African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 4 August 2009; 8(15)

August 2009

Changes in protein composition and protein Phylogenetic and genomic relationships in the genus Malus based on RAPDs

Two separate experiments were carried out between local and exotic apple among the locally available varieties. Ten varieties of local apple (Malus spp.) were selected from South west Nigeria. The choice of the samples was based  on observed morphological differences such as size of fruits, fruits color, flower color, leaf shape and plant height while the choice of imported exotic type was based solely on the...

Author(s): Ogunkanmi Liasu Adebayo, Oboh Bola, Williams Opeyemi, Monu Gloriaand Ogundipe Olowatoyin Temitope

August 2009

Expression of bgt gene in transgenic birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.)

Study on the characteristics of integration and expression is the basis of genetic stability of foreign genes in transgenic trees. To obtain insight into the relationship of transgene copy number and expression level, we screened 22 transgenic birch lines. Southern blot analysis of the transgenic birch plants indicated that the copy number of bgt varies from one to four, of which 18.2% were single...

Author(s): Fansuo Zeng, Yaguang Zhan, Nan Nan, Ying Xin, Fenghui Qi and Chuanping Yang

August 2009

Use of the RAPD-PCR fingerprinting and API system for clustering lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Sudanese sour milk (Roab)

One hundred and sixty isolates of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from ten samples of traditional soured milk (Roab) obtained from different Sudanese localities using Lactobacillus-selective medium. Forty-two representative single colonies were randomly picked (14 rods and 28 cocci).  Randomly amplifiedpolymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used for rapid investigation of the genetic diversity of the...

Author(s): Abdelhalim A. Hamza, Eisa I. El Gaali and Ahmed A. Mahdi

August 2009

Genetic diversity among varieties and wild species accessions of pea (Pisum sativum L.) based on SSR markers

To assess the genetic relations in Pisum genus and to examine putative duplicate accessions, 20 pea varieties (Pisum sativum L.) with 57 accessions from wildPisum species fulvum, subspecies (subsp.) asiaticum, elatius, thebaicum,abyssinicum, transcaucasicum and arvense were analyzed using 10 out of 20 microsatellite primer pairs. We genotyped all...

Author(s): J.  Nasiri, A. Haghnazari and J. Saba

August 2009

RAPD-PCR analysis of cultured type olives in Turkey

The aim of this study was to detect genetic similarities and distances among cultured type olive trees by RAPD-PCR technique. Olives are raised in a high range from the Aegean, Mediterranean, Marmara and Black Sea to Southeast Anatolia regions of Turkey. Olive breeding had a rapid increase in Turkey during recent years, among the agricultural products. Finding the genetic relationships between cultured type olives may...

Author(s): Meltem Sesli and E. DilÅŸat YeÄŸenoÄŸlu

August 2009

Field collection, preservation and large scale DNA extraction procedures for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.)

Some genetic studies using molecular methods such as diversity assessment or marker-assisted selection require collection of a large number of samples from fields located in the vicinity or in remote areas, followed by isolation of good quality DNA in a short time span. In the present study, different tissue preservation methods were compared for subsequent DNA extraction using a modified CTAB method in two 96-well...

Author(s): Ranjana Bhattacharjee, Morag Ferguson, Melaku Gedil, Dominique Dumetand Ivan Ingelbrecht

August 2009

Effects of landscape fragmentation on genetic diversity of Stipa krylovii roshev (Stipa L.) in agro-pastoral ecotone in Northern China

Stipa krylovii Roshev (Stipa L.) is one of the most important grass species for rangeland ecology and animal husbandry. But some populations of this species are under threat due to landscape fragmentation and habitat isolation resulting from the reclamation and cultivation in ecotone. To determine if and how these disturbances have impacted on genetic structure of S. krylovii populations, an...

Author(s): X. Q. Sui, K. Wang, S. H. Zheng, L. Li and S. Z. An

August 2009

Habitat fragmentation causes rapid genetic differentiation and homogenization in natural plant populations – A case study in Leymus chinensis

The effects of habitat fragmentations on the forage grass Leymus thinness (Trin.) Tzvel, which has high genetic diversity in northeast China were investigated. Four natural populations of the same ecotype (Grey-green leaf, GGL), namely, BT, ZL, CL and CC (named after location) were collected from different abiotic growing conditions. The CC population has become isolated in a park inside a city by tall...

