahmed Latigui and Chiwon W. Lee

October 2011

Yield and fiber quality properties of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under water stress and non-stress conditions

The primary objective of this study was to determine the effect of water stress and non-stress conditions on cotton yield and fiber quality properties. A two-year field study was carried out at the Southeastern Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute (SAARI), in 2009 and 2010, with the aim of evaluating 12 cotton genotypes for yield and fiber quality properties under irrigated and water stress conditions. The...

Author(s): Cetin Karademir, Emine Karademir, Remzi Ekinci and Kudret BerekatoÄŸlu

October 2011

Modelling of seed yield and its components in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) based on a large sample

Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) is a primary cool-season grass species that is widely used as a cold-season forage and turfgrass throughout the temperate regions of the world. The key seed yield components, namely fertile tillers m-2 (Y1),spikelets fertile tiller -1 (Y2), florets spikelet -1 (Y3), seed number spikelet -1 (Y4), seed weight (Y5), and...

Author(s): Quanzhen Wang, Tianming Hu, Jian Cui, Xianguo Wang, He Zhou, Jianguo Han and Tiejun Zhang

October 2011

Response of fed dung composted with rock phosphate on yield and phosphorus and nitrogen uptake of maize crop

Two experiments were conducted to determine the extent of phosphate (P) solubility from rock phosphate (RP) fed dung through composting with RP and to determine its effects on yield and P uptake of maize crop. Different composts of RP fed dung and simple dung were prepared with and without RP. Field experiment was conducted on silty clay loam soil at the research farm of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural...

Author(s): Sharif, M., Matiullah, K., Tanvir, B., Shah, A. H. and Wahid, F.

October 2011

Seed viability, germination and seedling growth of canola (Brassica napus L.) as influenced by chemical mutagens

Mutation induction is considered as an effective way to enrich plant genetic variation, particularly for traits with a very low level of genetic variation. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of different dosages of chemical mutagens on seed germination, seed viability and seedling growth characteristics and to identify optimum treatment conditions for chemical mutagens based on the...

Author(s): S. N. Emrani, A. Arzani and G. Saeidi    

October 2011

T-DNA integration patterns in transgenic maize lines mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens

To explore transfer deoxyribonucleic acid (T-DNA) integration patterns in the maize genome, we improved the protocol of thermal asymmetric interlaced polymerase chain reaction (TAIL-PCR), and amplified the flanking sequences around T-DNA integration sites from 70 independent transgenic maize lines mediated byAgrobacterium tumefaciens. Out of 64 specific amplified fragments, 32 and 9 are homologous to the...

Author(s): Lin Yang, Feng-Ling Fu, Zhi-Yong Zhang, Shu-Feng Zhou, Yue-Hui She and Wan-Chen Li

October 2011

Ecological features of Tricholoma anatolicum in Turkey

Tricholoma anatolicum H.H. DoÄŸan & Intini was first published as a new species in 2003, and it is known as “Katran Mantarı” in Turkey. It has great importance in trading and is also exported to Japan. However, there is no extensive information on its ecological status. To reveal its features of ecological status, we studied eight different places in Turkey in the years of 2005 and 2009. According...

Author(s): Hasan Hüseyin DoÄŸan and Ilgaz Akata  

October 2011

Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on root morphology of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)

Rooting characteristics significantly affect the water-use patterns and acquirement of nutrient for any plant species. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria improve the plant growth by a variety of ways like the production of phytohormones, nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization and improvement in root morphology etc, and are also useful in cutting down the cost of chemical fertilizers. The present investigation was...

Author(s): Asia Nosheen, Asghari Bano, Faizan Ullah, Uzma Farooq, Humaira Yasmin and Ishtiaq Hussain    

October 2011

High-efficiency regeneration of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) plants from leaf discs

A high-efficiency regeneration system for peanut plants was established. The regeneration frequency of leaf discs reached 40.9% on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l-1 naphthylacetic acid and 0.5 mg l-1thidiazuron. The regenerated shoots elongated, developed roots and produced seeds. This procedure was highly efficient and is feasible for the genetic transformation of...

Author(s): Lili Geng, Lihong Niu, Changlong Shu, Fuping Song, Dafang Huang and Jie Zhang

October 2011

A pilot study on the isolation and biochemical characterization of Pseudomonas from chemical intensive rice ecosystem

In recent times, there has been a renewed interest in the search of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for sustainable crop production. Rice is an economically important food crop, which is subjected to infection by a host of fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens. In this study, an attempt was made to isolatePseudomonas spp., a potent PGPR in the rhizosphere. Through appropriate microbiological and...

