African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 5 Apr 2012; 11(28)

April 2012

Phytopharmacology and medicinal properties of Salix aegyptiaca L.

  Salix aegyptiaca L. is known as Musk Willow. S. aegyptiaca extracts and essential oils are important areas in drug development with some pharmacological activities in the Middle East, especially in Iran. For a long time S. aegyptiaca has been used in traditional medicines for the relief of anemia and vertigo, as a cardiotonic agent, as well as a fragrance additive in the...

Author(s):   Jinous Asgarpanah  

April 2012

Regulation of the flowering time of Arabidopsis thaliana by thylakoid ascorbate peroxidase

  Flowering time of higher plants is precisely controlled by various exogenous and endogenous factors. Recent researches implied that H2O2 is a potential flowering initiation factor. In order to confirm this hypothesis, thylakoid ascorbate peroxidase (tAPX) overexpressing Arabidopsis, the mutant line containing a T-DNA insertion and the wild type have been analyzed in this study, since APX was an...

Author(s):   Liang Chai, Jian-mei Wang, Zhi-yong Fan, Zhi-bin Liu, Guo-qin Wen, Xu-feng Li and Yi Yang  

April 2012

Determination of genetic relatedness among selected rice (Oryza sativa, L.) cultivars using microsatellite markers

  For plant improvement programs, genetic variation information among different cultivars is very important. Genetic variation among 26 rice (Oryza sativa, L.) accessions, consisting of 13 Iranian and 13 Malaysian cultivars was investigated using microsatellite markers distributed across the rice genome. All the 21 selected microsatellite primers were successfully amplified by polymerase chain reaction...

Author(s):   Ali Etemad, Mahmood Maziah and Siti Khalijah Daud  

April 2012

Comparison of the G-174C polymorphism of interleukin (IL)-6 in different countries

  Polymorphism of G-174C in the interleukin-6 (IL-6) promoter could affect both the transcription and secretion of IL-6 and may be involved in inflammation related to and the pathogenesis of infectious diseases and chronic diseases. However, IL-6 G-174C polymorphism may differ in various ethnic groups. We recruited 300 Chinese healthy subjects among two ethnic populations in order to assess the nature...

Author(s):   Yeqing Tong, Zuxun Lu, Yanwei Zhang, Jianjun Ye, Faxian Zhan, Shuangyi Hou, Yang Li, Xuhua Guan, Jin-quan Cheng and Jiafa Liu  

April 2012

Influence of cutting frequency and fertilizer-N application on tiller production and herbage yield distribution over time in a guinea grass (Panicum maximum) sown pasture

  An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of cutting frequency and nitrogen rates on guinea grass (Panicum maximum) tiller production and herbage yield distribution over time. Plants were grown in the Department of Crop Science Research and Teaching Farm, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. A 4 × 4 factorial experiment replicated three times was set in a randomized complete block design....

Author(s):   Onyeonagu, C. C and Asiegbu, J. E.  

April 2012

Expression of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) gene in transgenic cherry tomato

  The plasmid carrying the gene (adr subtype) encoding the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was constructed. Cotyledonary leaves of cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404harboring pCAMBIA-1301/HB constructs to express HBsAg. The transformed nature of the plants was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)...

Author(s):   Zheng-jun Guan,#, Bin Guo#, Hao-yong Hao, Yan-lin Huo, Jia-kun Dai and Ya-hui Wei  

April 2012

Characterization and evaluation of Bacillus isolates for their potential plant growth and biocontrol activities against tomato bacterial wilt

  About 200 Bacillus isolates were isolated from tomato and potato rhizosphere and examined for their antagonistic activities against Ralstonia solanacearum T-91, the causal agent of tomato bacterial wilt (TBW), in vitro and in vivo. Four strains, AM1, D16, D29 and H8, have shown high potential of antagonistic activity against the pathogen in laboratory and greenhouse...

Author(s):   Abdlwareth A. Almoneafy, G. L. Xie, W. X. Tian, L. H. Xu, G. Q. Zhang and Muhammad Ibrahim  

April 2012

Study of the system of tuberous root induction in vitro from Rehmannia glutinosa

  This study investigated the induction system of tuberous root in vitro from Rehmannia glutinosa. The roles of plant growth substance, carbohydrates, and minerals were evaluated for induction and development of tuberous root in vitro. The results show that Murashige and Skoog (MS) contributed greatly to induction of tuberous root in vitro, followed by α-naphthalene acetic...