Author(s): J. F. Zhang, J. N. Kimatu, W. L. Guo and B. Liu

August 2009

AFLP analysis of genetic diversity in main cultivated strains of Ganoderma spp.

Ganoderma mushroom is one of the most prescribed traditional medicines, which has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries particularly in China, Japan, Korea and other Asian countries. In this article, the different strains of Ganodermaspp. used in production and their genetic relations of the closely related strains were identified and investigated at molecular level. The...

Author(s): Sanqiao Wu, Xinbo Guo, Xin Zhou, Xinsheng Li, Yiyuan Chen and Juan Lin

August 2009

Molecular cloning, characterization and functional analysis of a 3-hydroxy-3- methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase gene from Jatropha curcas

3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR, EC: catalyzes the first committed step in mevalonic acid (MVA) pathway for biosynthesis of isoprenoids. The full-length cDNA encoding HMGR was isolated from Jatropha curcas for the first time (designated as JcHMGR), which contained a 1950 bp ORF encoding 584 amino acids. The JcHMGR genomic DNA sequence was also obtained, revealing JcHMGR had 4...

Author(s): Juan Lin, Yuanjie Jin, Mingqi Zhou, Xin Zhou and Jingya Wang

August 2009

Changes in protein composition and protein phosphorylation during somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Changes in protein profiles and protein phosphorylation were studied in various stages of germinating somatic and zygotic embryos. Many proteins, which were expressed in cotyledonary stage somatic embryos, were also present in the zygotic embryos obtained from mature dry seed. The intensity of 22 kDa protein was much higher in zygotic embryos in comparison to cotyledonary somatic embryos. Proteins of 55, 53, 27 and 25...

Author(s): A. Roja Rani, P. Venkateswarlu , G. Padmaja, K. Venkatesh and Nimala Baburao

August 2009

Phosphate rock utilization by soybean genotypes on a low-P savanna soil and the status of soil P fractions after a subsequent maize crop

Information on the inter- and intra-specific variability in the acquisition and utilization of phosphorus (P) by promiscuous soybean genotypes under low-P conditions can be helpful in the short-term management of soil P availability. Thirteen promiscuous soybean genotypes were evaluated in a low-P soil at Fashola in the derived savanna of Nigeria to compare their ability to acquire and utilize P from phosphate rock (PR)...

Author(s): O. C. Nwoke, J. A. Okogun§, N. Sanginga, J. Diels, R. C. Abaidoo and O. Osonubi

August 2009

Effects of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms and Rhizobium sp. on the growth, nodulation, yield and root-rot disease complex of chickpea under field condition

Effects of Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (Glomus intraradices,Pseudomonas putida, P. alcaligenes, P. aeruginosa (Pa28), A. awamori) andRhizobium sp. was observed on the growth, nodulation yield and root-rot disease complex of chickpea under field condition. Inoculation of Rhizobium sp. caused a greater increase in growth and yield than P. putida, P....

Author(s): Mohd Sayeed Akhtar, and Zaki A. Siddiqui

August 2009

Allelopathic potentials of residues of 6 brassica species on johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.]

Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.) is a troublesome weed species of many crops in Turkey as well as worldwide. Allelopathic potential of residues of some brassica species, which are round white radish (Raphanus sativus L.), garden radish (R. sativus L.), black radish (R. sativus L. var. niger), little radish (R. sativus L. var. radicula, turnip (Brassica campestris L....

Author(s): Ilhan Uremis, Mehmet Arslan, Ahmet Uludag and Mustafa Kemal Sangun

August 2009

Chemical analysis of essential oils from cone’s rosin of Cilician fir (Abies cilicica subsp. cilicica)

The essential oil from the resin of cones of Abies cilicica (Ant. Et Kotschy.) subsp.cilicia Carr. (Abieta-ceae) grown in Turkey was obtained by the hydro-distillation method and its chemical composition was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The results showed that the essential oil contained about 92.78% mono-terpenes, 2.7% oxygenated monoterpenes and 1.78% sesquiterpenes. Major components of the oil...