Author(s): Prakash Nathan, Xavier Rathinam, Marimuthu Kasi, Zuraida Abdul Rahmanand Sreeramanan Subramaniam    

October 2011

Microbial degradation of textile industrial effluents

Textile waste water is a highly variable mixture of many polluting substance ranging from inorganic compounds and elements to polymers and organic products. To ensure the safety of effluents, proper technologies need to be used for the complete degradation of dyes. Traditionally, treatments of textile waste water involve physical or chemical methods. But both physical and chemical methods have many short comings....

Author(s): Shanooba Palamthodi, Dhiraj Patil and Yatin Patil

October 2011

Yield and storability of green fruits from hot pepper cultivars (Capsicum spp.)

Five hot pepper (Capsicum spp.) cultivars were grown using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Green peppers were stored under two storage conditions (ambient and evaporative cooling) with three replications. The plant growth characters yield and yield related traits were assessed. Melka Zala, PBC 600 and Mareko Fana had taller plants and had more number of branches. Melka Zala and...

Author(s): Awole, S., Woldetsadik, K. and Workneh, T. S.

October 2011

Effects of different cooking methods on the consumer acceptability of chevon

Consumers expect the meat products on the market to have the required nutritional value, be wholesome, fresh and lean and have adequate juiciness, flavour and tenderness. A study was conducted to establish consumer acceptability of chevon prepared using different traditional cooking methods in terms of acceptance of flavour, tenderness, off-flavour, aroma intensity and juiciness through sensory evaluation. A panel...

Author(s): Nomasonto M. Xazela, Voster Muchenje and Upenyu Marume

October 2011

Biot number - lag factor (Bi-G) correlation for tunnel drying of baby food

To obtain mass transfer coefficients of three baby food mixtures on cereal basis in a tunnel dryer, Bi-G drying correlation can be used. Experimental moisture content values for three mixtures at three different air temperatures (60, 80 and 100°C) and air velocities (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m/s) during tunnel drying were collected. Effective moisture diffusivities coefficients were calculated in two ways and for mixtures...

Author(s): Tomislav Jurendić and Branko Tripalo

October 2011

Optimization of the technology of extracting water-soluble polysaccharides from Morus alba L. leaves

To optimize the parameters for extracting water-soluble polysaccharides from mulberry leaves using hot water, the extraction process was optimized by the orthogonal test through the single-factor experiment. Experiments were carried out using an L9 (34) orthogonal design to examine the effects of extraction temperature, extraction duration, concentration of the material and concentration of ethanol on the...

Author(s): Zhonghai Tang, Shiyin Guo, Liqun Rao, Jingping Qin, Xiaona Xu and Yizeng Liang

October 2011

Intracellular expression of human calcitonin (hCT) gene in the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris

This study utilized the Pichia pastoris expression system for expression of the synthetic human calcitonin (hCT) gene, a small peptide hormone secreted by the thyroid gland in mammals and ultimobranchial glands in lower vertebrate. The P. pastoris vector (pPICZB) contains the alcohol oxidase gene promoter (AOX1), which under the induction of methanol allows for the...

Author(s): Ali Salehzadeh, Hamideh Ofoghi, Farzin Roohvand, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi and Kazem Parivar

October 2011

Intracellular expression of human calcitonin (hCT) gene in the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris

This study utilized the Pichia pastoris expression system for expression of the synthetic human calcitonin (hCT) gene, a small peptide hormone secreted by the thyroid gland in mammals and ultimobranchial glands in lower vertebrate. The P. pastoris vector (pPICZB) contains the alcohol oxidase gene promoter (AOX1), which under the induction of methanol allows for the expression of...

Author(s): Ali Salehzadeh, Hamideh Ofoghi, Farzin Roohvand, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi and Kazem Parivar

October 2011

Effect of sodium hypochlorite on the shear bond strength of fifth- and seventh-generation adhesives to coronal dentin

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) on the shear bond strength of fifth- and seventh- generation adhesive resins to coronal dentin. Thirty human third molars were selected and sectioned into two halves buccolingually. Sixty samples were randomly divided into four groups (n = 15). The crowns were separated from the roots. Subsequent to the removal of pulp tissue, the inner...