Author(s):   Tao Xue, Lan Guo, Jian-ping Xue, Yun-xian Song, He-dong Lu, Ai-min Zhang andWei Sheng  

April 2012

Effects of the nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on the yield and quality of the hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mixture

  This study was intended to determine the effects of nitrogen (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1) and phosphorus rates (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg P2O5 ha-1) on dry matter yield, hairy vetch ratio, crude protein yield, acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber(NDF) and total digestible nutrient (TDN) of hairy vetch-barley mixture (50:50) in Bursa-Turkey in 2009 to 2010 and 2010 to 2011...

Author(s):   Emine Budakli Carpici and Mukerrem Melis Tunali  

April 2012

Cryopreservation and plant regeneration of anther callus in Hevea by vitrification

  Callus induced from anther of Hevea brasiliensis was successfully cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen (LN) by vitrification method and subsequently regenerated into plants. The effects of different preculture time, loading and dehydration duration on callusviability after cryopreservation were evaluated. The effective cryopreservation protocol involved preculturing on modified Murashige and Skoog (MS)...

Author(s):   Quan-Nan Zhou, Ai-Hua Sun, Zhe Li, Yu-Wei Hua, Ze-Hai Jiang, Tian-Dai Huang, Xue-Mei Dai and Hua-Sun Huang  

April 2012

Genotypic identification and technological characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Turkish Kargi tulum cheese

  Kargi tulum cheese is an artisanal cheese produced through the spontaneous fermentation of raw milk ripened inside a goat-skin bag. The objective of this study was to characterize the dominant species of natural lactic acid bacteria (LAB) found in Kargi tulum cheese. Some technologically important properties of LAB isolates were also determined. Seven samples of cheese of different levels of ripeness were...

Author(s):   Buket Kunduhoglu, Ozlem Elcioglu, Yekta Gezginc, Ismail Akyol,Sevil Pilatin and Asya Cetinkaya  

April 2012

Kinetics of exoglucanase and endoglucanase produced by Aspergillus niger NRRL 567

  In this study we reported for the first time kinetics of exoglucanase (EXG) and endoglucanase (EG) from Aspergillus niger NRRL 567. The optimum pH and temperature for crude EXG and EG was found to be 3.5 and 30°C respectively. Zn2+, Ca2+, Mn2+ and Co2+ enhanced the crude activity of EXG and EG whereas Mg2+, Fe2+ and Hg2+ showed various degree of inhibitory effects....

Author(s):   Mohammad Ishfaq Ghori, Sibtain Ahmed, Mohammad Aslam Malana and Amer Jamil  

April 2012

Effect of γ-irradiation on the physicochemical properties of mixed soy protein isolate/starch material

  To elucidate the effect of γ-irradiation on the molecular structure and mechanical properties of biodegradable material composed by soybean protein isolated (SPI) and starch, SPI and starch were mixed and modified by succinic anhydride and irradiation. Different doses (0 to 50 kGy) γ-irradiation on the elongation, tensile strength, viscosity, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),...

Author(s):   Weihe Xu, Boye Liu, Hongshun Yang, Kunlun Liu, Suxian Jia and Fusheng Chen  

April 2012

Effects of different factors on the forward extraction of soy protein in reverse micelle systems

  Reverse micelle extraction is a new technology for the extraction of protein. In this research, three kinds of reverse micelle systems, anionic surfactant sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) reverse micelle system, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) reverse micelle system, and cationic surfactant cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) reverse micelle system, were used to extract soy protein respectively....

Author(s):   Guanhao Bu, Haiyuan Liu, Fusheng Chen, Kunlun Liu, Yingying Yang and Yanxiu Gao  

April 2012

Comparative study on calcium, magnesium and cobalt in diabetic and non diabetic patients (males) in Punjab, Pakistan

  Minerals are very important because of their important role in the maintenance of human health. Our study was aimed at assessing and comparing the levels of Ca, Mg and Co in the blood samples of diabetic and non diabetic persons (males) of five age groups between one and 75 years. For this purpose, fasting blood samples of diabetic and non diabetic males of selected age groups were collected. The blood...

Author(s):   Anbreen Anjum, Muhammad Yousaf, Muhammad Zuber, Hafiz Badaruddin Ahmad, Ameer Fawad Zahoor, Zafar Iqbal Khan, Kafeel Ahmad, Shazia Naheed, Kulsoom Ghulam Ali, Abdul Jabbar, Tanveer Hussain Bukhari, Saira Hina, Sajjad Ahmad, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar  Muhammad Arshad and Abrar Hussain  

April 2012

The hymenopterous pollinators of Himalayan foot hills of Pakistan (distributional diversity)

  Studies were undertaken to explore the diversity of hymenopterans pollinators from a diverse agro-ecosystems of Himalayan foot hills comprising the orchards of pome and stone fruits at different altitudes from 2200 to 3000 m from sea level. Field experiments were conducted on seven commercial fruit orchards at five various localities. Out of the total 448 specimens, 60.94% were found in an ante-meridian...