Author(s): K. Sinan Dayisoylu and M. Hakki Alma

August 2009

Thidiazuron induced micropropagation of Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra

Hypericum genus is commonly used as a medicinal plant for its anti-depressant properties. Harvesting such medicinal plants from the nature is causing a loss of genetic diversity. Plants with very small seeds like Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra cannot be cultured by traditional methods, easily. In the present study, a rapid micropropagation protocol was developed for Hypericum...

Author(s): Esin Akçam Oluk and Serpil Orhan

August 2009

Effect of potassium on micromorphological and chemical composition of three cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes

An experiment was conducted at National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan to study the effect of potassium on yield and internal leaf tissues composition of cotton varieties, CIM-443, CIM-109 and CIM-446. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were applied at 150 mg N/kg soil and 75 mg P2O5/kg soil to all the pots, while potassium (K) was applied at three levels; control (no K), 100 and 200 mg...

Author(s): M. E. Akhtar, M. Z. Khan, S. Ahmad, M. Ashraf and A. Sardar

August 2009

Assessment of hairy roots induction in Solenostemon scutellarioides leaves by different strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes

Hairy roots of Solenostemon scutellarioides were induced by inoculation of leaf explants with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains TR 105, LBA 9402, 8196 and ATCC 15834. These strains showed different abilities to induce hairy root formation on the leaf explants. Assessment of the plant’s susceptibility to the different strains of A. rhizogenes showed that strains...

Author(s): Saleh, N. M. and Thuc, L. V.

August 2009

Determination of the relationship among Old World Lupin (Lupinus sp.) species using RAPD and ISSR markers

Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were used to determine the genetic relationships among 20 Old World lupin genotypes from 3 lupin species (Lupinus albus, L. angustifolius, L. luteus) using 15 primers in each case. Polymorphism was observed in reactions with 9 out of 15 tested RAPD primers, and 11 out of 15 tested ISSR primers. Relationship was determined on the...

Author(s): Mustafa Yorgancilar, Mehmet Babaoglu, Erdogan E. Hakki and Emine Atalay

August 2009

Influence of environmental variations on physiological attributes of sunflower

High degree of adaptability, wide range of climatic conditions, high photosynthetic capacity, maximum stomatal conductance and efficient hydraulic mechanism allow sunflower crop to be productive in broad range of environments. Combined effects of environmental factors not only modify plant phenology but also cause many physiological changes. Field experiments, one each in spring and autumn were conducted at Pir Mehr Ali...

Author(s): Shuaib Kaleem, Fayyaz- ul- Hassan and Aamir Saleem

August 2009

Potential phytate-degrading enzyme producing bacteria isolated from Malaysian maize plantation

Phytases catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphomonoester bonds in phytate, thereby releasing lower forms of myo-inositol phosphates and inorganic phosphate. Phytase enzyme preparations have a wide range of applications in animal and human nutrition. The addition of phytate-degrading enzyme can improve the nutritional value of plant-based foods by enhancing protein digestibility and mineral availability through phytate...

Author(s): Anis Shobirin M. H., A. Farouk and R. Greiner

August 2009

Genetic variability and association studies of some quantitative characters in winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)

Information of the variability and the extent and type of relationship of some quantitative characters in rapeseed is important for an efficient breeding program. In addition, the association between seed yield and quality characters, oil and protein content, is of major interest. 10 winter rapeseed genotypes were evaluated for variation, genetic and phenotypic correlations and broad sense heritability for...

Author(s): Zehra Aytaç and Gülcan Kınacı

August 2009

Efficiency of allelopathy of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) on physiology of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Pot-grown seedlings of wheat cvs. Margalla 99 and Chakwall 97 were treated with water mixed with extracts of sunflower leaves, stems and roots at 20 days after the seedlings emerged. Data on physiology of wheat seedlings including protein, proline, sugars, DNA, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and chlorophyll contents were recorded; all increased with allelochemicals treatments when compared with...