Author(s): Mohammad Esmaeel Ebrahimi Chaharom, Mehdi Abed Kahnamoii, Soodabeh Kimyai and Mohammadreza Hajirahiminejad Moghaddam

October 2011

Biological study of the effect of licorice roots extract on serum lipid profile, liver enzymes and kidney function tests in albino mice

This study was carried out to elucidate the effects of oral administration ofGlycyrrhiza glabra root extract on serum lipid profile, liver enzymes, kidney function test, and glucose concentration in albino mice when compared with ten male mice used as control. 40 male mice were treated for one month and equally allocated into four groups: the first group (G1) was used as the control group. The second (G2),...

Author(s): Maysoon Mohammad Najeeb Mohammad Saleem, Arieg Abdul Whab Mohammad, Jazaer Abdulla Al-Tameemi and Ghassan Mohammad Sulaiman  

October 2011

Assessment of immune response and safety of two recombinant hepatitis B vaccines in healthy infants in India

Hepatitis B infection and its sequel continue to be a worldwide health problem, especially in the developing countries. The pool of chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus is built up in childhood and is then maintained in older children and adults. Therefore, it is important to give protection during infancy. Effective vaccines to prevent hepatitis B infection are available. This study was undertaken to evaluate the...

Author(s): Ashok, G., Rajendran, P., Jayam, S., Karthika, R., Kanthesh, B. M., Vikram, Reddy, E., and Kulkarni, P. S

October 2011

Differential expression of cytochrome P450 genes in a laboratory selected Anopheles arabiensis colony

In southern Africa pyrethroid, resistance in Anopheles arabiensis is mainly mediated by cytochrome P450s. The spectra of P450 genes involved are not fully understood. We report on the transcriptional profile of six P450 genes previously implicated in pyrethroid resistance from a laboratory selected permethrin-resistance.Quantification of expression levels of CYP6Z1, CYP6Z2, CYP6Z3, CYP6M2,...

Author(s): Givemore Munhenga, and Lizette L. Koekemoer,

October 2011

Differential expression of cytochrome P450 genes in a laboratory selected Anopheles arabiensis colony

In southern Africa pyrethroid, resistance in Anopheles arabiensis is mainly mediated by cytochrome P450s. The spectra of P450 genes involved are not fully understood. We report on the transcriptional profile of six P450 genes previously implicated in pyrethroid resistance from a laboratory selected permethrin-resistance.Quantification of expression levels of CYP6Z1, CYP6Z2, CYP6Z3, CYP6M2,...

Author(s): Givemore Munhenga, and Lizette L. Koekemoer,

October 2011

Predominant lactic acid bacteria isolated from the intestines of silver carp in low water temperature

The composition of intestinal lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in silver carp (Hypopthalmichthys molitrix) in Gheshlaghdam Lake was analyzed based on morphology and biochemical tests in December 2009 to March 2010. Most isolates were Gram-positive, non motile and catalase-negative bacilli that did not produce gas from glucose. Growth at 15°C was positive for all isolates, while it was positive for...

Author(s): Farzad Ghiasi

October 2011

Novel family- and genus-specific DNA markers in Mugilidae

In this study, we identified novel family- and genus-specific DNA markers in Mugilidae fish. Genomic DNA was isolated from the blood of fish of 15 families and eighty (80) random primers were used for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting. When the primer OPAV04 was employed, a novel specific PCR product was observed in the Mugilidae family. In addition, another novel specific PCR product...

Author(s): Shan-Hu Lai, Yao-Horng Wang, Kuo-Tai Yang, Chia-Hsuan Chen, and Mu-Chiou Huang

October 2011

Effects of banana wilt disease on soil nematode community structure and diversity

Effects of banana wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense(FOC) on soil nematode community composition were investigated in Hainan province China. The results show that 31 nematode genera in the disease and control regions were identified. The disease area was mainly dominated byAcrobeles, Acrobeloides, Chiloplacus and Aphelenchus,...

Author(s): Shuang Zhong, Yingdui He, Huicai Zeng, Yiwei Mo, ZhaoXi Zhou, XiaoPing Zang and Zhiqiang Jin  

October 2011

Effect of interaction of 6-benzyl aminopurine (BA) and sucrose for efficient microtuberization of two elite potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars, Desiree and Cardinal

Single node and multinode explants of two potato cvs., Desiree and Cardinal were tested for in vitro microtuber production. Explants were taken from tissue culture laboratory of Seed Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan in 2004. Experiments were designed in completely randomized pattern. 34 media treatments of Murashige and Skoog (1962) with varying concentrations...

