African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 7 August, 2012; 11(63)

August 2012

Potato seed tuber production from in vitro and apical stem cutting under aeroponic system

  Low productivity of potato in Malawi is mainly due to lack of quality seed tuber coupled with the absence of a potato seed certification programme which leads to farmers achieving less than 7 t ha-1 against potential yield of 40 t ha-1. With regards to this, an assessment of potato (Solanum tuberosum L) seed tuber production under aeroponics in Malawi was conducted in order to assess...

Author(s):   Tsoka, O., Demo, P., Nyende, A. B. and Ngamau, K    

August 2012

Effects of NaCl on growth and activity of enzymes involved in carbon metabolism in leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana rustica)

  The adverse effects of salt should not be the same in tobacco plants exposed to a permanent and transient high concentration of NaCl in its environment. Experiments were conducted in order to verify the hypothesis of reversibility of NaCl effects. The study of this reversibility is checked by monitoring a number of parameters in pre-stressed plants and then, replaced in normal conditions. Plants previously...

Author(s):   D. Bouthour, A. Hajjaji-Nasraoui, L. Saafi, H. Gouia and C. Chaffei-Haouari    

August 2012

In vitro multiplication of Protea cynaroides L. microshoots and the effects of high phosphorous concentration on explant growth

  Protea cynaroides L. is a slow-growing, difficult-to-propagate plant. Due to problems such as phenolic browning and their sensitivity to the phosphorous nutrient, in vitromultiplication of P. cynaroides explants have not been successful. The present study was conducted to induce shoot proliferation of established P. cynaroidesmicroshoots, and investigate the effects of high...

Author(s):   H. C. Wu and E. S. du Toit    

August 2012

Phenotypic diversity for symbio-agronomic characters in Ethiopian chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) germplasm accessions

  Breeding chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars combining desirable symbiotic and agronomic characters has both economic and ecological significance. An experiment was conducted at Ambo and Ginchi, Ethiopia, in 2009/10 to characterize and evaluate 155 genotypes of chickpea for symbiotic and agronomic performance. A randomized complete block design with four replications and the difference technique,...

Author(s):   Gemechu Keneni, Endashaw Bekele, Fassil Assefa, Muhammad Imtiaz, Tolessa Debele, Kifle Dagne and Emana Getu    

August 2012

An efficient plant regeneration protocol from petiole explants of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.)

  Efficient and reproducible method for the in vitro regeneration of Jatropha curcasplants has been developed through direct shoot buds induction from petiole explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with differentconcentrations of thidiazuron (TDZ). The highest percentage of shoot buds induction (64.0%) was observed on MS medium supplemented with 0.52 mgL-1 TDZ...

Author(s):   Sarina Panghal, Beniwal V. S. and Laura J. S.      

August 2012

Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria isolation and surfactant influence on the growth of organisms: A case study in Ibadan, Nigeria

  Hydrocarbons are substantially insoluble in water, often remaining partitioned in the non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL). However, there had been little or no attempts to advance the bioavailability of hydrocarbons through the use of surfactants. This study was conducted based on the need to isolate hydrocarbon degrading bacteria and to establish the effect of surfactants on the growth of organisms. Ten...

Author(s):   Oladapo T. Okareh, Stephen A. Adebowale and Samuel A. Oyewole    

August 2012

The effects of residual blood of carcasses on the microbiological quality of poultry

  To prove the residual blood factors that are responsible for high contamination of carcasses, this study was conducted to compare the microbial level in poultry both perfectly and imperfectly bled. At 3°C storage temperature, the average number of bacteria of perfectly bled poultry was 7.05 × 102 ufc/g which was significantly (P≤ 0.05) lower than the average number of bacteria of...

Author(s):   Bourbab, M. and Idaomar, M.    

August 2012

Influence of wheat bran as a silage additive on chemical composition, in situ degradability and in vitro gas production of citrus pulp silage

  The effect of wheat bran (WB) as a silage additive on chemical composition, in situdegradability and in vitro gas production of citrus pulp silage (CPS) was investigated.The whole fresh citrus pulp was manually chopped and used as untreated or treated with 6, 12, or 18 g WB/kg fresh citrus pulp for ensiling. The data were analyzed in a completely randomized design that showed...

Author(s):   Morteza Kordi and Abbas Ali Naserian        

August 2012

Potential of Klebsiella oxytoca for 1,3-propanediol production from glycerol under excess substrate conditions

  Glycerol, a by-product of biodiesel, is a source of carbon for the bioproduction of chemical intermediates with high commercial value, such as 1,3-propanediol. One strain of Klebsiella oxytoca, isolated from soil samples, was tested to determine its potential to produce 1,3-propanediol through fermentation of a glycerol solution, under excess substrate conditions. The microbial growth curve was evaluated...

Author(s):   Miguel Angel Aparicio Rodriguez, Aline Gozzi, Benício Alves de Abreu Filho, Gisella Maria Zanin and Flavio Faria de Moraes    

August 2012

Effects of different reaction mediums on ring opening polymerization of poly(ε-caprolactone) by lipase

  This work examined the effects of reaction conditions on ring opening polymerization of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) by Candida antarctica lipase B (Novozym 435) as the catalyst. Different reaction mediums were obtained by changing of temperature, reaction time and solvent types simultaneously. The main purpose of this study was to observe molecular weight distribution, conversion rates, and...

Author(s):   Erhan Ozsagiroglu, Banu Iyisan and Yuksel Avcibasi-Guvenilir  

August 2012

Phytochemical and nutrient compositions of the leaves of Ocimum canum Sims

  Ocimum canum Sims is an underutilized medicinal plant that grows in south-western Nigeria. The leaf is used for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems and also for the preparation of local soups. The phytochemical and nutrient compositions of its leaves were investigated using established analytical procedures. The phytochemical analysis of the plant revealed high concentrations of flavonoids...

Author(s):   B. T. Aluko, O. I. Oloyede and A. J. Afolayan