Author(s): Javed Kamal and Asghari Bano

August 2009

Mandragora officinarum L. (Solanaceae): A new record for the flora of Turkey

Mandragora officinarum L. (Solanaceae) was collected from western area of the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Mandragora autumnalis Bertol. is widespread  in the Mediterranean area at rock slopes, ruins, under Pinus brutia, olive trees and edges of fields in Turkey but M. officinarum L. has not been reported previously. In this study, the detailed morphological characteristics are...

Author(s): Hüseyin Fakir and Hasan Özçelik

August 2009

Antimicrobial activity of the ethanolic extract of Bryonopsis laciniosa leaf, stem, fruit and seed

Antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract of the leaf, stem, seed and fruit of an Indian medicinal plant, Bryonopsis laciniosa, used traditionally as potent medication in healing several ailments such as adenopathy, ague, asthma, bronchitis, cholera, colic, consumption, convulsion, cough, fertility and phthisis, was tested against different pathogenic microorganisms by agar well diffusion method. Leaf and stem...

Author(s): Bonyadi Rad Ehsan, Awad Vital and Nirichan Kunchiraman Bipinraj

August 2009

Detergent and phosphate pollution ın Gediz River, Turkey

The Gediz River, located in western Turkey, drains a region with a high population density and a strong economic activity. These factors, together with a lack of facilities for appropriate treatment of domestic and industrial sewage, are putting increasing pressure on water resources. The aim of the present study was to identify point sources of detergent pollution and to assess the surface water quality in the...

Author(s): Orkide Minareci, Meral Öztürk, Özdemir Egemen and Ersin Minareci

August 2009

Statistical optimization of cultural conditions by response surface methodology for phenol degradation by a novel Aspergillus flavus isolate

Phenol is a hydrocarbon compound that highly pollutes the environment. Aspergillus flavus having high ability to degrade phenol was isolated. The fungus fully degraded phenol concentration of 100 mgl-1 in 72 h, 300 mgl-1 in 96 h, 500 mgl-1 in 120 h, 700 mgl-1in 240 h, while  900 and 1000 mgl-1 needed more than 240 h. On the other hand, 2000 and 3000 mgl-1 was lethal to the fungal...

Author(s): Ghanem, K. M., Al-Garni, S. M. and Al-Shehri, A. N.

August 2009

Remediation of azo dyes by using household used black tea as an adsorbent

In the present study used black tea and its impregnates were used as an adsorbents for the removal of textile dyes such as methylene blue and malachite green. The impregnation technique was adopted for the preparation of metal impregnates. The present study shows that used black tea and its impregnate exhibit adsorption tendency for the dyes. By applying batch method, the adsorption process were carried out at various...

Author(s): Hajira Tahir, Muhammad Sultan and Qazi Jahanzeb

August 2009

Kinetic model for an up-flow anaerobic packed bed bioreactor: Dairy wastewater treatment

Kinetic studies of anaerobic digestion process of cheese whey were conducted in a pilot-scale up-flow anaerobic packed bed bioreactor (UAPB). An influent COD concentration of 59419 mg/l was utilized at steady state condition. Logistic and Monod kinetic models were employed to describe microbial activities of cheese whey in an anaerobic digester. The hydraulic retention times (HRT) in the range of 6 to 24 h were...

Author(s): G. D. Najafpour, M. Tajallipour, M. Komeili, and M. Mohammadi

August 2009

Effects of NH4+-N/ NO3--N ratios on growth, nitrate uptake and organic acid levels of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)

The objective of this investigation was to study the effects of NH4+-N/ NO3--N ratios on the growth of spinach, the nitrate and organic acids contents of spinach fresh shoot. A completely randomized design was established as 5 treatments, that is, NH4+-N/ NO3--N ratio of 100/075/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100, the total N concentration was 12 mmol l-1. Each treatment had 3 replications, results showed that the spinach...