Author(s): Aafia Aslam, Aamir Ali, Naima Huma Naveed, Asif Saleem and Javed Iqbal  

October 2011

Meiothermus sp. SK3-2: A potential source for the production of trehalose from maltose

Trehalose has similar chemical formula as maltose. In terms of price, trehalose is much more expensive than maltose. A pink-pigmented bacterium identified asMeiothermus sp. SK3-2 was found to be able to convert maltose to trehalose. Based on fatty acids analysis, the Meiothermus sp. SK3-2 may be a new strain that produce trehalose synthase (TreS). Meiothermus sp. SK3-2 achieved a better biomass...

Author(s): Kian Mau Goh, Charles Voon, Yen Yen Chai and Rosli Md. Illias

October 2011

Synthesis and application of polyethylene glycol/vinyltriethoxy silane (PEG/VTES) copolymers

Many studies have explored dye wastewater treatment methods; however,concerns relating to the dye wastewater composition and cost still exist. In this study, we used polyethylene glycol (PEG) and vinyltriethoxy silane (VTES) in different proportions to produce a series of PEG-VTES copolymers, to investigate the interaction between various dyes and the impact of these copolymers on dye...

Author(s): Yin-Chun Chao, Shuenn-Kung Su, Ya-Wun Lin, Wan-Ting Hsu and Kuo-Shien Huang

October 2011

Fraud identification in fishmeal using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Fishmeal is an important commercial product that is obtained by processing the bones and whole fish. It can be of great importance to enhance the feeding during the fattening of animals in poultry and livestock. Detection of adulteration in fishmeal with other meats is important for livestock and poultry production, and their health. The aim of this study was to identify fraud and adulteration in fishmeal...

Author(s): Abbas Doosti, Pejman Abbasi and Sadegh Ghorbani-Dalini

October 2011

Purification and characterization of a phytase from Mitsuokella jalaludinii, a bovine rumen bacterium

The phytase from Mitsuokella jalaludinii, a novel phytase-producing rumen bacterium, was purified 120-fold to near homogeneity and characterized. The phytase was completely cell-associated and about half of the enzyme activity was released when the bacterial cells were incubated with 1.5 mol/l KCl solution for 8 h. The optimum pH for phytase activity was in the range of 4.0 to 5.0 and the optimum temperature was 55...

Author(s): G. Q. Lan, , N. Abdullah, , S. Jalaludin,  and Y. W. Ho

October 2011

Effect of different levels and particle sizes of perlite on carcass characteristics and tibia ash of broiler chicks

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different levels and particle sizes of perlite in broiler chicks’ diets on carcass characteristics and tibia ash. For the stated purpose, 308 Ross broiler chicks of 280-day-old were allocated to seven treatments and four replications in a factorial experiment on the basis of randomized complete block design. One factor consisted of two particle sizes of...

Author(s): Hamid Reza Ebadi Azar, Kambiz Nazer Adl, Yahya Ebrahim Nezhad and Mohammad Moghaddam

October 2011

The effect of butyric acid glycerides on performance and some bone parameters of broiler chickens

A concern about enhancing the natural defense mechanisms of animals and reducing the massive use of antibiotics led to the banning of studies in this field. So, this research was done to investigate the effect of butyric acid glycerides and salinomycin sodium on the performance of the broiler chickens (strain Ross 308). A total of 800 chickens were reared for 42 days. A 3 factor statistical design was conducted with 4...

Author(s): Mehrdad Irani, Shahabodin Gharahveysi, Mona Zamani and Reza Rahmatian

October 2011

Construction of a mammalian cell expression vector pAcGFP-FasL and its expression in bovine follicular granulosa cells

Fas ligand (FasL) is a cytokine that may be secreted or expressed as a transmembrane ligand at the cell surface, and induces apoptosis by binding to the Fas. Ovarian follicular atresia and luteolysis are thought to occur by apoptosis. To reveal the intracellular signal transduction molecules involved in the process of follicular development in the bovine ovary, the Fas ligand gene was cloned using...

Author(s): RunJun Yang , Meng Huang, JunYa Li , ZhiHui Zhao, ShangZhong Xu