Author(s):   Hussain A, Khan M. Rahim, Ghffar A, Hayat Alia and Jamil A.  

April 2012

Ultrastructural study of spermatogenic stages in the protandrous sparid fish Diplodus cervinus cervinus (Lowe, 1838) from the South Eastern Mediterranean coast

  The current study was designed to study the ultrastructure of the spermatogenic stages of the protandrous hermaphrodite sparid Diplodus cervinus cervinus. Although, it is a useful tool to enhance understanding of germ cells differentiation in this economic species, none of the available references paid attention to the studied species. The testis of the studied specie is tubular...

Author(s):   Nevine M. Abou Shabana    

April 2012

Detoxification of cyanides in cassava flour by linamarase of Bacillus subtilis KM05 isolated from cassava peel

  Defensive cyanogenic glucoside linamarin accounts for 80% cyanide content of cassava and is known to cause severe diseases upon continual consumption. Detoxification of this cyanide would enhance the nutritive quality and hence market value of cassava flour. We isolated cyanogenic glucoside utilizing indigenous bacteria from cyanide rich cassava peel waste and exploited their potential for detoxification....

Author(s):   Kasi Murugan , , ,  Yashotha,  Kuppusamy Sekar  and Saleh Al- Sohaibani  

April 2012

Evaluation of the productive performance characteristics of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) injected with shark DNA into skeletal muscles and maintained diets containing different levels of probiotic and amino yeast

  This work aimed to study the effect of direct injection of shark (Squalus acanthias L.) DNA into skeletal muscles of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) fed at different additive levels (two probiotic levels; 0.3 and 0.5%, two amino yeast levels; 0.5 and 1.0% and a mixed of 0.3% probiotic and 0.5% amino yeast), on the productive performance. The results show that red tilapia injected with DNA had...

Author(s):   Samy Yehya El-Zaeem, Talaat Nagy Amer and Nader Ezzat El-Tawil  

April 2012

Effect of gene transfer of Chlorella vulgaris n-3 fatty acid desaturase on mouse breast cancer cells

  Chlorella vulgaris had the gene of n-3 fatty acid desaturase (CvFad3) which cansynthesize the precursor of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) or to convert n-6 to n-3 PUFAs. The objective of this study was to examine whether the CvFad3 gene from C. vulgaris can be functionally expressed in mammalian cells and whether its expression can exert a significant effect on...

Author(s):   Meilan Xue, Yinlin Ge, Jinyu Zhang, Qing Wang and Yongchao Liu  

April 2012

Selection of ligand peptides with the ability to detect antibodies in enzootic bovine leukosis

  Peptides present in phages were selected using phage display technology and immunoassays to find out the antigenic mimetics of immunodominant epitopes of bovine leukosis virus (BLV). The use of antigenic mimetics may result in the enhancement of the sensitivity and specificity of the serologic diagnosis of enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL), contributing directly to disease control. The selections enabled the...

Author(s):   Elizangela Maira dos SANTOS,  Rone CARDOSO, Luiz Ricardo GOULART FILHO, Marcos Bryan HEINEMANN, Rômulo Cerqueira LEITE and Jenner Karlisson Pimenta dos REIS      

April 2012

Prediction of metabolisable energy of poultry feeds by estimating in vitro organic matter digestibility

  The aim of this study was to develop equations to predict the in vivo apparent metabolisable energy (AME) of poultry feeds using an in vitro method for estimation of organic matter digestibility. In this study, a total of 57 samples of feedstuffs and 23 samples complete diets for poultry were used. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), crude fat (CFat)...

Author(s):   Dragan Palić, Djordje Okanović, Djordje Psodorov, Natalija Džinić, Slobodan Lilić, Vladislav Zekić and Dragan Milić  

April 2012

Identification and characterization of variants in the 5' flanking region of bovine growth hormone gene

  Sequence variations within the 5' flanking region of bovine growth hormone gene were identified from six bovine species raised in China. Cloned and sequenced amplified fragments revealed difference in length because of the insertion and deletion mutation. A total of thirty one variation sites were identified in this region within species and among species. Several new single...

Author(s):   GENG Rong-qing,#, WANG Lan-ping# and CHANG Hong