Author(s): Jianfei Wang, Yi Zhou, Caixia Dong, Qirong Shen and Ramesh Putheti

August 2009

Purification and characterization of a novel protease from Bacillus strain SAL1

The purification and characterization of alkaline protease from a Bacillus strain SAL1,   isolated from tannery waste have been reported in this paper. This protease was purified to homogeneity by the combination of ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE sephacryl ion exchange and phenyl sepharose hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The protease was purified up to 11.18...

Author(s): Sadia Almas, Abdul Hameed, Dennis Shelly and Priya Mohan

August 2009

Bioconversion of meloxicam by bacteria

Bioconversion of an anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam was investigated by employing twelve bacterial strains representing six genera. Among the bacterial cultures screened, Bacillus subtilis MTCC 441 and Pseudomonas putida NCIM 2782 could transform meloxicam to 5-hydroxy methyl meloxicam. Whereas, other bacterial cultures under study failed to transform meloxicam. The progress of the transformation...

Author(s): G. Shyam Prasad, K. Narasimha Rao, S. Girisham and S. M. Reddy

August 2009

Thermal effects on granules and direct determination of swelling capacity of starch from a cassava cultivar (Attiéké Mossi 1) cultivated in Côte D’Ivoire

Food security assurance is a vital challenge that is still facing Africa today. Thus, numerous research topics have been oriented toward this agronomic aspect in order to increase food production. This is one of the reasons researches on crops were disregarded. This lack of scientific results led us to investigate the evolution of the granules size of cassava starch, according to the temperature and heating duration. It...

Author(s): Sidibe Daouda, Sako Aboubakar, L. I. Dally, Ezoua Pierre and Chatigre Kouame O.

August 2009

Effect of probiotics on broiler meat quality

The study was carried out on “Hubbard Isa Starbo” broilers to evaluate the raw meat quality of both probiotics and conventional fed broilers in pre-freezing condition and post freezing storage. 80 day old broiler chicks were divided into 4 groups of equal numbers as group A (probitotics fed group vaccinated), B (probiotics fed group nonvaccinated), C (conventional fed group vaccinated) and D (conventional...

Author(s): S. M. L. Kabir,

August 2009

Prevalence of malaria parasitaemia in the booking antenatal (ANC) patients at the Lagos state university teaching hospital

We studied 270 patients attending the booking antenatal clinic recruited for three months in the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Nigeria. Each patient was screened for malaria parasites using Giemsa’s stain of thick and thin blood films on 2 ml venous blood. Parameters on the age, parity, gestation at booking, booking weight, haemoglobin status among others were obtained. Most of the booked...

Author(s): Tayo Adetokunbo O., Akinola O. I., Shittu L. A. J., Ottun T. A., Bankole M. A., Akinola R. A., Shittu R. K. and Okunribido A. I.

August 2009

Protective antitumor activity induced by a fusion vaccine with murine beta-defensin2 and VE-cadherin in mouse models

Targeting angiogenesis is an effective strategy for anticancer therapy. The vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cad) regulated angiogenesis is a potential target for anti-angiogenesis. Here, we develop a fusion vaccine plasmid DNA pSec-MBD2-VE-cad from VE-cad and murine beta defensin2 (MBD2) to induce immunity for cancer therapy. The expression and biological activity of fusion protein were detected in...

Author(s): Jian-rong Xu, #, Lian Wang#, Ju-mei Zhao#, Guo-qing Wang#, Gang Xie, Yang Wu, Hong-xia Li, Xiao-bo Du, Peng Diao, Han-suo Yang, Yan-jun Wen, Rui Wang, Hong-bing Wu, Yu-quan Wei, and Yong-sheng Wang

August 2009

Biochemical characterization of digestive amylase of wheat bug, Eurygaster maura (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae)

Biochemical characterization of α-amylase in the midgut and salivary glands ofEurygaster maura was conducted. Results showed that α-amylase activities were present in the salivary glands and gut. The activity of α-amylase in the midgut and in the salivary glands was 0.098 and 0.057 U/ml, respectively. The pH of salivary glands and the gut was determined to be in the range of 5- 5.5 (for the...

Author(s): Sultan Ravan, Mohammad Mehrabadi and Ali R. Bandani

August 2009

Synchronous production of conidial powder of several fungal biocontrol agents in series fermentation chamber system

A series solid-state fermentation (SSF) chamber system was designed to produce superior conidial powder of several fungal biocontrol agents. The synchronousconidia production of six fungal biocontrol candidates in three genera includingMetarhizium flavoviride ARSEF 5628, M. anisopliae ARSEF 456, Beauveria bassiana ARSEF 734 and ARSEF 2860, Paecilomyces...

Author(s): Chun Chen, Zhengliang Wang, Sudan Ye and Mingguang Feng

August 2009

Allele and genotype frequencies of -βlactoglobulin gene in Iranian Najdi cattle and buffalo populations using PCR-RFLP

In modern programmes of animal breeding, the polymorphism of the milk proteins can be used as marker systems. â-Lactoglobulin is the major milk whey protein in the ruminants. Studies have indicated that this protein is polymorphic in the many breeds of cattle. This is the result of a single base pair substitution in the â-lactoglobulin gene that also give rise to the Hae III restriction fragment...

Author(s): K. Karimi, M. T. Beigi Nasiri, J. Fayyazi, K. H. Mirzadeh and H. Roushanfekr

August 2009

Reexamination of the role of hematopoietic organs on the hematopoiesis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

Larval hematopoietic organs (HPO) are thought as the only source of circulating hemocytes in most insects. In this paper, we re-checked the importance of hematopoietic organs to hematopoiesis in the silkworm through surgical operation to remove the organs from silkworm larvae at 12 h after 5th ecdysis. We observed that there was no significant decrease of hemocyte density but higher ratio of cell division...

Author(s): Qing-zhi Ling, Chenglong Wang, Michael M. Kariuki, Kenji Kiguchi and Erjun Ling

August 2009

Association of MC4R gene variants with carcass and meat quality traits in Qinchuan cattle

MC4R belongs to a seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor which may regulate body composition and insulin action. Many mutations in the MC4R gene are associated with obesity, energy expenditure and serum triglyceride levels in human and animals. Six mutations in the MC4R gene were identified in our study (-293 C>G, -193 A>T, -192 T>G, -129A>G, -84T>C and 1069C>G)....

Author(s): Hongyu Liu,#, Wanqiang Tian,#, Linsen Zan, , Hongbao Wang,  and Huan Cui

August 2009

GnRH injection before artificial insemination (AI) alters follicle dynamics in Iranian Holstein cows

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the ovarian response of cows to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) injection on day 6 of the estrous cycle. The estrous cycles of 10 cows were synchronized with 2 intramuscular (im) injections of prostaglandin F2α given 11 d apart. The cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments. Cows in the control treatment received no treatment, whereas GnRH6 cows...

Author(s): E. Dirandeh, H. Kohram and A. Z. Shahneh

August 2009

Effect of plasmin and heparin on in vitro ovine sperm-oocyte interaction

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of plasmin and heparin on in vitroovine sperm-oocyte interaction. Different concentrations of plasmin (0, 1, 10, 100 ng/ml) and heparin (0, 5, 10 IU/ml) were added alone or simultaneously into fertilization medium. After sperm and oocyte co-culture, binding and penetration of sperm to zona pellucida (ZP) were assayed. Treatment with 1 and 10 ng/ml plasmin resulted...

Author(s): Towhidi, A., Mehrabani Yeganeh, H., Daliri Joupari, M., Ranjbar, A. and Zhandi, M.

August 2009

Polypeptides associated with the induction and maturation of direct somatic embryogenesis in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Analysis of protein patterns in mature zygotic embryo axes and somatic embryos by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that protein of spot no. E4 (37 kDa, pI 9.5) and E5 (37 kDa, pI 9.8) are present only in the 6 day old culture indicating their importance for induction of somatic embryogenesis. Proteins of spot no. E1(53kDa, pI 8.2), E2 (53kDa, pI 8.3) and E3 (37 kDa, pI 9.3) expressed in 6...

Author(s): A. Roja Rani, P. Venkateswarlu, Arun Kumar, G. Padmaja and Nimala Baburao